Chapter 10

At last we were ready to go . I was super excited but Ella on the other hand was super confused with I don't know what .

I poked her for gaining her attention . " Whats wrong ? " I asked .

" I look like a sake in this stupid shirt of yours . I know that I should never listen to you . Thats why this is the first and last time I am listening to you " she replied with annoyance .

Throughout the road journey to school I didn't talk to her as I knew once she will start talking about the shirt , she won't stop until she gets rid of it . That I don't want , for sure.

Once we reached the school . I got out of the car but she stayed . " Aren't you coming ? " .

" Yes I am , but I want a moment to myself " she replied . I nodded and smiled at her .

I went into the auditorium to find Ann . I did manage to find her but she wasn't alone . She was with a old man whom I didn't knew . The first question that popped into my mind was ' Who is he ?' .

" Hi , Ann " I said , she embraced me and smiled " You are late . What took you so long ? " she asked . " No I am not late , you are early " I said mockingly.

After a while of talking I noticed that the old man was constantly smiling at me , why is he being so nice . Maybe I know him , I should ask , before I make a complete fool of myself.

" Hello " I said and stretched my hand for a handshake but to my dismay , he enveloped me in a hug . When I was out of his hold , Ann said " I am so sorry . I totally forgot to introduce to you . He is Mr Michael , the owner of the orphanage. He wanted to meet you and congratulate you on your achievement ".

I sighed in relief , as the previous events in my life has a little bit shattered me. I smiled at him " Thank you so much for coming " .

" Akira aren't you coming ? " , someone shouted , when I looked I saw Ella with Edward , she seems so happy . I love it when she is like this.

" Ann I have to go now , I will see you later " I kissed her and gave her a hug " but with my degree in my hand ". I chuckled at my own statement.

" Ok Akira , I will be here watching you " she said and hugged me one last time , but this time a little longer then usual . When I saw her I saw tears , trying to get out of her eyes.

I ran towards Ella , before the volcano erupts . " I didn't knew you were so excited to get your degree " I said ironically. She chuckled "I am not happy for this , but from the words that Edward said to me " .

" Tell me fast , what did he say to you ? " I asked excitedly. " He said that I look beautiful . He never said this to me . I am so , excited for our date today . I hope it turns out awesome " . I cut her though her speech , as she was going into her dreamland which is not needed right now . " Thats wonderful , but first we have to attain our degree . Lets go ahead with it " I pushed her towards the line.

The convocation started , but I knew that I had to wait for a little while more as I have to go at last . I was just waiting for the announcement .

" At last we have the gold medalist of the school Akira Lazarillo "

My time had come . I just wanted to see the expression on Ann's face . I nervously climbed the four stairs which were like a mountain for me . My heart was beating in my chest so loudly that I could hear it clearly.

As the chief guest handed me my certificate , the hall erupted with the sound of clapping . I hesitantly took it from his hand and he directed me to the camera for a photo . Then only did I see Ann , who was standing and clapping vigorously along with Mr Michael.

I was so happy , I just wanted to seize this moment forever and never let it go. I was just a little away from my dream .

" oh !! Akira dear , you made me so happy today . I am so proud of you . Why didn't you tell me before about this " Ann said happily .

Her happiness was so infectious , that I myself couldn't stop smiling . " If I had told you before then I won't have got to see this look on your face . Which I so love "

" That's right , but atleast you could have given me a heads up on this , so that I might have been more presentable " she kissed both of my cheeks " Anyway , when are you going to get these photos?".

" If you want , you can have it right now . But it will be printed anyway in the newspapers " I smiled cockley.

" It feels like you want to kill me today . With your amazing news . I will wait till tomorrow for it . Then I will laminate it and put it in my room , as one of the best moments of my life which are all given by you .Thank you so much " .

Ann was uncontrollable now , her waterfalls were everywhere and I didn't knew what to do . " Akira , can I talk to you ? " Ella said . " Yeah sure , I am coming . Are you going to be ok Ann ? " .

" Yes , yes I will be . You go have fun . Its your day . I should be leaving now . But I can't seem to find Michael ?" .

" I saw him going this way , he would be coming soon " . Just then I saw Michael coming with a blank face , he sure doesn't has a lot of expressions

" Akira , that was indeed the second best day of my life . You have made me so proud today " he said . I looked shockingly at him ' I made him proud ' I just met him . This old man is sure is too friendly and weird for my taste.

" I mean the orphanage as a whole " he clarified and I took a breath of fresh air . I smiled at him for the confirmation that I believe him .

" I will see you later dear . This is something I got for you and here is my card , if you don't mind please accept it " he said so expectantly , that I sure take it.

" You didn't had to do this . I just met you I can't take this " I said bluntly as I wanted to make it clear to him that I won't take it . I handed him , the gift .

" Akira , please take it . For my sake " Ann said pleading . I still didn't wanted it , but I didn't wanted to break Ann's heart .

" Ok fine , I will take it . Thank you so much " I said to the old man with annoyance , as I hate it when things don't go my way.

They both departed and I went to Ella " Whats wrong , you seem worried ? " .

" I can't seem to find Edward . I saw him here but when I did came here he was nowhere to be found " she was so worried " Is he going to bail out on our date tonight , thats why he is hiding from me " she was babbling non-stop .

I shook her a little for her to get back to her senses. " Calm down , he won't do anything of this sort . Don't worry about it too much . Lets just go home and lie down . You will feel better". I too needed that . " Maybe you are right I just need some rest . Lets go home ".

Michael's POV

" What do you mean , she had been tried to be kidnapped and where were you ? " I said frustratingly . I so wanted to kill him .

" No , I wasn't " the voice on the other side of the call said .

" So , what were you doing if you were not doing the work I have given you . What should I do about you now " I wanted to smack his head so hard that he won't forget anything ever .

" Sorry sir , but she is indeed safe now " he said hesitantly .

" But not by you. YOU IDIOT , I no longer want your service in this case . I think I have to handle this job on my own now . It has become a pretty dirty game now " .