Sarah : oh yeah...
Sarah then punched Zet on his stomach on his wound, he fell on the ground in pain.
Kipo : what was that for ?
Sarah : don't worry....he knows why.
Zet : what the hell Niora !
Niora : look I didn't know you didn't tell her...leave me out of this.
Sarah : I still don't understand why you didn't want to tell one person closer to you after Kipo other than me.
Kipo : what's going on ?
Sarah : you two didn't want me to know that you slept together ?...seriously ?
Kipo started blushing.
Kipo : oh...
Zet got up.
Zet : well I guess there is no point in lying yes...yes we did...happy now ?
Sarah : does Leo know ?
Kipo : are you crazy ?...of course he doesn't...and he'll never know.
Zet : I mean you did figure it out on your own.
Sarah : Leo probably did of you two will have to sacrifice for the other...Leo isn't stupid to know that.