Kipo and Zet were walking in the city.
Zet : I can't believe I have two siblings...I'm a brother.
Kipo : Kii and the way how are you Japanese ? don't look Asian at all.
Zet : I think my mother is not Japanese...her name is my dad is Asian.
Kipo : so just like me...Dad is American but my mom is Asian.
Zet : your mom is Asian ?
Kipo : you think song is an English name ?
Zet : well apparently not Zet either...I can actually say where I'm from and when my birthday is.
Kipo : your parents really like short names huh...Zet Kii and Ria.
Zet : so when do you want to go ?
Kipo : huh ? mean to meet them ?
Zet : you found choose.
Kipo : how about after we're done with Australia...because this is more important right now.
Zet : of course.
Kipo :'re not doing whatever you want happens again are you ?
Zet : you deserve a life of days like this...and I would love to give it to you.