Chapter 67 : A new ally

It's 7 in the morning, Zet just woke on top of the high building in the city, Kipo was asleep, he decided to carry her to their house.

A while later, he arrived at their house and put Kipo in her bed, Leo and Ron went back to their house last night, he then exited the house and went to take a walk in the park, he saw Ramsey walking alone in a distance, he went to see him.

Zet : good morning Ramsey.

Ramsey : good was the meal for our prisoner ?

Zet : pretty good....she must've liked it.

Ramsey : If I may ask....who is she ?

Zet : her name is Roza....she is a member of the group against us in this war....we managed to capture her.

Ramsey : what are you doing with her ?

Zet : we need information...that's why she's locked and not dead....did anyone else but you and Eric know about her ?

Ramsey : no...I made sure of that.

Zet : good....they'll probably freak out if they know that there is an assassin here.