Chapter 69 : A hold up

Kipo and Zet just came back from getting new haircuts to their house, the rest of the group was waiting for them.

Niora : where the hell w...oh...

They saw them and looked funny at them.

Kipo : uh...hi...

Sarah : what did you do to yourself ?

Kipo : we got new haircuts.

Leo : you're still doing your weird tradition ?

Zet : yeah...and I forcefully got dragged into it.

Kipo : come look good...right guys ?

She looked at the rest, waiting for them to answer.

Sarah : uh...yeah ?

Niora : meh....honestly I don't care.

Leo : it's...different.

Ron didn't say anything.

Zet : are you guys being nice to me ?....shut up and tell the truth.

Sarah : you know what...fine...I'm the only one here who saw you with this hair before...and you look way better with longer hair...this is acceptable but it's about as good as I can say.

Kipo : *gasp* Sarah !

Sarah : what....someone has to say it...we all know it's useless lying to this guy.