Chapter 76 : A hate at first sight

It's 5 AM.

Niora : hey...Zet...Kipo...wake up.

Niora was on Vee's back, Kipo opened her eyes.

Kipo : hmm...

Niora : come have to see this.

She got up and looked where Niora pointed, she saw where they are, she saw the empty lands under them.

Niora : welcome to Australia.

Kipo : *yawn* for some reason I'm not that excited.

She looked at Zet and whispered in his ear.

Kipo : hey.

He sighed.

Kipo : we're here.

Zet : huh...about time.

She kissed him on his cheek.

Kipo : come may want to see this.

He opened his eyes and got up, he then looked around him.

Zet : well this is underwhelming.

Kipo : yeah...I said the same thing.

Niora : what did you expect ?...a big part of Australia is a wasteland or a dessert.

Zet : yeah no it's just *yawn*....we were more overwhelmed when we came to Alaska.

Kipo : yeah...Alaska is beautiful.

Niora : I mean it is but that's from your didn't live in it.