Chapter 72

“It is a shame. I always thought there was more to him. Like maybe he was the King of kings,” Mr. Ondrink said.

“King of Kings?” Deacon laughed.

Mr. Ondrink swallowed his words, stopping in front of Deacon’s house.

“Thanks for the ride,” Deacon said, getting out of the car.

Mr. Ondrink drove off without another word, thinking it was best to ignore the new King for now, ‘as long as he does not force himself into my mind,’ Mr. Ondrink thought while driving.

Deacon walked up the stairs of his three-story house, ‘I should have gone for a smaller place,’ he thought to himself, unlocking his front door.

Before he went inside, he noticed his neighbor waving at him and he gave her a quick wave back before going inside.

‘I should get myself some parents if I am to pull this off. Wonder if Mr. Ondrink knows anyone,’ Deacon thought to himself, going into his big kitchen to make some dinner.