Chapter 20: Possessive of You

Mikalya’s P.O.V

“Wow, this place is bigger than I expected it to be.” I looked around in wonder.

My words echoed through the ruins and I suddenly had a thought that I most definitely didn’t want to share with Abhay.

Since this place was used by young lovers to ‘frolic’ was the echo one of the main reasons they came here? So they could listen to their moans echo through the ruins as they made sweet love in the shadows of this palace.

But despite the naughty thought, I was enjoying the place very much. The tall ornate pillars suggested that this was carved from a single stone, and the designs, or whatever was left of it, was made by skillful hands that loved their craft.

The sun filtered in through the numerous cracks on the ceiling and the huge chunks that had collapsed a long time ago. Despite the dangerous appearance to the place, it still looked sturdy and peaceful.