
Elements, Faith, and Steel, Part 2

Crossing the gate from the Common to Noble District was a magical journey Mariana never thought she'd experience in her entire life. She felt like it was entering an entirely different world, even though she never had experienced how that felt.

Mariana could see no simple townhouses standing in the Noble district.

There were only mansions; mansions that were twice — no — thrice as much taller and bigger than those in the Common District. These were exquisitely built and constructed with the finest pieces of lumber paired with sturdy bricks or magnificent stone. Their colorful gardens with freshly bloomed flowers and professionally cut topiaries also decorated the front of these extravagant homes. Even the ambiance was better due to all the trees that made the surrounding area comfortable and relaxing.

But what truly captured Mariana's attention were the three tallest towers that stood impressively in the middle of the District — towers so tall that they almost touched the clouds. Below these three towers laid beautiful buildings that looked like small castles enclosed by a tall perimeter of walls that surrounded them.

Theresa, who caught Mariana's wonder-struck face, asked, "Everything fine, Lady Mariana?"

Mariana repeatedly nodded.

"You'll get used to it." She flashed a wide grin.

"Is that Arcanus, and how are those towers not seen outside?" asked Mariana.

"Yes, that is Arcanus, and you couldn't see it from the outside because a powerful artifact protected it. The artifact acts as a barrier that makes those towers invisible to a person standing outside the Noble District. It can do many other things, but only the Academy Principal can use it to its full extent."

'An artifact that could shield an entire area, conceal three towers, and many other kinds of stuff...'


But Theresa just smiled at Mariana as if she said nothing.

"By the way, how did you become a mage, Lady Fairchild?" Theresa asked.

Mariana felt like Theresa deliberately ignored her question on purpose, which left her wondering for a moment. Nevertheless, she summarized her entire childhood to Theresa while she led her towards Arcanus.

While Mariana was busy talking, she noticed how most of the nobles were riding on carriages and donning magnificent clothes, hats, and dresses even if there wasn't any event or festival going on.

Some of them were also whispering and giggling at each other, with their eyes leering at the two — the same thing Mariana experienced back in the Common District, but this time, it made her even more uneasy. She couldn't stand it anymore, so she cut her story in the middle and asked Theresa.

"Is something wrong? Why are they staring at us like that?"

Theresa's left fin-like ear wiggled. "Ignore them. These nobles are pathetic individuals who can't see past a person's race, appearance, and status," she said with fiery eyes. "Only the Human and Elven nobles get along with each other, while they despise us Sirens and Human commoners like you. You best be careful if you pass and become a student."

"I-I see, thanks."

Mariana felt like a question inside her head was just answered. No wonder the commoners treated Theresa differently compared to those sleazy guards.

'Can't we all just be nice to each other?'

Mariana continued her storytelling until they reached Arcanus' grand gate. On top of it was a beautiful stone arch with the words 'Arcanus, the Grand Academy of Mages' engraved on it. Seeing this has made Mariana emotional. Tears suddenly fell from her eyes.

"Are you alright, Lady Fairchild? The Entrance Examinations are about to start." Theresa said as she turned back to call Mariana's attention.

"Oh sorry, my eyes caught dust..." Mariana wiped her tears off. "Coming!"


The academy grounds were much bigger than how it appeared outside, and Mariana also found out that the artifact not only hid the three tall towers — it also hid the people inside its area of protection!

Mariana almost stumbled when a large group of people popped out of nowhere as she stepped inside the gate, and when she saw them Mariana realized one thing: the place was truly an academy for mages.

The people inside were all wearing elegant clothing that matched the shade of their hair color. These colors were brown, white, blue, purple, and gold. Mariana also realized that they weren't all humans. Sirens were easier to spot because of their visible features, and dwarves were shorter than everyone else. Elves were hard to distinguish, though, as their only defining physical feature was their pointy ears.

Mariana easily understood that the brown-haired individuals were earth mages. Most of them were even wearing light armor that covered important parts of the body, such as the chest, stomach, or head.

The wind mages — people with white hair — wore a lighter set of clothes. Some of them even have sleeveless robes or plain cloth armor. They must have chosen this kind of attire to increase their mobility and speed.

The blue-haired individuals, naturally, were water mages like Mariana. However, there were only a few of them she saw and they hadn't formed groups at all. These people donned large robes and mage hats, which suited them perfectly.

If Mariana told anyone from Pago about what she was seeing right now, no one would probably believe her. It was just Mariana's wish back when she was a child to meet a mage, and now, she'd also have the chance to befriend a lot of them — provided that Mariana passed the examinations, of course.

Now that Mariana thought about it, her wish got fulfilled a little earlier than she expected when she met Ignis. Ignis may have a grumpy attitude, but he was a strong mage, and the only one of his kind, too. He was the only fire mage in the entire Paradis, and Mariana was the only one who knew that fact. If Ignis didn't mind the people knowing about his identity, Mariana might've already bragged to everyone that she was once friends with him.

Don't get cocky, you're the only one who thought you were friends, said a little voice inside Mariana's head.

That might be true, but Mariana was sure that Ignis wouldn't mind if she told everyone about that. However, that would only be possible if they met again. Mariana tried persuading him to let her join that night, but he didn't allow it.

Mariana couldn't really say anything to stop him when he left that night. After all, they had only just met, and Ignis also taught her an important lesson Mariana would never forget in her entire life. Mariana might have been just making a big deal about it, but to teach another mage with an unfamiliar element to cast her spells; she didn't think anyone could just do that until that night.

The way Ignis explained it was peculiar, though. Ignis said some words Mariana hadn't heard of, such as molecules, hydrogen, and atons — or atoms — Mariana wasn't sure which was right. Nevertheless, using unfamiliar words, Ignis explained icebolt could be created with mana properly if Mariana imagined it like water on a cold winter night.

Ignis explained that water behaved differently as the temperature changed. If Mariana used mana to create water and then decreased its temperature as low as she could, its atoms would eventually form and bond much faster than they would break, ultimately forming ice.

The last part was truly the one which Mariana didn't understand at all, but she just imagined the temperature getting lower and lower, and like a miracle, the water spear eventually turned to ice! If Mariana had known about that earlier, she wouldn't have wasted her time back at her home imagining ice 'magically' appearing in front of my palm.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright, Lady Mariana?" asked Theresa. She must've noticed that Mariana was lost in her thoughts once again. Mariana quickly reassured her she was fine.

Theresa led Mariana inside the building below the middle tower. As they approached the entrance, Mariana witnessed a large banner hanging proudly beside the double doors with the three symbols of elements embroidered on it. There were also sewn texts below the symbols that said, 'Tower of Elements'.

"Wait, I thought the towers represented the three elements. If not, then what are two other towers for?" Mariana asked Theresa, who was busy greeting a passing group of Sirens. They all shared similar body features, which made them look like siblings to Mariana.

"Good question. The towers represent the three major strengths of Magna City. The tower on our right is the Tower of Steel. They teach students there to fight and defend using swords, shields, blades, and other crafted weapons. On our left is the Tower of Faith. One could find two groups of students there: the students who wished to be priests or priestesses pray to Invidia to strengthen their holy magic. The other group masters the ways of taming and training demons to become powerful demonologists," she said, ending her explanation.

Mariana finally understood what her grandma meant when she said that there were two other ways to become a mage and why she didn't want it. Mariana knew they prohibited priestesses to marry, and she was entirely sure she didn't want her grandma for her to be summoning demons. Also, those fully armored individuals must be the ones interested in studying close combat fighting, and Mariana thought they were just patrolling guards.

"I did not mean to offend you, future warriors..." Mariana whispered a silent apology for them.

"Who are you apologizing to?" Theresa asked.

"A-ah, n-nothing!"

To think that she heard that, Sirens must have had excellent hearing.

Mariana followed Theresa to the second floor of the building and there, Theresa led her to a large room that was filled with seats already occupied by examinees.

As soon as Mariana entered, most of the examinees' eyes immediately fixed on her, and their faces portrayed mixed emotions. Some were confused, surprised, while others are filled with contempt. Mariana even heard soft murmurs such as "Why is a commoner here?" or "Please don't sit next to me."

"Ignore them... Ignore them..." Mariana whispered to herself. She realized it wouldn't help her if she lost focus right before she started.

Mariana quickly went inside towards an empty marble desk and occupied it quietly. Even at that point, the murmurs and stares never stopped and only grew until Theresa slammed the board in front of the room with her palms. The chatters immediately halted and everyone focused their attention on the Siren in front.

"Those who still wish to say something may leave now," Theresa gave everyone (including Mariana) a murderous stare. When everyone seemed to pay attention, Theresa spoke once again.

"I will now explain the instructions about what you SHOULD be doing..."

Theresa's explanation was simple: all the examinees would answer a hundred-item test for an hour and, to pass, they need to have at least seventy correct answers. They would use a quill that could be found in their tables to write their answers.

Theresa permitted them to start afterward. However, just before anyone could write a single letter on their exam, Theresa added one last detail, which confused everyone.

"By the way, cheating in any shape or form is allowed, but be sure that you're ready to accept the consequences you might receive once you're caught," Theresa said with a grin.

Everyone looked at each other with puzzled expressions, but before another commotion could start, Theresa said, "Now, you may start."

Thus, armed with the knowledge Mariana spent accumulating all these years, she proceeded to tackle the challenge ahead.