Enjoy your day guys!!!

A young lady who was one of the worker in Habibat’s modeling studio was walking along the corridor and entered into the shooting room. Habibat was the name of Basit’s father’s girlfriend and it was part of her name that she used to name her studio.

A young man who was Habibat’s manager collected a file from the lady’s hand as she entered into the shooting room, he opened the file and reading the paper inside it.

“Ah! Hmm!!” the man did as he closed the file and looking at the lady.

“I am coming, I have to go and see Habibat maybe she will reschedule her plans” He said and going out from the shooting room.

He got down to the corridor, climbing the staircase and going upstairs to where the Basit's house was. The studio was very big and it was inside it that Habibat’s house was and which was upstairs; there were rooms downstairs as well for her workers.