Chapter Six

Three little cronies of Slick's got Mike Mike's niece into a club named Wonder Garden. She was a rebellious seventeen-year-old with a very mature body. Thought she was grown; knew how to run the streets, still crazy. Very promiscuous and loose.

One of the three ran a weed bracket, the other a coke line, and the last ran the heroin. With multiple teams under them. In addition to that, they were fly and made of a lot of money. Together, it was decided to run a train on the young girl. She was with it, so they dance, drank and smoke weed.

Slick was in his office with an owner from Philly talking business. He would buy fifty keys of coke from him a week. Then his protégés would make points (profit) off of them in: Camden, Bridgeton, Delaware, Egg Harbor City, Wildwood, Vineland, Galloway, Ocean City, Pleasantville, and Atlantic City. Selling a quarter of a ton of weed from Texas in the same towns. His best and quickest profit was in heroin. They would buy ten keys of heroin every week and cut it. They would sell wholesale bricks. Each of them having a few million a piece, while Slick had tens of millions.

Eyes like Slick's had a thing for a girl like her. He whispered to them that after they trashed her, to pass her to him. They took her to the ECono Lodge Hotel and did everything they learned from porn to her. They recorder it too. She was so intoxicated off their street fame that she didn't care. Afterwards, they gave her Slick's number to call.

Naive and gullible they were around that age. Thinking she was some "it girl" for being their slut. She called Slick the next night.

Now, ironically, they didn't know who her family was. Saying her family's name ruined a lot of fun for in the past. Slick had plans to turn her out, so he could pimp her. He took her to dinner at a five-star restaurant in the casino.

“ What's your name?” —Slick

“You want my real name or my nickname?” — Mike Mike's niece.

“Both.” — Slick

“My real is name is Ronnette, but people call me Poca.” — Mike Mike's niece.

“Why do they call you Poca?” — Slick.

“Poca is short for Pocahontas. My hair and fair skin, hence the name They say I look Indian. " - Mike Mike's niece.

“Yeah a lot of us call Native Americans Indian not knowing they are two different nationalities from two different continents. You are naturally beautiful like Pocahontas.” — Slick.

“I know. Is that arrogance or confidence.”- Mike Mike's niece.

“Order all the food you and drinks you want.” — Slick.

“I was doing that anyway because I don't tolerate cheap dudes!” — Mike Mike's niece.

“I feel you. Are you hanging out with me tonight?” — Slick.

“I'm with whatever.” — Mike Mike's niece.

“Are you sure, whatever?” — Slick.

“I'm positive. " — Mike Mike's niece.

“Do you want to be a part of my family? “— Slick.

“ I wouldn't be here if I did not.” — Mike Mike's niece.

The slick talk and jokes continued while they enjoyed their dinner. That sassy mouth of hers and youth turned on Slick. I mean an underage girl.

He had is way with her that night. You know how young girls are when they become attached to you. She was ready to die for him now.

The next day, he took her clothes and jewelry shopping. All type of name brand clothes and shoes. Furthermore, he bought her a cute Movado watch. I can't forget, this guy also bought her a few pairs of Jimmy Chu stilettos with the matching pocketbook. She felt so special riding with him in his Rolls-Royce.

He trained her to be a geisha, which meant she learned table manners, sophistication, communication, singing, dancing, and seduction. Along with helping her perfect her bedroom manners like how to give superb oral sex, a plethora of positions and how to work her coochie muscles. Also, Slick only scheduled her with only high rolling clientele; charging a thousand dollars an hour, which they would split fifty-fifty. Other prostitutes would pay him a few thousand just for an interview to work for his clientele. They consisted of politicians, businessmen, brokers, casino executives and kingpins. He had her wear masks so they couldn't see how young she was.

Gorilla pimping was something Slick hated. It meant paying the prostitutes nothing. It meant only paying for their clothing, food, and shelter insufficiently. He liked his girls to shine and floss on their own.

A devilish pimp (power in manipulating people).

Poca changed for the worse. She gained this false sense of confidence. Five days a week, for six hours a night, she would turn tricks. So, how much was she making a month? That's a disgusting word problem for you! This said, she made sixty thousand dollars a month. She bought her and her girlfriend the latest clothes and jewelry. Slick co-signed a Lexus couple that she purchased. Everything about her was telling her she was the cream of the streets. She believed it.

After six months of barely seeing her daughter and the lies that all the expensive stuff came from a boyfriend; her mom called her father. Her parents were divorced. Father was Mike Mike's first cousin. He was a retired hitman who moved down to Atlanta to change his life. Still, Mike Mike called her his niece. When he found out, he caught a plane back to Jersey. Mike Mike and her father kidnapped her from her mom's house. She was so addicted to that evil lifestyle that she cried all the way to the south. Her father sat her in the back seat with one of his goons. They debriefed her about everything. It turned into a breakdown and tell all. She had really been psychologically broken ever since her father left for Atlanta. Looking for a real daddy in all the wrong males, to the point that she called diabolical Slick (the pimp) daddy. Her father and uncle were disgusted and furious that their young girl was being exploited like this.

Mike Mike tried to talk his cousin down from seeking revenge. Her father didn't hear a word he said.

“ I don't care what it takes. He is dead. “— he said with tears running down his face. Telling Mike Mike to bring the whole family down until this was over.

The family was well-trained. This wasn't their first war. They knew the routine. Everyone flew down except for Mike's two brothers. Trust me, the two of them wanted in the war too. Mike Mike and his father secured everyone at his cousin's baby mansion. They had bodyguards, dogs, and cameras everywhere. The men had a meeting in the city that night about the strategy of war.

“This chump has half the city with him. This war will be a long, hard fought one. Being the case, we will win. The whole key will be getting as much intel. about his whereabouts. Once we kill him and his three little dudes, the rest of his support will fade away.” — said her father.

“ I will have the mayor use his reach with the police and F.B.I. to find him. His bodyguard will help get him, too. I'm sure the mayor will be licking his chops to get Slick after how he violated his wife. “— Mike Mike father said while shaking his head.

“I hate that this is happening. I'd rather resolve things diplomatically and ask him to pay us a lump sum of money for what he did. " - Mike Mike summarized his thoughts.

“I don't want his money, I want his life. This is my call because it's my daughter. We have the connections, resources and solider. So enough with this diplomatic talk.” — her father retorted.

While his cousin went back to Jersey to set up camp, he entrusted his daughter to Mike Mike's counseling. Mike spent a lot of quality time with her. With his personality, naturally she opened up about her being in the streets, using drugs and prostitution. It all boiled down to her being abandoned by her father when he divorced her mother and left to start a new life. He gave her an open invitation to come with him, but she was upset with him for leaving her mother for another woman. In turn, he taught her how to cope with her past trauma and future worries by focusing on each moment that she was currently blessed with.

Mike explained to her that life is a seesaw of ups and downs. That we must be grateful for the ups and patient for the downs. Understanding that after every difficulty comes relief. She was starting to blossom into a rose already due to the needed love and attention.

Back up in Jersey, if anybody they thought knew the whereabouts of Slick and his crew, they would kidnap and torture them for information. The mayor agreed to send his personal bodyguard, driver, and friend to assist in any way. It was his best man. An ex detective and special forces for the marines. In other words, he was trained to kill. Still having family and friends in the police department and F.B.I. He borrowed his brother's uniform and squad car, so he could try to pull Slick's car over if he found him. An address of one of Slick's sophisticated girlfriends was given to him. Took him over the first bridge into Venice Park. Keep an eye on the place for hours on a day, to no avail.

Different ways to catch a fish…

Wind up switching, and he parked near the football field to see if they were taking the Black Horse Pike highway. Sure enough, he saw them leaving this way. He had them pull on the side of the field at around 10:15 at night. Things were quiet in this area at this time. Even though Slick had a young shooter with him, he figured since there was no probable causes, he would pull over. As the cop was walking towards the car, Slick noticed that it was the mayor's bodyguard. Immediately, Slick knew it was a hit. As he spun off with smoking tires, the cop shot multiple times into the back window of the car. The young shooter was hit and didn't survive.

Even old gangsta Slick was shocked and perplexed. He thought this had to be over what he did to the mayor. The mayor and his wife were told to take a nice vacation to the Bahamas for two weeks. Slick and his henchmen even sat a couple of blocks from the city hall waiting for the mayor, but he didn't show, obviously. He was so livid that he put a hundred thousand dollar hit on the mayor's bodyguard. Took it to the point of giving these crooked cops who would trick a lot with his prostitutes the contract. They caught the mayor's bodyguard walking out the third Village with Solo and a few shooters. The bodyguard knew from his cop brother that they were crooked, so he told Solo and them to bang out.

They had a five-minute shootout that terrorized the neighborhood. After all that, a crooked cop only got hit in the leg. The bigger problem was now they had the whole police department looking for them. The mayor called the chief of police to inform him about the corrupt police and their affiliation with Slick. It loosened things up a little, but the warrants were still in effect. Now they had to kill Slick, duck the police and prove the corruption of the officers. They shacked up in a safe house in Ventor. It was in the back of the Irish Pub. Yeah, the mayor's bodyguard was Irish. They converted an old speak easy gambling spot into a safe house a decade ago.

Things were quiet down Atlanta so Mike Mike decided to do some spontaneous romantic stuff for his wife. He took her to a comedy for some good laughs and went to dinner at a place famous for its red velvet cake. Mike Mike also upgraded the diamonds in her wedding ring. At a point, he told her how sorry he was for having her involved in the conflict stuff.

“Even though I don't like any of this chaos, I'm with you though life and death. I appreciate your love and attention. I accept your apology. We will get through this together, God willing. Now, I need for you to give me multiple big O's tonight. " — Keisha said, laughing.

He took her back to the house to bathe and massage her. Sucked, kissed and licked her from head to toe. She orgasmed and became so relieved and relaxed.

“Even with the finesse I want you to knock me down, smash it, and beat it up like the stud I know you are.” — Keisha moaned.

He banged her hard in all types of yoga/Kuma sutra positions. They both were limber, which was conducive for twister like positions. They talked dirty to each other, and she yelped to a screaming orgasm. He blew his big load via her super oral sex all over her sexy breast.

Back up in Jersey, Slick's two bad cops and other shooters killed a few low-level soldiers of Solo's around the west side on Magellen Ave. It wasn't numerous lights at night and very little police traffic, so it was a bad place to get caught slipping. Solo was a marksman, so he was able to execute Slick's three protégés at their bachelor's baby mansion in Galloway. They thought, since it was fortified with security, that they were safe. Solo sniped them with his scoped out fifty caliber assault rifles from some nearby woods as they were returning from the club. The mentality of the three youthful men was that they were invincible, which only made them an easy target.

Disguising themselves as old businessmen, the mayor's bodyguard and some ex-marine buddies got those two corrupt cops at a strip club on Pacific and Florida avenues. It was loud and messy. They whacked them in a packed stip club. No innocent bystanders harmed. The cops found an ounce of cocaine a piece on each of the corrupt cop. The mayor's bodyguard along with Solo took the time to turn themselves in, so they could clear their names. Justifying the killing by stating that the took place only after the crooked cops shot at them. They still had to post bail through their big lawyers, but the mayor promised that he would pressure the prosecution to make the case fade away.

Everyone was still comfortable under the circumstances down Atlanta, but just when things to seem to safe they were ambushed at the estate. Midnight was a great time because the police down there changed shifts at that time. The dogs were going crazy, which triggered the stadium lighting system. Slick hired ten shooters and paid an investigator to get an address. He had heard Solo moved down years ago. All this was being put together as he realized who was kidnapping his people.

The shooters killed the Rottweilers from the outset. The guards of the estate ran out with their M16 assault rifles and went to work. One of the guards did get fatally shot. Mike Mike and Keisha saw everything on the monitors. They kissed each other and Mike Mike grabbed an AK and bulletproof vest to join the fiesta.

He and the team were picking off the invaders to where the rest of them retreated. They were in pain from getting shot in the armor, but they were good. After letting the rest of the family of the safe room, they called the police. Surveillance caught the whole ordeal, so they had the right to defend themselves.

Mike Mike explained the details to his father and family and then called Solo up Jersey. Solo instantly called their family in the Midwest, Chicago, and Milwaukee. Mike Mike and his father went straight to the airport to charter a plane to Milwaukee. The family had a nice safe house on ten acres of land there. Being located in the Midwest was strategic because they weren't any earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes like east and west coast. It was cold, with countless snowstorms. They were cozy in their estate there. Mike Mike's father sent two more hitters from out there to Jersey to eradicate that devil Slick once and for all.

The Mayor finally found out Slick's whereabouts from his F.B.I. buddy. Also, when Solo snagged Slick's bottom broad, she confirmed it. Solo didn't kill her though, for innocents, women, and children were off limits. Actually, needed her until Slick's demise. The whole city was exhausted with this war, so Slick had to go now.

They caught him on his boat in Wildwood, New Jersey. He had five men on watch while he was having a threesome with two sexy snow bunnies. That's why he was hard to find because he was hiding on water the entire time. The mayor's bodyguard used a friend speedboat from Ocean City and another from a pal out in Pointpleasant, New Jersey.Both boats were loaded with teams. Solo rented a slow fishing boat where he could sit off and snipe as many as he could. Slicks guards tried to hold the fort down, but they were outnumbered, especially after a few dropped from the pressure applied by Solo.

When Slick heard the shots, he jumped out of sexcapade and tried to hold court. They riddled him with M16 bullets and kill shot buried him in the head, again, thanks to Solo. They sped off, and almost everyone was relieved he was dead. He was the worst kind of devil who spread evil around South Jersey for years.

Mike Mike, his father and the family finally returned to Jersey to get back to their normal routine. Ronnette, the niece, stayed in Atlanta with her father. She ended up enrolling in Spellman.