The Mage

I laid on my back staring at the ceiling, every muscle in my body pulsating, and screaming with pain though I was tired, sleep seemed to be very distant my brain still wide awake trying to cognize the events that had taken place today, immediately after meeting every one of whom I barely have a recollection of. I may be smart but I can't put a name and a face together even if you placed a sword to my neck. The old man had taken me up Eos peak we weren't even a quarter way through and I felt as if my lungs were about to collapse, I can barely remember how I had made it up and back down I swear I might have passed out while running the only thing that is still very much palpable is the sting of the old man's staff on my calves. Not to mention the air up Eos peak was thinner due to the difference in altitude. Albert had carried my debilitated body back home once I had descended.

"Could you reduce the portions you eat? You weren't this heavy the last time I carried you. I could swear I am carrying 4 bags of beans" he had said on our way back home and in return, I rewarded him with a smack across the back of his head. What had startled me was that he was still waiting for me down by the peak and we had been up there for hours. It was at least almost midnight when I had finally made my way back down the peak. Only for him to wordlessly piggyback me. I was way too grateful to fight off the gesture. Emily had massaged my claves of which were almost bleeding and had turned a deep purple and thighs with oils once I had returned.

"You have to combat train with Sarah tomorrow and I do not wish that anyone" she had said as she rubbed the lemon-scented oil on my skin. I barely had the energy to engage in a conversation with her.

"What about Eos peak?" I had said my words tripping over each other in an incoherent mess, but Emily catching what I had been trying to say.

"Father will have you go up there early in the morning, hours before dusk, wear something warm it'll be freezing more especially as you move up the peak" she replied. I had stared at her through my somnolent eyes her brunette hair falling as waves down her back and her face which bared her soft features, her dreamy eyes, pointy nose and her plump pink lips she was a beauty like her sister of whom in contrast to her, Sarah's facial feature were much sharper and she was wholesomely intimidating, she had a strong build unlike Emily and she had fiery red hair that was a mess of curls that fell right below her back. The two sisters did not only differ in appearance but their personalities were completely parallel Emily was gentle and chirpy whereas Sarah was uncompromising and never spoke unless she needed to, she somewhat reminded me of Alcina, I could understand why combat training with her would be brutal.

I awoke to the old man's booming voice outside the room we slept. My body was barely rested enough. Not even a ray of sunlight pierced the blanket of night like Emily had warned the air bit hard on my face as I ran up the mountain the old man easily keeping up with me. How old was he again? And I knew that his lungs were pretty much in bad condition but he still kept up with me with ease.

"You are moving slow pick up your pace" he sounded from beside me. Pick up my pace? My muscles groaned rejecting my attempt to run any faster, then like yesterday he smacked his staff across my calves a sharp pain stinging my skin. I almost tripped over due to the unfriendly terrain. I instantly regained my balance and picked up my pace.

"More" he shouted and I pushed my body that had already reached its limit. For even a moment if my pace fell short or faltered the sting of his cane penetrated my calves. By the time we had made it down at daybreak, my calves were bleeding and my breathing amounting to a wheeze.

"Sarah will be awaiting you inside" was all he said dismissing me. The only thing that was fueling me forward was the rage that calmly burned in me that was still awaiting release. Rage that was reserved for specific people, the need to see those people grovel at my feet as I mercilessly took their lives like they have taken Alcina and my mother's when they had begged. The aching need for freedom from trepidation and oppression. I admit seeing Alcina get slaughtered had messed me up and the nightmares of how they had probably torn mother apart in public, the only thing that drove me at that moment though my muscles were taut was pure bloodlust, and as I said, it was reserved for those who ruled this land and had kept us caged like birds for their merriment.

But nothing could have prepared me for the beating I received from Sarah knocking me unconscious four times and slapping cold water across my face to wake me up, she illustrated then demonstrated I could swear I tasted blood in my mouth and one of my eyes were swollen. As much as she had told me to read her movements and dodge in time, I never saw the blow until it had landed. How she had told me to strengthen and reinforce my muscles with my magic only to unleash a kick that knocked the air out of my gutter. For what seemed to be hours I had at least 3 broken ribs a dislocated shoulder and my face mauled, I could barely lift a finger, well I think those were broken too, pain shot from every notable part in my body, I was way too tired to scream out in pain.

Albert had watched unbothered by a stool just a few feet across the room I could have sworn I heard gasps sound each time one of my bones cracked, I guess there had been an audience witnessing the assault.

I let Albert pick me up, not uttering as much of a word of disapproval, both of my eyes opening to as much as slits. I noted he was not taking us home, he climbed up the stairs that led to the rooms drilled into the peak.

"Fix her up good as new" I heard Albert say as he placed me on a soft mattress.

"Don't tell me what to do" a tiny voice retorted.

"Why did Sarah go easy on her I remember healing Miranda and she had been barely breathing" the voice hovered above me.

Then I suddenly felt warm, the pain in my muscles slowly wearing off. For a moment I felt like I was suspended in air, the sharp pain that had been where my broken ribs were slowly fading. I felt revived, the fatigue in my muscles also dying down.

"All done," she said and in queue, I opened my eyes, the room I was in smelled of flowers, sweet scents I have never come across before adjusting my eyes to the dimly lit room and focusing on the girl that stared down at me. Her hair was dyed a deep purple and her round eyes were somewhat large for her face but still blending in well with her facial features. She was small and had thought Emily and I were miniature humans but she had managed to surprise me, finally someone I can look down on aside from old man Barok.

"My name is Hilda nice to finally meet you, Albert has told me a lot about you. I am sorry I could not attend the meet and greet yesterday I had a lot on my plate" she said her voice as chirpy and light as Emily's

"You are a healer?" I said as I stood

"I wouldn't say that, I am a spell-casting mage, I cast spells and turn people into frogs and shit," she said casually

"Wait what? I thought spell casting mages existed in other realms, as a matter of fact, they were rarely seen they had been ruled out as a myth" I explained not quite believing what she had just said.

"Well, that's not entirely true we do get our spell casting magic from a different source in contrast to all other magic, but all healers are capable of becoming spell casting mages once their level of magic breaks a particular boundary and can tap into that source the fact that healers are rare out of the many derivatives of magic. Finding a healer as strong as I am is quite rare. The old man said that one is born in every millennia. I slowly learned spell casting I can assure you I was only born a healer" she explained

"What do mean a different source? Wasn't all our magic granted by the Gods?" I asked

"Well no, I know you might have heard of those who drink from the devil's cup, well spell casting is dark magic and originates from the dark realm. It kind of depends on who weilds it and their intentions but I can ascertain my ancestors weren't good people I still bare some of the memories of my predecessors and I could confidently say I am an anomaly" she continued.

I processed every word as it came. I could tell she was powerful way more than everyone I had come across.

"Like the Fyn?" I asked my voice coming out shaky?

"No, my ancestors struck a whole different deal with the devil as of that of the Fyn" she clarified

"Oh that was a lot to unpackage," I said exhaling loudly

"But you, do you know your pedigree? Do you even know the extent of your power Circe?" her black orbs staring into the pits of my soul.