Their First Encounter

I did not award myself the time to hesitate or to reconsider my decision, I let the cold water soak my skin as I had not bothered to collect hot water by the servant's kitchen which happened to be on the ground floor below the servant's rooms, I was adamant on not meeting anyone at the moment. I kept retained in my room as the sun sank into the horizon. I sat by the chair analyzing and assembling a strategy on how I was to take down Lord mantis and how I could squeeze information out of him. My ill-disposed intents were cut short by the door clicking open and Meghan entering.

"I thought I would find you asleep," she said as she sat on the bed in front of me.

"I am apprehensive about the first mission I doubt I will be able to get any rest until I have carried it out" I answered honestly.

"The King will throw a feast for his loyal subjects and esteemed guests in three days, I made sure that you shall be part of the serving team, see to it that you may study your target during this time and if there is an opportunity created to get the job done and use the crowd as coverage," Meghan explained

"I will see to it that I get it done then, I do not think that an opportunity like that will present its self again in a while, and breaking into his mansion is doable but chances of getting caught are elevated," I said as I pondered on my options.

The plan that played in my head that night was simply out of my nature, the thought of it alone made my skin writhe. It could go wrong in so many conceivable ways, but if it all panned out the way I am deliberating, a smile played in my lips then Lord Mantis was going to meet his demise.

I had drifted off to restless sleep in the early hours of the morning my mind playing off possible situations. I was awakened by a soft knock at my door and Meghan entering, with her, she held a similar attire she wore, a plain pink sleeveless cotton dress that hung below the knees.

"You shall be serving breakfast with me today, make sure you wake up at first light every day," she said and I looked out noticing the sun was already high up in the sky. Crap.

She handed me the dress and left me to get dressed, without a mirror I could tell this dress hugged me a little too tight, the length was decent but I found it very much difficult to move in it.

"I should have inquired about your size yesterday," Meghan said in a snickered laugh as I took penguin steps towards her.

"When can I get it fixed?" I asked in discomfort.

"You can drop it off by the tailor later in the evening dear, now let us be on our way breakfast will be served in a short moment" with that she strode out of my room and tottered behind her barely managing to keep up with her long strides. Servants moved up and down the castle hallways each stopping to curtsies Lady Meghan. We headed in the direction I remembered the kitchen was located.

The room that had been empty yesterday was now filled with busybodies and coordinated mayhem I penguin stepped my way to Meghan's side bumping into several people on my way to her side.

"We will go over introductions once breakfast has been served" she announced to the cooking staff. A girl quickly shoved a plate of food in my hands and ordered me to follow her. I swear if I walked any faster I was going to trip on my own feet and land face-first on the platter of food I was holding, even though each one of my brain cells had been focused on keeping me from tripping and making an utter fool of myself. I still took time to memorize the hallways each and every turn we took. Then we entered a spacious room a chandelier hung above shimmering light into the room, nothing occupied the room except for a mahogany table that was big enough to seat twenty people and still have space left.

I had been so rapt and focused on not falling over I had not noticed the food before me, I was holding an array of meat, pork, beef, chicken, and some I could not identify, get a hold of yourself Circe do not drool on the food just place the platter and leave. I could not remember the last time I had a decent meal as a matter of fact the last time I had eaten meat. Do not drool on the food! I slapped myself mentally. Marching forward I placed the platter on the table then lo and behold different sorts of food were arranged before me my mouth watered. I do not know how long I had been standing there, but my ogling did not remain unnoticed.

"You can have some if you wish" I pivoted to meet the owner of the voice and by the door that led into a dining hall stood a tall figure his body was scrawnily and attached to it a thin face, and droopy eyes as if he had been sleep deprived for years. He drew closer and I could sense the faint flow of magic, he was an air type I immediately could tell from his flow of magic. I took a wild guess that this must be prince Filipe.

"Oh no that would be very lewd of me your highness," I said plastering the most fraudulent smile I could master. He moved past me and sat at the head of the table somewhat declaring his jurisdiction.

"But do make sure you eat your breakfast, your skin is very much discolored" I would have taken that as an offense but the warm smile on his indicated he meant no harm.

"Please call in my wife and tell her breakfast is long due" he ordered to one other servant, and I scampered along with her. Then I remembered Hilda's words "not everyone inside those walls is your enemy", and Meghan had mentioned that 5 of the king's sons were married and were the least disquieting of the pack.

I hurried to the kitchen as fast as my dress could take me to find Meghan so she could explain to me who prince Filipe was in detail because she had somehow skipped it last night, just as I took a corner I bumped into a wall of muscle and given the speed that I had been tottering I was flung back by the forced landing on my ass and the tight pink dress ripped at the suture.

I sat there dumbfounded, not quite believing what had just happened. I mean I could sense everyone's magic even the servant's magic but the person I had just bumped into and even now I could not sense his flow of magic and I could have sworn I sensed no one when I made that corner. But I had bigger problems than finding out how this person had been able to mask his presence completely down to his scent. I was sure my undergarments were exposed at my ass. I felt the cold from the marble floor sipping into the thin material. Crap.

"I could sit down with you but I am also in a hurry you see," a deep voice from above me said and I looked up and forgot how to breathe.

My mouth dried as I took in the man before me, his grey-colored orbs stared down at me, his diamond-shaped face bared soft features, a nose not too big and soft pink plump lips his wavy charcoal black hair framed his face down to the nape of his neck, even though his face was all so delicate it did not match his build. He was not too bulky the outline of his muscles shown over the slightly open white tunic, he wore a lavish embroiled black coat to go with it, sinful black leather pants, and black boots to go with. He was by far the most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes on.

After what seemed to be eons of me staring at him blankly I noticed that he had his hand outstretched in an attempt to help me. Crap.

"I will help myself up, please be on your way," I said trying my best to ward him off. But he was just as resilient.

"How improper would it be for me to knock a lady over and not see to it that she is fine?" he said a knowing half-smile playing on his lips. Did he perhaps hear my dress rip was he doing this to abash me? Servants passed by each staring for way too long. Think Circe, your dignity is at stake, it did not matter who saw my ripped dress and my exposed undergarments, as long as it was not him. If I stood up and walked around him then maybe he would not notice.

"I will help myself up thank you," I said declining his offer and pushing myself up to my feet. Just as I stood up and he took off the coat that he wore and draped it over my shoulders, the coat now a cloak that covered me all the way to my feet. Did he know? My cheeks burned red. Then he leaned into my ear and whispered.

"They should not let you walk around in this tight little dress it will cause you more trouble than you would dicker for" and with that, he strode away.