Slave`s oath.


[Terra board [Red] has selected you, will you agree?]

appeared a blazing sentence in the dark.

"Wha..... what is this?" asked a small voice of a child.

These words evaporated like dust, again it appeared within the guise of the eye.

[Terra board [Blue] has selected you, will you agree?]

"Damn it, I can't read!" shouted the boy checking his teeth complaining that those voices weren't from him then why was it appearing in front of his dark sight.

The moment the flying writings vanished, a horrible heavy voice echoed in his head "don't run away cause it has begun!!"

That compelling of the petrifying voice was so grave that it turned the little boy into ash.

"What is that?!" trembled the boy with fear "I... I can't move. Get up! Wake up!" he shouted forcing himself, his body to move or at least listen when suddenly his eyes opened, startled to find himself laying somewhere. He tried looking around unfortunately, it was too dark.

Depending on his sense, the ground outside was moving above the base. He was trapped inside a riding cart or wagon. He stamped his ears on the ground, listening to splashes of water and droplets attacking from outside in all three sides. For the first time, he estimated his surroundings from the outside of the wagon just by depending on his sense of organ and learned that he was been a prisoner in a box that was running along a road of paddles that was been pulled by several horses and they were galloping in the rain.

"I got to move" he tried getting up but was shocked to realize that his hands were tied behind his back. "Darn it!" he shouted "what a bad scene?!"

"Don't shout...." whispered a child's voice.

"Ah!" stunned Yutosai by hearing a dum voice. He peeked back to his surprise some way or the other another boy older than him was resalable. Yutosai recognized him as one of the roommates in the S.Y.S house.

"It's no use. We are all finished forever. Life has betrayed us...." murmured the young boy sitting with his arms folded around his knees and his head dug deep in. It was clear that he had lost all the hope to survive.

"What do you mean?" contested Yutosai "where is Lily?"

"Aw... you mean that girl who was saving you. Don't worry she`s doing fine in the other truck. She is coming with us. You were lucky that she only stood for you when you were just a playing toy in front of the audience."

This freezes the little boy, unable to believe the situation his body was gone through while he was unconscious.

The young boy explained to him that all the slaves and employers of the house were sold out by the wicked greedy boss Jackson. With no idea where all were heading but, it seems clearly that this was their last trip of life, "You are an intelligent boy. You are getting my words so don`t paly dumb cause it`s all over."

At that moment Yutosai wasn`t at all focusing on his words. He wasn`t a type that would fall his spirit so easily. Filled in regards and blames, Yutosai cursed himself for been such a foolish human.

For been weak.

So weak that he couldn`t even protect his own body from been toyed around.

Regard of been a boy. a MALE, who has to be strong instead a weak girl whose only hope, who was only holding the string of life with a wish. A wish that all insulted her with it. That girl stood for him!

How could he be called a boy even after this?

Even though he was a slave but, as a gender of male and a boy he was suppose to protect her, help her instead of falling under other`s knees.

"I am so weak' roared the boy inwards, "I was weak because I lived among weaklings. I didn`t care much of the person who was strong enough to move on. I was a coward and a useless brat. BUT, enough of all this insanity..... I want to improve my intentions, Sick of all these rubbish around me. How useless it feels at this moment when you realize that you were protected by someone who had to be protected by you instead. Everything around me is ridiculous." He tried pulling his arms front, struggling to break open them but, they didn`t move an inch.

This made the boy fill in rage. He blamed his body for this. If he at least had the strength to resist that current which shocked his body least he was strong enough to fight these two men who toyed with his wound. Then a hope of chance could have created to save lily and get out of here. "But, instead...' he complained, trembling in bitter " I got involve just because......just because I was a slave to a weak and greedy man.....that`s ENOUGH!. I don`t want o be a slave to a weakling. Not to those who turns me over slavery. But, be a slave to A STRONG MAN who respects the word of strong slave!"

This boy knew very well no matter how much he tries to change the fact that he isn`t a slave, this title will always flow in his blood. He was a slave and will always be. This part has to change. He has to become a slave of a strong Lord, Master or Noble instead of falling under feet and growing week.

Slave that grow strong in greed of strength and power.

A word that that brings frustration by hearing it out.....SLAVE....I will turn this title into a terror one. I aim to be the strongest, Clenched the boy his teeth.

He didn`t have any idea where they were heading, why they were taken, whatever the place is, a new start or the life`s trip, one sentence tied in his head firmly, getting glued to it no matter the cost, just to surivor,

"I will not die here..."