Big Brother

"Please stop the bleeding for Kanji! I will be back with you guys in a minute."

Idorund, who had just been freed from that mysterious power, immediately rushed in to deal with the slasher woman.

*Voomp!* *Voomp!*

"Just avoid letting you touch me directly, there's nothing you can do to me!"

The reanimated Airburst chased after Olivia, grabbing both of her arms and handcuffing them.

"Agnh~ Ow!~ Ouch~ Please be more gentle."

Olivia, the falcon-eyed slasher, fakes her voice to provoke Idorund right before two swords she threw up earlier in the sky spin down. In which she relied on that moment, kicking the Airburst towards the falling swords.


Idorund dodged, causing it to cut off the handcuffed hands of Olivia. This allows the Lacerator from Donkey to flee and give him little farewell gifts.


One of Donkey’s men in black near Idorund exploded himself and had him back away.



Followed by the second and then the third one.

...Do all of them have these explosives with them?...

Idorund took a couple of sidesteps from the bombs, and that kept him further from Olivia.

"Let's hang out again sometime, cutie.~"

Red-mouthed Olivia smiled, waved goodbye with her freshly grown back hand, and got away. Idorund decided that it was reckless to pursue her right now and hurried back to serious-conditioned Kanji and Ravyn with dozens of human bombs following him.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Ravyn was currently keeping pressure on the wound on the neck of Kanji that was drenched in blood with the Cludweld Aloe she always carried with her everywhere. Her other hand was covering fire to block the self-healing Donkey’s armies.

"No, Kanji, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.."

Through careful observation, Kanji learned the secret of the Lacerator’s, Olivia’s, Lost Wisdom.

…I have to..find a way to tell them…

The severely wounded Kanji drew his blood-stained finger at the side of Ravyn’s jeans. Idorund, who had just arrived, hastily carried both of his Assistants on his shoulder without any delay.

"What are you doing?"

Ravyn was shocked to be suddenly carried over the broad shoulders of the Airburst fella along with Kanji.

"Can you still keep pressure on his wound properly at this angle?"

Idorund asked Ravyn, who was still holding on to the wound of Kanji that hung on his other side of the shoulder.

*boom* *boom!*

The sound of the following explosion helped Ravyn understand the situation and nodded. Idorund then stood on his AB cannon that transformed into a big hoverboard, riding it like a rocket.

"You did a great job, Ravyn."


*Boom* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The three of them came out, barely escaping the consecutive explosions that seemed to never stop until the entire black market burned to ash.


4 years ago, in the nation of Denagarh, somewhere in the desert…

*bash* *bash!*

…Even though I made a promise to my younger siblings to do everything to make us rich… To make us nine brothers and sisters able to live comfortably…

At the age of 12, Kanji was beaten and stomped on, leaving his body covered with bruises. But his bruised hands continued to hug a camel's leg that would lead a caravan carrying his eight younger siblings to sell them as slaves.

"This kid is really stubborn..Get lost, or I’ll kill you!"

One of the slave caravan traffickers shouted as he stomped on Kanji’s back, but the boy did not cry at all. The younger siblings in the caravan were all very young and terrified. The older siblings who struggled to help their big brother were grabbed and restrained by adult men who are three times bigger than them. Merely saving a female tourist from being attacked by the locals puts an end to Kanji’s future as a merchant, and his younger brothers and sisters are in danger.

"I’ve already given all my savings and the money I earned to you! Release my brothers and sisters!"

Little Kanji shouted.

"You insolence mouse dare to stand up against the market landlord’s order. Your little money is nothing compared to your dishonoring him. Let go of our caravan’s camel already!"

Another trafficker said and stepped on Kanji’s face. Despite his insults, the money these crooks took from this 12-year-old boy was almost a hundred thousand in total. That amount of money could feed the nine siblings for months.

Kanji’s desperate struggle lasts long enough for the traffickers to realize it’s almost too late to meet the slaver at the appointed time. One of them decided to grab the curved tulwar sword to cut off the arms of the boy who was interfering with their work.

"You guys stand down. I got this!"

He told other coworkers who had beaten Kanji to back off and drew a sword at the boy. The little boy was frightened, shaking like a leaf, but still hugged the camel tightly and closed his eyes.

*Pow!* *Pow!* *Pow!*…

The air bullets from the submachine gun shot all the evil ones out. Kanji glanced up and saw a man in an Airburst nano armor uniform with a local paisley pattern on it before he fainted.

"Eugene, this boy that saved you last time is a pretty tough kid. But he needs urgent treatment."

An Airburst said, after checking Kanji's condition.

"Tsk.. I told you that your branch system is still delayed. Go on now. I’ll take care of the children here."

The charming red-haired woman told the Airburst to get Kanji treated.

The next day at the nursing tent…

"Do you regret that you saved me that day, big brother?"

Eugene asked.

"I do.. pity myself for being weak and helpless. I thought my money would protect my brothers and sisters. Perhaps it’s still not enough."

Kanji, in a bandage lying on the bed, replied with a clenched fist.

"Your brave heart that stands up for what's right is proof that you are not weak.. There is one place with a high crime rate where we are going to open a new branch operation center soon. We are paying well. Would you like to join us?"

The red-haired woman patted Kanji's shoulder before inviting him.

"Will I become rich working there?"

"Probably not, but your younger siblings will receive the finest of care from the Airburst Organization."

"The correct answer is that I will be rich and my younger siblings will receive the finest of care from the Airburst Organization."

Kanji got up and packed his bag.


At present, in the hospital...

…All the time when we talk, you keep having fun telling other people’s stories…

"Big Bro Kanji, you promised to tell me the origins of your rise to money-grubbing. I’ve only listened to just a bit of it."

Ravyn sat watching Kanji’s body lying on the hospital bed, muttering in mourning. Soon after, there was a sound that was gradually becoming louder.

"I’m afraid that… my story will not be as fun as those of others."

Brown-skinned little Kanji, who had just regained consciousness, replied in a sleepy tone. With just that, the tears of the girl who had been sitting beside him this whole time suddenly swelled up.

... He's awake!...What a relief...I saved him this time..I’m able to save someone...

The voices in Ravyn’s heart repeated over and over again. All the losses that she couldn't do anything about, every emotion that the young girl had tried to suppress until now, all of that was distilled into streams of tears that soothed her soul from anguish. Even if it is only for this time being. Ravyn cried for a long time until Kanji came to comfort her.

"One of my little sisters is a person with great patience, but when she cries, nothing can stop her that day, just like you."

"Quiet.. *sniff*..Your wound will open..*sniff*"

"There, there."

The boy gently patted Ravyn’s back.

And that day, Kanji got to know a side of Ravyn that he had never seen before.