Go Wrong


Yu, in a tempered glass cage, looked at the purple-haired girl who had appeared before turning to plead with Weiss.

"Please, Weiss, stop this crazy plan. Let Airburst and the police take care of those criminals."

Weiss couldn’t hear her but still opened the vent above the cage so he could speak to her.

"Shut up."


He walked over to press the button on the control panel to let the high voltage shock her until she fell to her knees.

"Yu! You wicked man!"

Kanji snapped, gathering his strength to shake off Ravyn and charge the man who hurt Yu. Ravyn then clenched her fists and punched the boy in the stomach before throwing him down to the nearby waste pipe.

"What else do you think you can do in that state, huh?"

Weiss ignored the trivial commotion and continued to provoke Yu as he set the fire up on Yu’s backpack, which he got from her house. Inside are the illicit experiment documents and evidence samples from this research center, which Yu snuck into but was eventually caught. Weiss’s statue-like face then became distorted in frustration as he looked at the person that he had imprisoned and pushed the electric shock button once again.


The electricity ran through Yu’s figure lying unconscious on the prison floor and made her twitch. Ravyn’s eyes widened in surprise as Weiss became furious all of a sudden.

"What a wretched attempt to get attention. I already told you to stop hassling me, haven’t I?!"

The man in his business suit yelled at her one-sidedly and tugged his hair out like a mad man.


"Pretend to do it for the sake of justice. But you kept a bag full of evidence to yourself. I know you’re thinking of blackmailing me! You greedy, sly fox.."

He continued to spam the button to electric shock Yu.


"..But it’s all in vain, all your hard-earned effort. Hahahahaha!"

Weiss insulted Yu and burst out laughing. Ravyn glanced at her imprisoned friend, unresponsive. That's because before Yu was electrified once more, an alarm sounded throughout the research center.


"Several dozen men were found breaking through the front door. The guards are now dealing with the intruders and have begun evacuating researchers to safety."

The head of security guards called and informed Weiss.

"Alright, keep it up. Those pesky donkeys.. Ravyn, go get First Kiss and help me take care of the.."


Ravyn’s surprise right fist slammed into his face so hard that he bled out of his mouth. As Weiss was caught off guard, the girl grabbed an expandable baton in her shirt and stabbed the circuit panel used to electrify Yu, destroying it.

"Release Yu, you freak."

The purple-haired girl pointed the baton at Weiss after holding herself back for a long time.

"That was a very foolish decision, Ms. Ravyn."

Weiss wiped the blood off his chin as the sound of thunder erupted and the white atmosphere emanated from him.

*Rumble* *Crack!*

The figure of a gray-haired man who was worried about the Donkey invasion outside teleported as he threw a fist towards Ravyn. The girl then promptly raised her leg in defense.


"Your information is really something. But I don’t think killing them will make us any different from them. I have my own way of revenge."

The two-faced Ravyn reveals her true intention.


This time, Weiss’s teleported kick was caught by Ravyn’s baton. Weiss’s eyes slightly widened, realizing that Ravyn's being able to keep up with his attacks wasn’t just a fluke.

…This guy’s Lost Wisdom can be used to instantly move through spatial dimensions, like teleporting in a straight line. He can’t penetrate anything that contains a certain degree of energy, including living things, and will have his flashing aura appear before moving…

Ravyn repeated what she had learned from a lightning-fast man’s ability during the past few days in her head. With her slight step back every time she saw Weiss dashed, Ravyn was able to avoid deadly impacts and counter his attacks.

"I’d figured out how your Projection works. I won't lose to you, Weiss."


The girl hooked punched Weiss, who charged at her and sent him swaying a few steps to the side.


A few days ago, in the equipment storage room that had been turned into a makeshift torture chamber…

"Do whatever you want. I don’t know where the hideout you’re talking about is anyway, little girl."

A man in his 40s, one of Donkey’s soldiers captured, provokes Ravyn. His hands and feet were tied to the chair, unable to move like a couple of people beside him. Ravyn had convinced Weiss to let her interrogate the Donkey Gang army by herself to extract their information efficiently. But in fact, she had never actually done anything like this before. The purple-haired girl awkwardly walked past various tools, such as thorns, nail pullers, hot iron bars, and more, before picking up a thick baton to use to threaten those criminals.

"It’s a waste of energy to hurt you guys, who can eventually recover unless it is too lethal. What interests me is that every Donkey soldier has a bomb embedded in them. So, there must be a reason you’re willing to be held captive here, am I right?"

A Donkey soldier under interrogation then sneered at her and digressed comfortably.

"You think that just having a nice chat will trick me? How cute. Judging by your appearance, you seemed to be around my daughter's age. That kid is really good at handifcrafts..Uugg!!"

Ravyn immediately changed her temperament and gagged his mouth with a baton.

"Then aren’t you ashamed of what you were doing? Weiss just took you guys from a darn brothel in Themeise.. Do you know why I’m entrusted to be the only one in charge of this room? ‘Cause I’ve killed countless exploding tumor scum like you. This clear face is the proof that I have never made a mistake.."

Ravyn’s bluff words fooled the captive soldier and gave him a slight panic when the girl mentioned killing him. Ravyn, who tested the waters and got a clue, pushed the baton further to choke that man and make him begin to suffocate.

"Just tell me everything you can. Raise your voice if you understand, or die in vain right here and now. I’ll count to 3."

Despite her trembling hands, Ravyn had to pretend to be calm in this mind game.


…Please give it up…

The purple-haired girl started to sweat since if she messed up, it's hard to get her intimidating image back.



The captive surrendered for fear of dying, as Ravyn expected, though she was barely able to stand holding her breath. That man admits that they faked getting caught here to be tortured to signal a continuous regeneration to the one who bestowed them with Cyclinesis. This would expose the location of the individual that Donkey wanted. Weiss was among the names on the list.

…This is sick! Ingenious method or not, there is still a very high chance of these guys dying in vain…

Ravyn was annoyed that the gang was using people's lives inhumanely to achieve their goal. But to survive, she had bluffed further by being a spy for a rival corporation, finding an opportunity to escape and deciding to cooperate with them.

"Normally, it’s going to take around two days before Donkey deploys an executive and 40 soldiers, right?.. And how long will it take them to come?"

"Not more than 12 hours."

The Donkey lackey replied. And looking at Ravyn, he somehow felt the urge to talk to her.

"As for you asking if I’m ashamed, I do feel it.. all the time. But to keep my daughter from being taken away by them, I was so desperate that I helped them catch others instead. I’m just a piece of trash, but you look like a smart girl. Isn’t working in this kind of environment a little too dark?"

"That's my business."

Ravyn responded appropriately to the role.

"Heh, let’s get started then, shall we?"

Then the middle-aged lackey asked Ravyn if she was ready to torture him. The young girl, realizing she had to deal with all the Donkey captives for credibility, picked up the whip before swallowing down her saliva.



At present, in front of a glass cage of the research center…

*bash!* *swish* *bam!*...

Every attack of Weiss's turned out to be a rush to get hit and kicked by Ravyn. The girl seemed to have a clear advantage until Weiss started to pick up his cell phone in the middle of the battle.

"Hello, cancel all my meetings this afternoon."

Then he disappeared from Ravyn’s sight, and the girl was smashed in the middle of her back. Ravyn fell to the ground.

"I knew I couldn’t trust you, Ravyn. You let the Donkey Gang know I’m here, didn’t you? That’s why I didn’t tell you that physical projection wasn't the only thing I could do."

Weiss tapped his index finger on his temple as if to hint at the ability.

*bwok!* *bash* *bash!*…

Ravyn was suddenly unable to read Weiss’s movements and was hit one-sidedly as he teleported back and forth. It is as if Weiss knew where Ravyn was going and instantly relocated to his preferred location.

…Is he telling me that he can send other people’s thoughts to himself?.. No, the principle of his ability is to project himself outward, or is that?! Perhaps he was able to project his thoughts and memories through time? That’s crazy?!...

Ravyn recalled the time when Weiss projected the vision of an imprisoned Yu to her and Kanji; it was in the first-person perspective. It’s still too insane for Ravyn to be sure of this speculation, but that could best explain why he knew her past, her personality, and some trivial details more than Airburst’s Intelligence did and made too accurate predictions about her instantaneous movements. Weiss taunted Ravyn when he saw her worried and shocked expression.

"Seems like you finally found out my little secret. What will you do now?"

*bash!* *bash!*…

And before Ravyn admits that Weiss can see the future, she’s been beaten half to death.

"In the presence of my power, you’re just a pest in my hand. You’re weak and arrogant. Think you can do anything to anything to me or Undre alone? Don’t fool yourself, Ravyn. It wasn’t that you didn’t choose to kill. You were just not competent enough and too much of a loser to get your things done."

Weiss crouched down to talk to Ravyn, who was lying on her back, worn out. He slowly ran his finger with a lightning aura on the girl’s forehead, cutting her epidermis for fun. Ravyn stared back at him as if threatening, even though her eyes reflected fear. She might be able to face off against stronger ones with a strategy, but she doesn’t know how to deal with stronger ones that know every step she’ll take next.

"Even if you have 10 more years, the result's not gonna change... Be glad that I still have to use your living hand to unlock First Kiss.. Choose whether you’re going to watch the last moments of Undre or Yu with me. I’ll come back to ask for your answer after I take care of your mess out there… Guys, put her in the cell."

Weiss then called for two guards to help drag Ravyn, whose consciousness was slowly fading, to lock her in a glass cell next to Yu.