Unyielding Pursuit: Mislead

After trying the device for a while, Ravyn picked up a pistol with a familiar shape and a pair of shoes. But the limit on the maximum number of Airtechs available before getting the Airburst license was 2, so she had to cut some of them off.

"Interesting choice. Though, are you sure you want to try it that way?"

Jae, as a trainer, asked Ravyn, who now carries a pistol with a blue glow from its joint on her right hand while having a futuristic shoe radiating the same color under her left foot.

"I don't use a gun with my non-dominant hand. Just tell me how to use each of them one by one if you have a problem about where to start."

When Ravyn gives that reason, Jae doesn't have a problem with it. He took the same combination pair of Airtech as hers and began demonstrating its use, starting with a slight crouch, standing symmetrically, and pointing the AB Pistol down to the ground.