Trials of the All Stars: Type

[All Stars Trainee Profile

Alias: Vartyss

Rankings: #6>>#6

Suits: Heart & Spade

Status: Unpaired

Incoming Switch Contest

Lavender would like to exchange 'Heart' with your 'Spade'

Exchange Result:

Vartyss (Heart & Spade >> Heart & Heart)

Lavender (Club & Heart >> Club & Spade)

(Accept the exchange) (Decline and proceed to Battle)

29 seconds left before the exchange is accepted automatically]

Vartyss continued to stare at the text that had just popped up on the screen in front of him. Both he and Ravyn still had their hands clasped together. Another trainee then attempted to pair up with Vartyss.

[The player is currently in Switch Contesting status. Paring request is prohibited.]

The outcome shows on Vartyss’ alliance screen that the Switch Contest can’t be interrupted.