Vartyss reacted swiftly, turning and grabbing a technical pen from his pocket, aiming to strike Ravyn. A bright yellow aura emitted around his mouth, but it was quickly stifled as Ravyn covered his mouth with her hand. With her other hand, she seized his wrist, pulling it back and locking it behind his back, pinning him to the ground.
...Such immense strength! What happened to this Lavender girl?!...
Unable to move, Vartyss couldn't see the gray aura enveloping Ravyn's hand.
"It seems that you're now without the help of your allies. I suppose I'll have to thank you for the points in this mission."
The purple-haired girl's voice carried a hint of satisfaction, having regained her footing after enduring the impact of Vartyss's plans.
[Ranking Results for 2nd Round Airburst Selection: Tri Quests
1st: Angus & Sekai <705pts>
2nd: Gabrielle & Falcon <676pts>
3rd: Zamonte & Lavender <659pts>
4th: Thwar & Mirozlav <656pts>