Airs of Destiny: Grand Finale

At that very moment, the audience erupted in cheers as the announcer officially signaled the beginning of the battle. While the aerial platform descended to be concealed beneath the arena floor, Angus propelled himself into the air with a powerful kick. Ravyn, on the other hand, kept her eyes closed and allowed gravity to guide her descent. In her mind, the recent conversation with Idorund replayed.

"Holding a position in Airburst grants that individual the authority to participate in meetings that influence even regional laws. With the organization's power and our widespread support, it's safe to say they wield power akin to that of a city's mayor. Now, imagine the chaos if an Airburst were to employ their full might against Themeise, a city deeply entrenched in shadows. If Angus were to resort to the extreme measures he employed during his regency in Aelsala, it could spark a civil war in Themeise. It's simply not worth the trouble. But he would not hesitate to do so."