All was well between us

Keron's point of view.

My legs have been healing these past two months and all thanks to my father in law to be. He had got me Therapist who uses local herbs for therapy. Although it's a painful experience, but l was patient with it because the therapist had me assured that within a period of three months, l will be able to walk again steadily.

I was really looking forward to walk again. Am also thankful to have Ryn by my side. She has done what she had to do everyday for my recovery.

Even when she was sick with the morning fever due to pregnancy, Ryn hasnt found it difficult to take care of me. My baby is the best.

Everything has been going on well and l was able to be at ease because the people who were after of Ryn's life are in jail.

But that relief was only for few months. Ryn was kidnapped last night by the person who l came to hate even more now. Shantal. I thought that she had gave up on her obsession for me but l was wrong.