chapter 46

"do you not like it pet." He said watching her face as she tried cotton candy. she shook her head " how do people eat that stuff it's way to sweet. I am hungry what do u suggest ?" loki stopped and looked around He didn't eat much earth food .but saw a cute on the water seafood place .

"do you trust me ." He said with a half smile .she smiled and nodded following him .they were sat at a table overlooking the water .Julianna looked over the menu and didn't know any of the food. loki watched her internal struggle." would u like me to order for us?"

she sighed but agreed .the waiter came back and he ordered the filet minot wrapped in bacon served with grilled shrimp and asparagus for her.and for him he ordered the seafood sampler .which includes shrimp salmon ,clams and calamari .

she didn't speak just sat drinking her wine . she was ehausted but didn't want to tell loki she was . she was having the best day ever she wish they could live on earth forever. the food arrived and her stomach growled loudly. she blush looking embarrassed. "eat pet." loki said.

loki watched her eat as if she hadn't in days .he chuckled as she sighed in pleasure when she was done ."I'm so full I feel like I'm going to explode ." She said smiling "are you ready to call it a night ?"loki asked her she nodded he paid and they left .

they got back to the cabin and she flopped on the bed .he went to the bathroom and when he was done he came out and she was sound asleep. he took off her shoes and covered her up .he decided he needed a shower as he showered he thought of what to do with her tomorrow.

he turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around himself. he stopped and saw Julianna had rolled over and was talking in her sleep .he heard her say his name so he waited.he sat next to her on the bed and stroked her cheeck she was burning up.

he dressed and teleported to asgard and found his mother. " loki good to see you but aren't you on honeymoon?." She said looking confused. "I am do you know what we should expect to happen with Julianna getting her powers ." frigga looked concerned.

"not entirely why what's wrong ." loki explained everything and frigga thought a moment ." I will look into it and let you know ." loki thanked her and went back to Julianna. who he found still asleep in bed .he undressed and crawled in with her and cooled his body temperature to help cool her.

she lay her head on his chest and sighed .he lay running his hand through her hair . he couldn't get to sleep so he lay there listening to her breathing.he finally fell asleep to restless dreams .he awoke and saw her in the bathroom.he lay there watching her. she was running a bath.

he silently got out of bed and kept watching her she undressed and got in .he was already hard and this wasn't helping .he watched as she lay her head back and closed her eyes .he watched as her hands disappeared under they water and little moans started to escape her lips.

he stood there memorized by the look of bliss on her face . he walked to the side of the tub quietly. she didn't notice him and just as he sensed she was about to cum he reached his hand in the bath she gasped as his hand touched her .she opened her lust filled eyes and looked at him.

"would you like a hand?" he asked she nodded. he put her hands up behind her head kissed her and continued what she was doing with her hand .while playing with her breast with his other hand . he could tell she was holding back .

so he increased the speed of his thrusts and pressure on her clit ."cum for me my beautiful pet please ." and she did he waited for her orgasm to subside and asked " you know you can wake me up anytime and I will gladly help you get off right ?" She nodded " I just felt like you needed to sleep ." She said gasping as he picked her up.

"Oh pet I didn't plan on sleeping much on our honeymoon I have all the time in the world to sleep .but I want to worship you as much as possible before real life consumes us again."He said sliding into her and moaning with her .he sat on the couch with her on top and she took control.

she was in heaven and he enjoyed when she took over .she cried out his name causing him to orgasm as we .the sat there connected just enjoying being together. "loki can I ask you something?" She said looking at his face . "of course my pet anything. " He said kissing her .

"are u really happy with me ? I feel like all my family drama is too much for you to have to deal with." She said tears in her eyes ." oh pet your perfect i love you with all my being and nothing will change that ."She smiled and kissed him again.

"so are we going out today or staying in?" He asked .she sat for a moment in thought .