Chapter 4

Strands of hair hang on my forehead. They gain much longer than the last time. I should probably go for a cut before Monday.

The navy blue shirt around my neck dangles loosely although I'm sure that I've been eating more than enough lately, and the hem of my pants has climbed a few centimeters from my feet.

Tick... tick... tick...

The clock displays the early time. On the other end of the hallway, Father and Anne's room is shut. Since it's still early and because of his foul mood yesterday, I decide to leave the house without leaving my goodbye.

I join the mass of people walking in the street. For a while, a shiver moves down to my shoulder, a very cold shiver. I try not to mind and take my phone. On the messenger app, Dave's name is on the top of the list but offline.

Is he still sleeping? I better send him a message.

"I'm on my way to school. How about you?" I send it.

In my peripheral, a student in a navy blue shirt catches my attention. It's the same uniform as mine, but the only difference between us is the style of the pants. She's wearing a tighter version, which is actually prohibited by the faculty.

"Have you watched the news last night?" the girl asks.

The boy shakes his head. His arms are wrapped around himself despite wearing a jacket.

"You should've! There's news about the opening of classes in Vex City."

He squirms under his cover.

"It will open this May, but they'll accept early enrollees starting February. We should apply."

"H-h-h-uh? W-we c-c-can't go there. W-w-we're not like them." he shivers.

"What? I already surfed the internet and Horizon Analytics can help us qualify there."

Horizon Analytics? Where had I heard that again?

An engine roars suddenly. Then, a painting appears before my eyes. The contrasting colors of dark red and bright blue look really striking as its background is filled with stars, and below it are people in traditional wear. I hop into the E-jeep. It's purposely built for 12 passengers but 15 people are occupying it now.

I check my phone but there's nothing new so I scroll up.

The conversation last night greets my sight.

"Matt, are you okay?" Dave asked.

"Don't worry about what happened earlier, atleast don't mind me. Think of yourself instead," I replied.

"No worries. I'm fine. I didn't even get a single scratch."

"Father said that he doesn't want to see you in our house anymore. I'm really, really, sorry. It's my fault for being absent-minded."

"I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you. For how long did uncle become like that? I have a very clear memory of him, being gentle and reasonable and kind. He even disapproved of your mom's attitude when she got angry at you, but this afternoon, he yelled just because you're doing art. And he almost punched me too."

"Well, I think you almost got punched because you back talked. To answer your first question, he's been irritable since the divorce. Not because of love, but because of the house. He wanted to have it. However, mother didn't agree, and she filed a legal case against him, which she won. Also, I heard that the company isn't doing so well. So maybe that explains why he is stressed."

"I didn't expect that. I'm sorry."


"He must be going through a lot."

"It's ok."

"But since I'm already here, why does he hate your interest so much?"

"Ah. That. It's the typical reason everyone involved in the creative industry gets, Arts is not professional. He's also afraid that his friends will view our family differently if I become an artist."


"He wanted me to become the next CEO of the company too."

"If that's the reason then..."


"Tell uncle that he can entrust the company to me."

"Sure. I'll tell him when I get the chance."


"But seriously, aren't you going to follow your parent's path? Auntie is a surgeon while uncle is a very well-known scientist."

"They aren't pressuring me."

"That's great," I said.

"Enough talk about me. Let's talk about you or another topic."

"Wait, Matt. The SBC advisor is calling us."

"If that's so then you must answer it."

"I'm sorry."


"Before I go, let's meet tomorrow at the front gate of the school."

It ends there. 'Let's meet tomorrow at the front gate.' He's not asleep, isn't he? I swear, I'm gonna punch him if he isn't there yet.

The jeep stops in front of our school. The walking students kinda appear like a tidal wave at the pedestrian crossing, and I join them because I have no choice.

I arrive at the gate. I can't see anyone who's attracting people or radiating a bright smile. He isn't here. Taking my phone, I send him a message.

The air feels ice cold, and my body hair rises. I'm standing at the gate. Did I just get ditched? I forgot to bring my jacket too.

Suddenly, a sensation hits my lower half. Alright. I'll use the restroom quickly and then return here.

I walk inside the campus.

After a while, I get in the hallway that's going to the restroom.

"So you're friends with him?"


I turn my head to the voice. A boy is standing in the corridor on my left while conversing with a girl. I hide behind the building's post foundation.

The vice president has her arms crossed while Dave is in front of her. He's here.

"Really? I didn't know you're friends with such a wimpy person." the vice president says. "I mean, he's like a shadow. You can't even see him opening his mouth. He's always aloof and comes very defensive when someone walks near while doing whatever activity he's doing at the bench."

Dave puts his hand in his left pocket. "Matthew is a good person."

Hmm? They're talking about me, and I'm a shadow apparently?

"He's just an outcast, but he's really nice and supportive."

"No. You shouldn't be friends with an outcast. It will destroy my reputation." she says, glaring.

"How? You're not even friends with him."

"Duh. Obviously, because you're my boyfriend."

Are they? I had no idea.

Anyway, I shouldn't be eavesdropping when I have to free this feeling. I walk away from the post and go to the restroom nonchalant.

I text Dave just in case he looks for me.

"I'm using the restroom. Just wait for me at the bench or something."


My phone lights up.

"Alright. I'll wait for you on the bench. Let's sit beside each other and go. I'm so excited!" his message stated.

"Hah. You wish." I messaged.

He's still acting like usual although he'd a spat. A spat because of me.