Chapter 27


Few pedestrians are walking along the street. Some vehicles pass by. Next to me, there's Jeon. His hair is messy like usual, but he is looking pretty fine. He isn't bothered, is he?

"Be careful around him." the voice comes back to me.

Why does everyone is telling me to be careful around him?

"He's gay."

Now that I look to it... His face always turns red whenever I'm close to him. There's no problem if it's just a hot flash, but the way his eyes direct at me is kinda different too.

Two girls are standing at the facade of the convenience store. Both of them are wearing mini skirts that have gone an inch shorter, similar to those idols I saw on TV. I can use them to start a conversation.

"You're pretty popular aren't you?" I ask.

He raises his brows. "What are your words?"

"Many people are recognizing you here and there."

"I am certain that I am not popular."

I point to my left. "Just look at those girls standing at the 11/7's facade. They're observing you for quite some time now."

"Those two ladies are just enjoying the morning view of this humble neighborhood."

"And in school, I'm hearing talks about you. Being a great swimmer, winning the national competition. Stories like that." I keep the tone of my voice.

"I do not want to boast, but what they are saying is true. I managed to win the national competition during the past two consecutive years." his voice resounds clear.

I'm getting nowhere. I guess I need to really use it now.

I turn at him. "Also at the mall, last week, there's someone you know?"

His eyes narrow a little.

"Hey, do you have a girlfriend?"

"I do not have one." he's averted his eyes.

"Ok." I'm onto something, "A boyfriend?"

"What are you talking about? Do I appear gay to you?"

"No. You look very manly and not effeminate."

The thoughts that linger in my head aren't getting any better, so I decide to use them against him.

"I met one of your friends at the mall," I say. "His name is Gunwoo. I don't know if you're close though."

I keep walking, and all I can hear are the people around us. So it's true?

Before us stands a big house that seems like it's made of stones. There are towers on both sides of the mansion that makes it more striking. The nameplate says Tama Residence.

"This must be it because she said their house is 5 blocks away from the convenience store."


Jeon's skin is somehow paler against the sun. Beads of sweat drip from his forehead down to his face.

"You're pale again. Are you alright?"

"I am fine. Do not worry about me."

"Just tell when you're not. You have your medicine with you, right?"

He pats the pocket of his pants. "Yes. I have it with me."


Maybe I shouldn't have pushed him too hard.

But I can't take back what I said.

I press the doorbell.

*Ding dong*

A girl in her late 20s walks toward the gate. She's in a black collar blouse with a white apron wrapped around her waist.

"Good morning. What are you here for?" she asks.

"Good morning. I'm Shizumi's hubae from the art club. She told me to come practice painting with her today."

She bows. "Very well then. Just wait a moment good sirs."

"Thank you."

The helper has left. Now, what remains is the view of the house. Looking at it makes me remember what Shizumi said.

"You must be rich too," I said.

"Huh? How do you say so?" Shizumi asked.

"Well, you're studying in the most expensive and prestigious private school in the most busy district of the top-tier advanced city in the whole wide universe."

"Nice one... But how can you be so sure that I'm not under a scholarship?"

"The way you act. There's elegance."

"What do you mean?"

"The air around you is kinda different. I don't know. It's just a guess." I said.

By that, she acted to it, very much nonchalant.

She's denying she's rich but this house is enough proof on its own. This doesn't belong to anyone poor.

"You came!"

Looking at the voice shows a figure in a lacey dress, Shizumi. The intricate designs of little flowers embroidered on her dress match her look. To the wind, its white ruffles flutter.

Is she always this gorgeous?

"Please come in," Shizumi says.

"Thanks. By the way, this is Jeon, my dorm mate." I say.

Jeon bows. "Good morning, madame. I am Jeon-chun Myers. A pleasure to meet an enthralling beauty like you."

She grins. "You don't need to be so formal but thanks. Just call me Shizumi."


With her lead, we make our way inside. The cobblestone pavement in the center appears in contrast to the fair and tall greeneries. It leads to the porch.

"Your house is huge. And here you said that you aren't rich."

"I'm not. But I guess you can say my parents are? But I'm not that spoiled-brat-that-gets-whatever-she-wants-child, you know?"

I lift my head, and my eyes meet hers. She moves it in Jeon's direction. Gazing at him, I notice that the complexion of his skin becomes almost white as a sheet of paper. I scoot beside him.

"Are you really alright?" I ask.

"Yes. D-do not worry about me," Jeon says.

"You're very pale right now."

"I am-"

"Is he alright?" Shizumi asks.

He flinches.

"Are you sick, Jeon?"

"I am fine.

It's not convincing when you're heaving your shoulders like that.

I glance at her. She nods as if she understands what I'm saying.

"You can take a breather at the garden," Shizumi offers. "Is it alright with you?"

"I'll go with him." this is my fault after all.

"That's much better, actually. Or you can just go home with him. We can reschedule our practice."

"No!" Jeon yells out of nowhere. "Do not bother with me. Matt, please continue your practice session with... with Shizumi. I will be just staying here for a certain amount of time. I am really fine and rest will be sufficient."

"Ok? So you'll be there while we're painting?"



"Ok. If that's what you want. Just text me when something came up or you're coming over, alright?"


"Are you sure about this?" she frowns at Jeon.

"I am certain. Now, the two of you must go painting or the time will be just wasted."

"Don't worry about him. He can handle himself. I'll take him home if he really can't."

"If you say so. Well, let's go."

I walk after Shizumi. We head to the porch.

"You shouldn't have forced him here if he's not feeling well."

"But he seems fine before getting here." I just provoked him too much. "And I'm sure that he's going to be alright because his medication is with him."

She throws her head in my direction. "He has a condition?"

I nod. "Panic disorder."

"That's bad. I'll ask our helpers to bring him food."

"Thank you."

We arrive at the porch. The exterior of the house appears more elegant than being observed from the distance. It felt surreal. It's too beautiful.

"This is my first time seeing a Victorian House in personal."

"It's not common nowadays, but it's my parents' taste in design that made it this way."

She opens the door. What fronts us is the wide carpet of the foyer while a candle chandelier furnished the ceiling. At the front of the staircase is a middle-aged woman in an emerald green blazer and skirt.

"Who's this fine young man?" the middle-aged woman asks.

Fine young man?

"Hello, mom. I thought you're at your office. Anyway, this is Matt. My hubae in art club."

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm Isaiah Matthew Cruz. Nice to meet you."

"Nice meeting you too. I'm Hinato Tama, Shizumi's mom." she has smiled, and the curvature she's showing really resembles Shizumi's.

"I see, what country you're from?"

"I'm from the Philippines."

"Philippines? I believe this is the first time I've seen someone from that country. But you're quite fluent in Korean."

"Thank you."

"I'm glad that Shizumi's making friends. Moreover, thank you for saving her."

I turn my head to Shizumi, but no one is present by my side. Instead, Shizumi is at the distance, talking to one of the helpers.

"It's nothing," I say. "I believe anyone in my shoes at that time would do the same."

"Not everyone, dear. Anyway, call me okaasan. Alright?"


"That's the Japanese term for mom. You're Shizumi's boyfri-"

"Ehem. Ehem." Shizumi clears her throat.

"Shizumi is just my club senior. I'm sorry."

"Really? But she's talking about you all of the time. Actually, she's muttering how hand-"

"Mom," Shizumi interrupts. Her cheeks are tinted with faint red blush. "I'm sorry but we need to prepare for our practice."

"Take care of him."

"I will."

"Thank you for accepting me in your house."

"You're welcome, dear." then, Mrs. Tama waves her hand.

Shizumi and I walk to the staircase. Suddenly, she stops.

"We actually have another guest, mom. He's not feeling well at the moment so we let him have his breathing space at the front yard."

"You should've told me earlier, and why is he outside? He should be resting in one of our rooms."

"Mom, he said that he wanted a breathing space, and he requested to be alone for a while."

"We should bring him medication and refreshments."

"I already asked our helpers."

Mrs. Tama locks a firm gaze at Shizumi.

"I do what I have to."

"Thank you, mom."

"Thank you, Mrs. Tama."

"Okaasan. Call me okaasan."

Shizumi bites her lips and tugs my hand.

"Be careful. Please enjoy your stay here," Mrs. Tama says.

"Y-yes. I will."

I return my gaze at Shizumi. Her eyes are looking away at the left side of the staircase instead of the front.

"Maybe you should stop running because we might fall."

"Sorry. This whole thing is so childish."

"You don't need to worry. I won't take your mom seriously."

She averts her eyes, letting go of my hand. "Never ever do. Let's go to the art room."

We walk to the hallway on the right. The design is similar to the ground floor since there are stained glass windows and several paintings inside wooden frames.

After some walking, Shizumi stops before a room.

Opening the door shows numerous tall shelves on the other end of the room. There's a couch in the middle and a canvas in an easel that's already prepared for me to use.

Shizumi gestures inside. "We're gonna paint here."

"Is this your room?"

"It's our art room. My sister and I used to paint here before. Now, I do it in my room, but I still get my supplies here."

She walks to the shelf and gets something from the lower part. Meanwhile, I choose to walk to the canvas. Taking a closer look, I notice it's a 16 x 20. This size is good for portraits.

I sit on the cushioned wood chair and take out all of the acrylic paint I have brought. My brush and two palettes fall in place next to them.

"What are you doing for today?" Shizumi asks.


She approaches me. "Do you need a model?"

I return my eyes to my things. "Yeah. You can?"

"Sure, let me just- Ahh!"

A strong force strikes my side.


Suddenly, I hit the wooden floor. Looking at the front, I see Shizumi.

Shizumi's face seems so close...

Wait. She's on top of me?!

I look into her eyes. Suddenly, my heart starts beating fast as something inside my stomach feels like turning.

I want to touch her. It will be fine, right?

No. It isn't right.

I remove my gaze at her. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes. I-i'm sorry."

She immediately gets off me and crouches on the floor. Then, she gathers the bottle of paints that have scattered everywhere. I pick up those near to me.

"You didn't hurt yourself, didn't you?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "I... I should be the one asking you that. I crushed you on the hard floor."

"You're not heavy so it isn't painful. By the way, what happened?"

"I'm just walking when I tripped to the paint bottle. I didn't see it. I don't even know how it got on the floor! And when I noticed, it's already too late. I'm just careless."

"I see. I thought you pushed me over."

"What? Of course not."

"I'm just kidding."

"Anyway, how many have you got?"

"Three. Good thing the containers are plastic so these aren't broken."

"We're missing a bottle then."

"How many are these all in all?"

"8." she returns her sight to the bottles. "For a while, I need to find it. I don't want it to go to waste."

"I'll help."

I scan the room. The carpet on the floor remains free from any bottles, and underneath the closer shelves doesn't seem to have anything. It's not here. But I can take a closer look.

"Maybe it rolled off under the shelf?" I say.

"It must be," she says while peeking under the shelf.

I get my phone to use its light. I notice it's blinking. Hmm? There's a message from Jeon?

"Good afternoon. Where are you?" his message says.

But I didn't feel my phone vibrate.

"I'm sorry that I hadn't been able to reply earlier. Anyway, we're in the art room. It's at the endmost part of the hallway on the right. Where are you?" I send the message.

Returning to my business, I crouch. Under the shelf is nothing but pure darkness, and so, I flash the phone to every corner.

Suddenly, Shizumi springs from her position.

"You can finally start painting."


"I've found it."


I walk over to the easel.

"But I brought my own."

"Those are actually acrylic. You can mix it with the ones you've brought to get more colors. Well, you may not use it, but I'm not gonna put it away. You never know when you're gonna need it."

"If you say so."

I return to my seat. Facing me, Shizumi sits on the couch.

"Don't judge me, ok?" I say.

"I have to. If some improvements are needed, I'll tell you right away. But, each painter has their own styles so ignore my comments if you wish."

"How about I make you ugly?"

Shizumi laughs. Her face radiates certain energy that soothes my feelings, and I feel my heart pounding again. What I need now is Jeon's presence. I hope that he won't get lost in my directions.

I get my phone once more.

"If you're lost, just message, and I'll fetch you."