Chapter 31


The burnt umber creates a depth in the highlights of the ground.

Now, what should I use for the background?

On my left, there's a tube of prussian blue gamboge, a shade of yellow with a light brown hue. Using a damp brush, I combine the two colors and paint them on the trees.


I look down. The one that's fallen is my paint. I bend to pick it up. Suddenly, a hand crosses my sight and gets it instead.

In front of me, a black-haired boy with a different air is giving me my paint.

"Here is your paint," he says.

"Thank you."

Out of all club members possible, Sunjin is the one assigned to observe our group paint. She's standing against the wall. She turns her head and our eyes meet. With this, a smug smile crosses the features of her face. She really hates me, but I have no choice but to submit this to her.

I stand.

"Excuse me, I'm finished."

"Just leave if you're finished."


I give a smile, and she scowls.

Ok, never mind that. I pick all of my things and place them inside my bag.

"You're already done?"

The president is standing beside me.

"Yeah. Can I go now?"

"Sure. We'll just give you an update on Monday about the results."

"Thank you."

I leave the clubroom. The time on my phone indicates that it's almost afternoon. It's already this late? I need to eat then. Turning to the right, I exit to the backyard.

The green pigment of the grass shines under the heat of the sun. Suddenly, two people appear in my sight, two boys to be exact. One of them is standing beside an average tall student with a broad figure. That's him!

"Jeon!" I shout.

The student with a broad figure turns his head.

"Good afternoon Matt," Jeon says.

His clothes are dry, but his hair seems glossy under the light. Hwan stands beside him.

"Ooooh. You're his boy—"

Jeon suddenly grabs Hwan in the arm. "I apologize, but we need to go."

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Club-related activity. I am sorry if we are in a hurry." then, he tugs him.

"Woah, Chun!"

They break into a run.

Their figures grow smaller and smaller, farther and farther, until the bright light swallows them whole.

Sigh. He ran again when I'm just asking for lunch.

I'll talk to him sometime today.

A thought comes to me. I just finished the audition today, and it's all thanks to Shizumi's help. I know, I'll ask her for lunch. For her kindness.

I return to the building. The atmosphere is so quiet, I feel like I'm in a different place. Suddenly, a set of footsteps resound on the left. There, a person in a maroon blazer and black mini skirt is going downstairs.

The light sheds onto the face of the person. Gentle eyes, smooth skin, and brown hair.

"Shizumi?" I say.

"Hello, Shizumi?" I say again.

She flinches.

"M-matt?! What are you still doing here? I thought you—"

In a moment, her figure becomes charging toward me. I extend my hand and rush to her.

Her weight pushes me down. But I wrap her in an embrace, and I maneuver to fall at the bottom.


"Ouch— oof!"

It's dark. However, a soft and warm object is blocking my lips, preventing me from finishing my words. I open my eyes.

Long curved eyelashes fall to my face. Gazing straight, I notice a pair of brown eyes, gaping wide, boring a hole through my soul. Shizumi?

The warmth trails to my mouth. Immediately, a static crawls in my skin.

Her lips are planted on my own?

Shizumi then lifts her head. "Eh?"

"I'm sorry," I say.


She gets off. On the other hand, I rise from my position.

Shizumi directs her head to the floor. I take a glance at her bright red face, and I think I look the same too. Just what in the world has happened?

An empty air blows. Her head remains glued on the floorboards.

I better say something.

"I'm really really sorry. I'm just trying to protect you from the fall and... that's why I held you."

She glances. "Are you hurt?"

My back hurts a bit.

"Yeah. I mean no. It doesn't hurt."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"Please follow me," she says.


Each of our steps echoes back and forth. The atmosphere becomes too dense that it becomes hard to breathe.

Continuing our walk, a sign saying that we're in the West Wing appears. The design of the area is identical to the one in the main building except this is bigger.

Where are we really going?

"We're going outside," Shizumi says out of nowhere.

Did she just read my mind? "I have no complaints."

What fronts outside is a mini garden. Clusters of red and white hydrangea, red roses, and some little blue flowers are scattered all around the place. Although the sun's in full glory, the canopy from the building extends far enough to provide a shade for us.

I look at her. Her eyes are on the ground while her shoulders are hunched.


"M-matt, hear me out."

"I'm here. I'll listen to you."

"I like you!"

A cold sensation runs under my skin. Then, a hot sensation flashes on my face.


"I said I like you."

I shouldn't give other meanings to her words. "Of course. We're friends and all."

"That's not what I meant. You're so dense."

I flinch.

"I like... no." she raises her head and gazes right at me. "I love you."

My cheeks feel hotter than before. They're almost like burning. Does she love me?

What should I say?

I open my mouth, but somehow, the words aren't forming.

Meanwhile, Shizumi grits her teeth.

"I understand. Just forget it." she steps aside. "I'm sorry."

This again. If I let go, this will end up like what happened with Jeon... Never mind the right words.

"You really don't understand," I say.

"You're the one who doesn't understand. Forget it."

I close the distance between us so that I can grab her arm.


"I don't want your pity."

I hold her shoulder and make her face me.

"You don't know my answer, and yet, you're already jumping to conclusions."

"It's enough. I don't deserve someone like you. You're too good for me."

I pull her to me. "You really don't understand."

"What are you doing?"

"I feel the same way as you do."

She pounds my chest, but I make my hug firm.

"This is just kindness, Matt!"

"Can you feel it?"


"My heartbeat."

She stops.

"It's beating fast, right?"

Then, she trembles.

"See, I'm not lying."

Suddenly, she pushes me harder.

"Hey, hey, let's stop this."

I let her go just to pull her again. My lips land on her own. Her lips are soft, and the sweetness overtakes the whole sensation.

As a response, she rests her hands against my shoulder.

I taste something salty. Opening my eyes makes me notice that her shoulders are heaving. Shizumi pushes me.

On a bigger look, tears are falling on her face.

"You're an idiot."

"You hate it?"

"I didn't say anything like that. You could've told me earlier," she says.

Despite the tears, I can a faint smile.

"Are you serious? You already walked away." I say.

Her cheeks turn red.

"But... but..."

I smirk. "I think that you really liked it because you're blushing."

"Shush." she wipes the tears using her hand. "That's my first kiss!"

"That delinquent in the alley said that he's your boyfriend. Is that a lie?"

"Of course not. But we never kissed. We just dated and went out, but that's all."

"Don't worry, this is my first time too." I think. "Besides, you're the first one who stole a kiss when you fell."

"That's an accident."

"Just a moment. Hear me out and give me your answer."

I kneel. I extend my hand. "Can you give me a chance to be your boyfriend?"

She's widened her eyes. "You're still asking after that kiss?"

"I only did that because you wouldn't listen to me, but I'm not forcing you to be mine just because we kissed. I'm not that kind of person."

She chuckles. "It should be fine."

On my palm falls her hand, so I hold it tight. Then, I pull her in another hug.

"So be my girlfriend."


I feel something wet on my coat. Looking below, she's crying again.

"You're such a crybaby."

"Shut up!"

"It's ok. You can cry all you want." I say, wiping her tears with my hands.

A few moments pass by. The flowers sway along with the gentle breeze as the butterflies flutter their wings around the greeneries.

"I can't believe I fall in love with someone younger than me. Back then, my type is older men, but ever since you showed up, everything became messed up."

"Messed up?"

"Something in my heart has changed."

"When you met me at the clubroom?"

She nods.

"We've met at the airport before that," I say.

"I don't remember."


"Whatever, and the moment we got close to each other, I knew my feelings aren't wrong."

"Love at first sight then?"

"Use your comprehension."

She laughs. I laugh too.

"By the way, I think you don't know me enough. For your knowledge, I'm already 17 years old."

"Really? I thought you're 16 with the height of a 20-year-old man."

"But I'll be turning 17 this August. So we're not so even like you said."

"Hmm... It doesn't matter." I pat her back. "What matters is our love for each other, be it 5 or 10 years apart."

I feel the sun against my skin. The warmth it gives pushes me to hold her even more.


"What's it?"

"I told you that I've liked you ever since we met, but what do you like about me?"

"Huh? Is that important?"

"Of course."

"You know, I don't know if it's love back then, but I felt something different too when we first met. When we first met at the airport."

"Are you sure it's me?"

"I'm an artist, remember?"

In front of me, several birds gyrate and land on the shaded area.

"What if it's not me. Even artists like you can make mistakes on details."

"The very first thing I noticed about you is your beauty."


"It's really outstanding. Then, the time of we bought supplies, there's... just something about the way you move."

"Huh?" she pulls her face away and peers. "Are you insulting me? I know, I'm not that graceful!"

"You are graceful. You should see yourself acting sometimes. But more than that, your personality, you're kind. It's beautiful."

"In what way?

"As great as Mona Lisa."

"What the—"

"I'm not referring to the woman in the painting. I'm talking about its greatness. Just like how it's recognized and valued by our society. I think that your personality's like that. Endearing and sophisticated. And just like the painting, I want you to be valued and recognized, by me of course."

She averts her eyes. "A-anyway, I'm telling you now, I want to keep this completely romantic."

"Yeah. I didn't want you just for your body, but that doesn't mean I hate to do it. We're just too young for that."

"I'm fine with holding hands and kisses on the cheeks though. How about you?"

"I'm even alright without those, just being with you's enough for me. We already kissed, remember?"

"You're so unconcerned."

"I'm just straightforward."

"We'll eventually going to do that when we get married," she says.

"You're going to marry me?"

"Of course. Don't tell me you have your eyes set on another person already because I'm not into Polygamy.

"So marriage is a thing here too, huh."

"Are you for real? Skens are not alien, Matt. Marriage is legit here. Although I think many couples now don't acknowledge it as much as before."

"They don't want to tie the knot."

She nods with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, I remember something.

"I've forgotten about this but are you hungry? I'm actually about to ask you for lunch, but then, we got sidetracked."

"So it's my fault?" she grins.

"It resulted in something good."

Her grin becomes wider.

"We should eat lunch. At the school cafe."

"Sure. Your treat."

"Yeah. I still have my allowance."

She walks outside the canopy. From the distance, the sound of footsteps is approaching. On the corner of the wall peeks a student.

"You're here," he says, he raises his brows at me.

I smile. "I'm just helping noona."

"The audition's already finished," Shizumi says.

"It is, but the advisor is calling all of the club members."

"What for?"

He furrows his brows. "We have a problem."