Chapter 37


The car stops unforeseen.

"We have arrived, young mas- Richard," the driver says.

"Thank you for driving me."

"You're welcome, sir. It's our duty."

The guard next to me passes the paper bag. Taking it, I depart from the car.

The hair on my skin stands to its end as the fresh air permeates. This feels better than being inside of the car.


A deep voice tickles my ears. It's from one of the guards.

"We are leaving, but please inform us if you're about to go back to the mansion. We'll fetch you."

"I will."

With my words, they leave. The air the car emits prompts the dried ambers to sway in a tender manner. It tumbles.

I crouch. "What a pulchritudinous flame. It's a pity that you had to fall when the fated time comes."

It conjured up the thought about myself. When my time comes, will I fall like these leaves too? Will they need me? Need... Many people are in need of me, but they have no affection or compassion.

Tap tap tap

I stand because of the incoming footsteps. Afar, I can see a gentleman in a dapper attire. Why is Luke in such a hurry?

"... G-good morning, sir Richard," Luke says while heaving his shoulder, and his slender frame trembles every time his trunk rises.

I smile. "Hello."

"I-i'm... sorry... Please forgive me if I fail to notice your presence."

"Oh no. It's nothing." I don't even remember ringing the bell. "By the way, why are you here?"

"E-excuse me, sir?" his eyes have widened. "Could it be that... you don't want to see me?"

"What I'm asking is that why are you the one who greeted me? Isn't it usually Daeja who managed this duty?"

"I see. I thought you don't want to see me. It seems like I misunderstood again." he scratches his left cheek. "I apologize."

"It's fine. And don't call me sir because we're almost the same age."

"Eh? But mother told me to use honorifics if I wanted to become a proper butler."

"Respect doesn't only revolve in using honorifics. It can be expressed in doing what the other party wants too."

"Is that so?"

"It is. So, you should obey what I wanted and avoid using honorifics if your respect is genuine. In that sense, use my real name instead."

His eyes twinkle as if they're sequins. He looks goofy, but I restrict to laugh.

Entering, the view of the mansion crosses my sight. Several white columns are spread across to support the upper floor. The roof is steep. The ground is stony. The wall is carved. A pilaster at the center emphasizes the antiquity of the structure. Our house looks old-fashioned, but theirs conquers everything I've seen so far.

Tables and chairs are arranged on my left. Its black color shines bright as the sunlight reflects on the patio. However, it is rather peculiar. The gardeners who usually tend the shrubs aren't here.

"The place is quiet today," I state. "I like this kind of solitude."

"Really? I mean you seem to enjoy your own company," Luke answers.

"I do. I really do, but that doesn't mean that I'm a loner. I do enjoy your company."

He gazes at me with flushed cheeks. "Eh? Y-you enjoy someone like me?"

"Of course, you're kind, passionate, and diligent. Sometimes, I wish to be your co-worker."

"What?! What could you ask for more?

I ask for a world without malice.

"I wanted to apply as a butler."


"I don't know if I'm qualified though since my skills are not as par as Daeja's."

"Mr. Jin is really great, but I'm sure you can adapt in no time."

"By the way, where is he?"

Our eyes collide, and he avoids them from my direction.

"Mr. Jin is on a vacation."

"That's sensible. He needs rest after all." I advance toward the entrance without waiting.

The aura gets more prominent as I walk. In the front door of the house, its presence turns stronger. Something is wrong with this place.

Without much thought, I clutch the handle.

"Don't touch the door!" Luke announces, screaming.

I shudder. "I'm sorry?"

"Eep!" he covers his mouth. "I-it's my fault. It's my fault." then, he adjoins his knees to the ground.

"I'm sorry for the insolent behavior I have bestowed upon you. I really am brazen crummy garbage that should be disposed of! Punish me, sir. Punish me."

Is this still part of the loyalty and respect he's learning?

No. This isn't right. "Hey, lift your vision."

He lifts his head just like I said.

"Please for-"

This is an opening. Drawing a force, I lean my head backward, and I drive it into the air.


I've bumped his head.


A blunt pain aches on my forehead. I displace from him.

He winces, probably from the pain, but remains to kneel nevertheless. Meanwhile, I touch my forehead. The area on the upper part has a small bump.

"What did you do?" Luke inquires. "I'm... I'm still alive."

"What are you expecting?" I scorn.

"Why didn't you use your ability? It will be a much convenient way than pounding your head against mine."

Are you serious?

He drops his face on the ground.

On another thought, he didn't bring his face to the ground, but rather, to my shoes. I move my feet from him, but he grasps them. So, the gravity pulls me from below, and I fall on my buttocks.

He draws his nose to the soles of my shoes. "Please let me do this, Richard."

Although my ability isn't activated, my intuition has an unpleasant presage. I don't want to hurt him. I need to do something.

My vision becomes of darkness. Shortly, the waves in my surrounding abound in fierce energy.


A metallic sound resounds. Afterward, my body hair rises on its end. Great. I've managed to establish a connection between us.

"Stop what you are doing." my voice floats in the air, but in reality, it's only I and Luke who can perceive what I'm saying.

Luke's body turns frozen on the ground.

"Stand and lead me inside the house. Also, forget everything that has occurred between us at this very moment."

The aura crawling in my skin feels less and less powerful as it drifts to the cold autumn air, fading.

Luke stands. Casting his gaze at me prompts his mouth to gape.

He offers his hand. "W-w-what are you doing on the ground, Richard?"

"Thanks. I was fancying the view of the landscape, but my legs promptly became tired. That's why I sat here. On the ground."

"By the way, you don't need to bother about every little thing," I add. "Let's go?"

"Y-yes!" he dashes to the door.

The parlor is full of paintings, or so I thought, but observing the room at the moment thrusts a realization to my brain; the walls are empty. There's still a painting- a picture of Nam's great father, but it doesn't erase the fact that the other decorations and furniture are missing. The smaller replica of Athena Parthenos, which used to be beside the fireplace, is replaced with a plain ceramic vase. Have they changed their taste in design?

I steal a glance. Luke is walking with his hands swaying in blithe.

He stops in his tracks and turns to me. "I forgot to ask earlier, but why are you here?"

"Why I am here?"

"Oh. No. No. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be here. It's just, it's ju-"

"I'm here to see Hei-Ran."

"Ms. Nam?"

"Is she not present?"

"Ms. Nam is here, but she's not feeling well."

"I'll pay her a visit then."

He nods. He guides the steps.

Fewer and fewer furnishings bestow in our way. My intuition can't be wrong. I can use my ability to cast the truth, but I don't need to be ability-thirsty since I'm still a human albeit I'm quoted as the greatest.

"Sickness." I let a murmur. "What is Hei-Ran's sickness? Is it a certain kind of disease?"

"According to the doctor, Ms. Nam is experiencing migraines from her period."

"I'm glad if that's the case."

"Me too."

We stop on the right side of the hallway. Promptly, the door turns open. An old lady in a black maid dress appears. She raises her eyebrows, but her prim demeanor returns in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Lee, good afternoon." she pays obeisance to me.

"Good afternoon, Anna. Drop the formalities, please. My name is Richard." and calling me Mr. Lee sounds like I'm my grandfather.

"I can't possibly do that. A master is a master and a servant is a servant."

"Mother, is Ms. Nam in her room?" Luke asks.

"Yes, she's resting."

"May I see her?" I ask.

"You may go. I'm sure that Ms. Nam will be happy to have your presence there."

She casts her gaze at Luke. "Please accompany Mr. Lee in the bedroom."

"Leave it to me. Let's go, Richard."

An evident frown colors the expression on her face.

"W-what did you say?"

Luke faces his mother at a slow pace.

"You don't need to worry, Anna. I'm not the conservative type who wanted to be honored with titles and honorifics. In fact, it was me who asked to use my name. I'll be glad too if you do the same."

Pushing his back, I tug Luke by the arm and enter the room.

"Thank you," he whispers.

"It's all right."

"Let me take your carriage."

I hand the paper bag to him.

In the center, a wooden bed frame appears reposed. I carry the bench beside it. Fortunately, Luke is focused on unwrapping the gift and doesn't protest at my actions.

Covered in lavender sheets is Hei-ran. Her black hair lays smooth on the pillow as her eyes are closed to lull, and thus, very tranquil. My sight roams off her. Luke resides next to the door at the moment.

He flinches. "My bad." then, he scurries outside.

"What a dork."

The warmth of the bedsheet embraces my hand. The softness provides comfort. No wonder why she's safe and sound.

Suddenly, I notice a light bulb on the ceiling. Huh? Where has the chandelier gone?

Promptly, I'm reminded. Something peculiar is really going on in this house. First, several furniture and pieces are missing, notably the expensive ones.

Second, I haven't seen the usual faces of the laborers serving in the mansion. The gardeners are gone, and the head butler is also absent. What's more surprising is that Luke is the only butler attending despite his graceless behavior.

I rest my head atop my hand. Right in front of me, Hei-Ran is completely oblivious of what's happening in her surroundings.

Should I use my ability?

On second thought, never mind. Burying my head to the sheets, I try to forget my troubles.

White ceiling- a white ceiling bestows upon me. I move my body, but I seem to be stationary. Is this a dream?

"What are you doing?!" it's a female voice.


"Don't dare to defy me."

Why of all the dreams I can have, it has to be an argument between Hei-Ran and her mother.

"Tell me, how could I not defy you? You're going to sell the furniture!"

"Oh yeah. Our business is failing."

I see. That's the reason why.



The grumbling laughter of her mother pricks my ear.

"You're really clueless. That's why your marriage can save our trade."


"So what? You're going to conceive his child anytime soon. That way, the marriage will be se-"


A dry sound echoes.

"Never in a thousand years, I dreamed to use the man I love for my own benefit. And a child? I'm using an innocent child- Argh!"

A burning heat crawls in the depths of my head. Hei-Ran's agony is unbearable.

"I'm going to find a way to make you be a mother."

My chest becomes uptight that it's suffocating.

"Or else, I'll-"

My eyes become open. However, there's nothing I can see except for the daunting darkness.

On the back of my head trails a soft sensation. What's happening? I resist the force to pull myself from the engulfing darkness.

"Oh!" a shrill sound alarms my conscience.

Both of my hands are resting on the sheets. I must've had that vision because of this.

"You're up. How are you feeling?"

A voice as flowy as a red wine truly belongs to Hei-Ran. Her nightgown falls on the smooth covers of her bed. A glossy dark silk cascade on her shoulders and the curve she has mounted herself on the side is showcased.

Suddenly, the pit of my stomach twists.

"Come on, feel my body heat."

She yanks my hand, and it lands on her bosom. In an instant, I retreat my touch.

"What is going on?" I ask.

"Don't be like that. I know that you're not ignorant."

The redness on her cheeks is remarkable; it looks as if she's intoxicated. Shortly, a strong fragrant smell reminiscent of garden flowers seeps into my nose. Promptly, a sharp wave enters my brain.


Her eyes are blazing like a wildfire.

"What's wrong with you? Don't resist because you'll like it too."

Similar to a metal being attracted by a magnet, my sight is pulled to the nightstand. Then, the peculiar scent grows stronger.

"Don't forget to pay my greetings to Hei-Ran. Make her happy." grandfather has said earlier.

This is an aphrodisiac.

"Don't forget to make her happy."


"Haaaaappppyyyy." his voice echoes in the depth of my mind.

I've had enough. I will not allow this to happen. I rise and leave the bed.

"Hey, where are you going?"

In my peripheral vision, Hei-Ran is in the act of standing. So, I direct my hand toward her and let the energy flow.

The purple light glows bright and prominent. It overtakes the surrounding. Then, a faint breath registers in my mind.

"I'm sorry, but I need to put an end to this. For the last time."