Chapter 6

The trip home was... fascinating.

The number of things you can see, hear, and smell, with heightened perception and mental clarity, is very fascinating, you can easily catch the better and worse things happening in a city like New York, for example, the smell of the churros being sold by that guy over there, smelling like fresh-baked bread, or the sound of a woman being currently raped in an alley.

But I ignored all those things, I would have loved a churro, and I wanted with all my guts to stop that rape, but I can't and won't I had already risked my safety and freedom with that fight in the alley until I am not able to easily protect myself I won't do anything stupid like wear a cape and mask and go fighting the crime.

After 1 hour of walking, I tried to lose any possible stalker by constantly changing routes and always aiming for more crowded streets, I finally got "home", if this almost crumbling piece of fake cement and rotten wood can even be called home.

I take my keys out and open the door, but I don't swing it open, waiting for -



I open the door, and in front of it on the floor are the remaining pieces of a broken beer bottle.

"You useless piece of shit you made me waste a beer bottle, next time open the door and let it hit you, at least I can laugh a little."

A man with a stomach as big as 7 people's head, with a messy beard, black hair, and brown eyes, wearing only boxers, a pair of torn socks, and a white now yellow rower.

I didn't answer him and instead headed for my part of the house, which is a very small part of the living room, with a mattress, a mountain of clothes, and books on the right side of the mattress,

I removed my backpack and put it on the ground, and I stored all of the clothes and books I possessed in inventory, considering how drunk the monster usually is he won't even notice it.

I then also put my backpack on my inventory and headed outside, I won't stay in a place like this if I could.

As soon as I got outside, I began running away from my house, trying to get as far as possible.

It had been less than a day, but the fact that I could gain money, skills, Power, everything now can change for me, I can leave that house, and that's what I am doing.

' I have another dimension where I can get food and clothes, money can be stolen or gained by missions, power can be gained by training, why should I stay in that house?'


New Quest

Freedom isn't an object it's a concept

Goal: Survive for 1 week while living on the streets.

Reward:+10 level Survival skill, Skill Book, +1 level up




I clicked yes, after all, it's exactly what I am going to do, so why not receive a little boost while I am at it.

'First, my body doesn't need either food or water, so that's removed from my needs, my body hasn't produced any type of waste even after running for such a long time, I sure feel a little tired, as it can show by the reduce SP, but I didn't sweat, so maybe my body can't produce waste anymore, usually game characters don't go shit or pee in the middle of the game, so clothes unless torn, are wearable to an indefinite time.'

I thought while running toward an abandoned warehouse I had found a few years ago, and that I used it as my base for when I want to be alone.

By the time I had arrived, I received three notifications.


+1 End

New Skills: Running, Breathing

Running Lv.1

Run Finch, RUN

Effect; While running stamina consumption is reduced by 1%, and speed is augmented by 1%.

Due to previous knowledge Running reached level 41

Breathing Lv.1

Breath in Breath out

Effect: By stabilizing your breath during a run, exercise, or fight, you reduce your stamina, and mana consumption by 1%, augmented the effect of training by 1%


I surely can get a skill for anything, I thought while going inside the warehouse through my secret entrance.

'Now, I have a craftmanship skill that interests me a lot.'

I thought while heading towards the mountain of raw materials I had collected as a hobby through the years.

There were pieces of wood, metal, plastic, some wires, tubes, and a lot more.

'If I remember correctly it should be done like this.'

I thought while taking a sharp stone and a thick but flexible wooden stick.

Using the sharp stone I create a hole on one of the extremities of the stick, then I take another bigger stone, and using the sharp stone I make the bigger stone just as sharp, making one of the extremities of it big enough to get inside the hole in the stick, then using one of the wires I make sure the piece of rock attached to the stick won't easily fall off.

And just like that, I had created a rudimentary ax.


User-created a rudimentary Axe Grade Trash

+1 level Craftmanship skill

+1 Wis

Rudimentary Axe

It's the first time but come on dude

Grade: Trash (Grades are Trash, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Epic, Legendary, Mythic, certain objects not created by the user can gain grades above the Rare grade)

Attack: (Str x 1.3(weapon modifier)) x where it hits

Secondary effects:

Bleeding: The user is a target causing it to suffer the effect of bleeding, losing 1% of their health every 5 seconds, can stack

Durability: 10/10


' Well it's made from trash so I am not surprised it's graded trash, but that secondary effect against normal humans is broken, for me, it would only mean an HP sucker, but for others, it's not only blood loss, but they will also slowly get weaker, slower, and eventually fall unconscious, I love being broken.'

I thought while thinking of other things I could craft.