Chapter 9

After the fight the stares I received doubled, but I ignored them and instead looked at the notifications I had received during the fight.


Due to fighting, a higher-level mutant, all rewards are doubled

+2 levels Opportunist skill

+4 levels Hand-to-hand combat

+3 levels Counter skill

+2 levels Focus skill

+1 level Intimidation skill

You created a new skill by unknowingly using mana, thus you gained the skill: Fast punch, and the perk: Mana Genius

Fast Punch Lv.1

1 Hp at a time

Effect: By infusing mana on your right or left hand you can double the speed of your punches, deal 1% of current strength, and every level adds a 1% of Strenght

Cost: 10 MP per use.

Mana Genius

Genius in human terms and now in magical terms? You lucky bastard

Effect; Doubles the speed of all mana-related skills growth

You have defeated the enemy, Scott Summers, Cyclops, Lv.45

+450 XP

Level up

+5 status points

Possibility to choose a class.


Suddenly everything around me froze, people, sound, light, froze, everything became black, and I might have even stopped breathing if for some magic reason a blue bubble appeared in front of me.


Choose your First-class:





Without even thinking twice I clicked Mage, Why? First, I want to be as far as possible from my enemies when I fight with them, second, the possibility of becoming a limitless magic Gatlin gun excites me, last as much as Thief could also be a good choice, a thief is known for being a class that either kills with one hit or dies, while there are various types of mages, going from body enchanter to glass cannons able to throw nukes as if they were candies, so yeah, the mage is quite a good choice.


You selected the class: Mage

After 10 levels a new class is gained, but only basic classes last 10 levels, future advanced classes will need 100 level-ups.

Every level up gives a +1 in Int and Wis

You have gained the perk: Mage

You have gained the skills: Mana manipulation, Meditation,


You have finally touched and understood mana, it's time to wield it and mold it in your will

Effect: Instead of receiving 10 for every Int point, you will receive 100 points.

Mana Manipulation Lv.1

Look I can make a blue flying D***o

Effect: Makes you able to feel and wield mana, with each level up makes it easier to wield mana to your will, every level raises the willingness of mana to respond to your commands.

Meditation Lv.1

Ohmmmmmm... I am not gonna punch your faceeeeeeeee

Effect: Speeds up mana regeneration by 100%, and every level adds a 10% boost.


Suddenly as if a new sense had been unlocked, apart from seeing the blue bubble, if I were to close my eyes, I could still see it, I could see the strange energy emanating from it.

And suddenly as if nothing happened, the world came back to normal, and everything began moving again.

I simply shook my head and continued heading for the cafeteria while studying the new feeling I had gained.

Even though it wasn't as strong as that bubble, I could feel the mana emanating from all living beings, while the object didn't produce any type of energy.

'So mana is something inside every human being, but from what I can see, each human being has a different quantity inside of them, for example, mine is way higher than the normal human, but what could I expect? I am a game character.'

Finally, I arrived at the cafeteria, ready to have my lunch, and God finally heard my prayer for a little bit of peace, I was able to eat in peace, but a notification at the end ruined my meal.




An alien force is currently attacking New York, while the Avengers are trying to defend the city, they are not able to fight all of them. (no this is not the attack from the film, this story is a fusion of MCU, some comics knowledge, and AU)

Goal: Survive until the end of the attack

Bonus Goal: Kill as many aliens as you can

Reward: +1 level up, 10,000 $, Shadow Veil skill book

Bonus Reward: Depends on how much you kill

Failure conditions: Death

Failure Reward: Death


Just before I could react the whole upper part of the cafeteria by what looked like a laser.

My whole body froze, in the sky, several heroes could be seen fighting against aliens, alien machines, and I don't even know what, the mere amount of the army was stunning, being around the thousands, and more coming out from what looked like tears in space itself.

Three of the smaller aliens, began heading towards our school in a small floating ship, only to be shot down by what looked like a red laser, coming from... Scott?

Another alien though was able to evade the ray... only to be smashed on the ground by an invisible force, and considering how I was seeing jean hold her temple I did 1+1 one and understood it was her.

And the last one was destroyed by someone in a blue and red costume with a web coming out from his wrist, Spiderman.

'... I am out.' I thought, and I immediately headed towards the door of the cafeteria, but when I saw that I wasn't the only one thinking about going out, I instead headed towards the window and broke it with my elbow, and jumped out of it.

Well I didn't jump, we are on the second floor, so I grab the outer part of the window, and let myself fall, and before my body passed it, I grabbed the window on the first floor, broke it, and got inside, just in time to evade a laser ray hitting my back.

As soon as I got inside I looked at the alien heading toward the class I was in, ready to shoot me with what looked like a ray gun.

'Fuck you, God.' I thought while reading myself for the incoming fight.