Chapter 41

After finally getting home I headed for my laboratory to study the magical herb I had just gained.

After getting inside it I used analysis on it, and to my surprise, the Gamers system considered this item's rank unique.

I read its effect and how I am supposed to ingest it, and to my surprise, the screen said that thanks to the Gamer's body I can easily ingest it without any risk.

I turned to Bastet and told her to keep watch since I would probably be out for a few hours.

The cat simply nodded while yawning.

I sigh and just to be sure I activate the security system of the house, but not the camouflage one, we don't the house to suddenly disappear.

After being sure everything was secure, I put the leaf in my mouth and after fighting with it for a few seconds I finally ingested it.

My body started feeling hot, and I felt my muscles, bones, nerves, and even my blood changing.

My mind was still clear thanks to Gamer's mind, but I still couldn't move my body.

After 5 hours, the hot feeling inside my body stopped, and I was able to move again.

With a thought, I invoked my status panel to look at the changes that had happened, and to my surprise, I had gained 50 points in STR, AGI, VIT, END, and PER.

Thus making me gain three new Perks, one for Dex, one for End, and one for Per.

The Dex one is named Upside down, and gave me the capability to perfectly use my body even if I was upside down, not much but still useful in some situations.

The End one is called Stone skin, it boosts the bonus I receive from each point in End regarding my body's natural defense.

And lastly, the Per one is named Danger intuition, which warns a few seconds before something dangerous is about to happen.

Apart from these perks, I also gained a new perk from the herb itself, the perk is called Dark vision, and it makes me able to see even in total darkness.

I slowly get up from the chair I had sat down on before eating the herb only to see Bastet sleeping peacefully.

I sigh and head for the robotic arms that have been creating the zombie cure until now.

After around 6 hours of constant work, they were actually able to create around a million potions, absolutely not enough to heal everyone, but if I am able to heal the stronger and most dangerous zombies then the jobs become easier.

I stored the potions inside my inventory and got inside the zombie dungeon.

I sat down on the ground and waited.

Some zombies tried to attack me, but as soon as they got too close they received an electricity bullet in their head.

They were so weak that the amount of Xp they gave wasn't even worth mentioning.

After waiting for about an hour finally, the first zombie hero arrived.

And guess who it was? Spiderman.

I turn towards me, and when he sees me I can see the hesitation in his complete white eyes, but I can also see his instinct that wishes for more meat.

Using his webs he lands beside me and tries to bite me.

But before he could I made him fall to the ground with a low kick and took out from my inventory a zombie cure and high regen potion.

I stuff both of the in his mouth and let the effect kick in.

After about a minute, his skin turned normal and clarity returned in his eyes.

And the first thing did as soon as he got back was to... cry.

He cried like a baby, saying how he couldn't forgive himself for what he did to MJ and his aunt apparently.

'Guess I have to play some mind tricks.'

" Would they be proud of you if they saw you like this?"

"W-What?" He said with a weak voice.

" What you did wasn't intentional, you were ill, and you aren't anymore, instead of souring about what you did, go forward and help others."


" I have the cure, but I am alone, I need some way to spread it."

"... but we are just two." He said with a much more secure voice.

" But we have a city to use," I said with a smile on my face.




"I hope this works." Spiderman, who revealed himself as Peter Parker said.

" We both do," I said and pressed the button.

From the speakers, a very loud song could be heard.

Currently, we were inside the security area of a shop, after clearing our way inside thanks to my technomancy we were able to make the thing work again.

We waited 5 minutes, and from the cameras, an enormous horde, composed of at least 10 million zombies started approaching.

I could even recognize some of the zombified heroes, a smile spread when I saw them, everything becoming easier with their presence here.

When all the horde got inside, I pressed the security button and the now viburnum coated shuttle closed the supermarket.

Before anyone could even try to break the shuttles I pressed the red button that was used in case of fire emergencies and two liquids started falling from the sprinklers.

One is red and the other black.

And just like for Spiderman after a minute all of the zombies inside turned back to normal.

The sound of happy cries and tears almost caused my ears to burst, but I resisted and got out of the security room.

When the previous zombies saw me and Spiderman together surprise spread on their faces.

" All of you don't know me, but I am an emissary for hope, I have already saved the humans that were in New York, and all after saving you, all that is left is to eliminate the remaining zombies."

"WHY? YOU CAN'T HEAL THEM?" A random civilian asked, also other civilians started asking the same question.

Time to use Acting to its Max.

" Unfortunately no I can't, what I used to heal you can be considered a very rare medicine, something that takes years to create, I was only able to create enough to save you, I can't..." All of this was said with a sad almost despairing tone.

When they heard what I said they turned silent and didn't say anything, understanding that the process to create this medicine surely wasn't easy and they should be happy to have been healed instead of insulting their savior.

When I saw their change of attitude, even from the heroes, a smile formed under my mask.