The door closes and the bag is thrown to the side of the room. He picks up the recorder, again sitting down on the wooden floor with his legs crossed. Pressing the 'play' button and the tape starts rolling.
"~° Kang Hanjun, Voice Log Day 2 °~"
"Hey there, Mr. tape recorder. Second day of high-school. Hmm.... still no one wants to be friends with me."
"It's a little frustrating and sad but, it's okay. I've gotten used to it. I won't cry. I've grown up now."
"Mr. tape recorder. The chemistry teacher asked some questions today, I answered all of them. They were easy and fun too."
"But the other kids laughed at me. Is being smart something to laugh about. It's not like I'm saying that I'm smart. But, why do people laugh at someone who knows the answers. They even called me a nerd."
"Nerds are people too. Just smarter than most people. I think I'll take being called a 'nerd' as a compliment from now on. I'll try to piss them off too by ace-ing my tests. Then the teacher would give them my examples and keep nagging at them."
"Oooh I almost forgot! I checked the cafeteria out today. The menu was great. The food was delicious too. I thought I'd tell mom that I'll be eating once a day from now on and that would be cafeteria's food."
"I've got ton of homework, even though it was second day of highschool. Does that make sense to you Mr. tape recorder?"
"They said that if we study good during our initial days, we'd get more school events this year. That sounds fun doesn't it?"
"I want to be the top student in my class, for the sake of my parents. They help me with everything. They encourage me and support me. I hope I can make it. Will you root for me Mr. tape recorder?"
"Awww, Thank you. That's so nice of you. I know you'll stay with me for a long time but... *sigh* I don't know whether I will or not."
"I think I should start doing my homework now. I'll talk to you tomorrow, kay? Wish me luck. Bu Byeee~~"
"~° This was Kang Hanjun 21st_January_#### °~"
With a hearty and enthusiastic goodbye: he stops the recording, gets up from the floor, putting the recorder back from where he picked it up from; his side table.
He walks a little further to his closet, where he threw his bag before ranting on to his tape recorder and whining about being called a nerd
The sound of unzipping the bag could be heard. He takes out his books and pens, throwing them on his bed before getting on it himself.
Him flipping through the pages and the sound of playing with his pen and it's clicking sound fills the room while he does his homework.