
June locked the door of the comfort room to be safe just in case there'll be a zombie walking around. June looked at the girl who was looking down at the floor, June slowly walked towards the girl and the girl also looked up to her.

June didn't speak as she approached the girl and the girl also subconsciously walk backwards feeling a bit nervous. When the girl's back touched the wall, she tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes.

"Give me your hand" June said.

"Huh?" The girl looked at June with a puzzled look.

June sighed and rolled her eyes "Let me see your wound" the girl made an 'oh' sound and slowly placed her hand on June's hand.

June held 'This girl's hand is quite soft' she subconsciously thought "What are you thinking host?" June was slightly surprised with Sevy coming out of nowhere 'Nothing- And stop appearing out of nowhere like that!' June said to Sevy but she's quite embarrassed knowing that her thoughts were leaked from Sevy.

June examined the girl's elbow "Well it's really not that bad, it's slightly red at the moment but you should go and wash it" June then kneeled down to look at the girl's knee, she was quite close and she lightly touched the girl's knee using her index finger which made the girl bit her lip.

June looked up "Does it hurt?" The girl was quite embarrassed but she shook her head "Not really" June nodded and stood up "Go wash your elbows now and your knee also"

The girl nodded and started to wash while June turned around and talked to Sevy "Are you still there?" she asked. The mechanical voice replied "Yes host, do you need anything?" June thought for a moment then asked "Do you know some information about this world rn? Some information around this area could be helpful too".

Sevy was silent for a moment as if thinking for a while "Sorry host i couldn't really tell you much but all i could say for now is that it'll be hard for you to leave this place" June nodded and thought for a while.

"The zombies also have different strengths and levels so be careful host" June widened his eyes for a while but it's really not that shocking "Then can i know the zombie levels i can know so far?" June asked Sevy who immediately said yes.

"There are currently 3 levels of zombies inside this school. Level 1 zombies, these zombies are mostly the easiest to defeat for someone like you host but it'll still hard for others to kill, example of a level 1 zombie is the one that you defeated earlier. Level 2 zombies, They're harder to defeat compared to level 1 zombies because they have the ability to run faster than level 1 zombies and the noticeable difference between level 1 and 2 is that level 1 still kinda looked like human while level 2 zombies have a horn on the left side of their head. Level 3 Zombies they have the abilities that level 2 zombies have but they have two horns on their head and they also have sharp claws that the first other two levels didn't have."

June analyzed things and tried to think for a moment. If ever she encountered level 1 zombies it's really not that hard for her except there's lot of them and it would be troublesome to be chased by a level 2 zombies so there's a possibility that they'll fight it instead of running...But what if she encountered a level 3 zombie? Can she defeat it?...

While June was deep in thought the girl with shoulder length hair and glasses tapped her shoulders "Uhm...June?" June turned around and looked at her with a serious look "Huh?" how did this girl know her name? Even if they're classmates they didn't even talked before.

"How did you know my name?" June raised her eyebrows and looked at the girl, she looks intimidating at the moment and the girl panickly answered "I-I'm the class president of our class so...I know all of names in our class" the girl was flustered and scared at the moment then June slid his hand on her hair "hmm...I see"

June turned around "I'm Eula by the way!" June nodded "hm...I see" June didn't really know what to say.

June was about to open the door when Eula tugged her clothes. June turned her head around to look at her "Huh? What are you doing?"

Eula held her courage to speak and her eyes was full of doughtiness "Can i join you? I promise i'll help you! And i know where we could get some weapons".

'Is this girl trying to fool me? Who's a fool who would believe that there's something like a weapon here in this school? Even martial arts clubs with weapons were not permitted by this school' June sneered looking at the girl.

"Who are you trying to fool here huh?" Eula kept on looking at June, she's slightly terrified but she kept her courage and bring out her ID and another thing that seems like a card?

"What's this? Do you think you can fool me with your shopping card? I'm not that stupid"

Out of nowhere Sevy appeared "Are you sure about that host?". 'What do you mean by that Sevy?!' the mechanical voice was silent for a while "nothing host" June was calling out on Sevy in her mind repeatedly 'Sevy! Sevyy!!! Come back here!!'

Eula shook her head then explained "This is not a shopping card. This is a card to access the special hidden room in this school" Eula said with a serious look on her face.

"What do you mean by that? Why is there a special hidden room in this school and why do you have the key?" June asked while looking at Eula suspiciously then Eula just handed June her ID.

"The reason why i wanted to give you my ID is to let you know that 'I' own this school" June looked at Eula's ID and her surname is really the same as their school name!

"Don't you mean 'your parent's' school?" June laughed lightly while smirking. Eula shook her head "No, My father gave this school to me before i even graduated from elementary and he told me to do as i please with it that's why there's a special hidden room in this school".

June looked at Eula shocked and dumbfounded "What the f***!!".


Author's note:

Sorry if it took me a long time to update T^T but i hope you liked this chapter!