making a friend

I went down Stairs I saw a table full of food my mom went overboard with this one I couldn't help but think what is going to happen to my mother when I become an overlord is she going to be mad sad happy although I know my mom for a long time I still couldn't be certain what her

the reaction might be not only that but there will be plenty of danger coming after her I need to protect her I need someone to constantly be by her side to keep dangers away from her I shook my head it wasn't time for that as I keep a low profile, for now, I will be able to accumulate soldiers to protect her and then I can take the big steps.

Hey mom I don't want to work for the company. Did something happen? Yes, I don't want to be bossed around all my life I have a couple of plans for the future but don't worry I future will be guaranteed. Did you hurt yourself where did all this

attitude come from I always felt that way I don't think anyone wants to be bossed around and I think everyone wants to be successful in life I just never expressed them anyways I have something to do so I'll be back by tomorrow. She looks yummy

although I had some friends I never hung out with anyone I never had any type of sleepover but I wasn't a child no more I know better and she trusted me… after I finish the food I thanked my mom for making such good food (I will make sure that you wouldn't have to work ever again) after I make that promise to myself I head out it was time to see what my servants can do although I can tell they were pretty strong there were monsters in this

the world I'll check my phone for any news about the creature some say it was an orc some say it was a troll but they all acknowledged that it was a strong monster. Once the thought of a strong monster crossed my mind I forgot that I haven't customized what my Champion looks like their race or their size

Let's do that right now tiny, small, average, giant, behemoth, colossal, and titan The bigger they are the less agile they are but their defenses and strength increase I don't know what in heaven possessed me to want to do this but how funny

would it be if I made a small cute animal that can crush skyscrapers race was obvious of course I couldn't help but look at the list they were

humanoid, undead, beast, bestial, construct, elemental, celestial, demonic, draconic, and monstrous although I would love to have a dragon as a pet I was still determined and besides it can be a great surprise attack I mean you wouldn't expect a rabbit to be able to break your bones

So now comes his appearance eve can you make a

a fluffy white creature that someone resembles a rabbit but when I get into combo mode I want it to turn into a different beast entirely. sure thing

After a few seconds eve makes him I have to say if you have outdone yourself but The cute animal looks at me with its equally cute eyes that are like a puppy's eyes now comes the naming part what will be your name I have to give you something equally cute, I got it! your name is Diamond

It jumps on me and started licking me I guess you like it anyways it's time to get down to business it's time to hunt the monster if it's a troll then we need

to take out with either a fire or acid anything that can rapidly Hurt it or just freeze it into dust no normally to go through the guards and into the wild forest (not an actual forest it's a danger zone full of monsters such as destroyed buildings and abandoned cities) you need a business card or be a legal hunter the last thing is you can just pay for it if you die you die your Family can't sue them because once you enter to the danger zone they are not reliable for your death unless it's a special

a scenario where you were dragged in there without your consent or unintentionally got stuck in there but no I don't care about any of that I sneaked between the guards and the barrier I have to say it was quite easy to do so I mean they weren't expecting a smart creature to sneak in between monsters follow the instant and just attack wildly

I summoned my 10 agents to look for a strong

a monster, once you do so come to me, do not engage in a fight unless you have no choice but to

They all look at me and pledge to me and they all want in a different direction Eve did you have to make them look that intimidating I mean I couldn't

see their faces but looking at their outfit they were quite like the assassins but they're not assassins because they two are options in the system… I felt a tug on my leg it was Diamond what is a boy? There's someone behind the tree. I see thanks eve come on I know you're behind that tree. A guy stepped out behind the tree it was egg dye with a

dojo Alford and a demon mask don't tell me this is the monster it can't be can you look through him

Name: white

Race: shapeshifter

Titles: The monster, The Hunter of hunters

that's all I needed to know is it normal for a master to have a name? No which means that it is following someone's order or it possesses intelligence. well looks like things are about to get interesting I honestly didn't know what to do he

was just looking at me that's one all of my agents appeared next to me we have found the monster wait what but he's turn around he disappeared like he was never there OK where is the monster he isn't too far we found him in a hidden cave the cave was surrounded by many allusions nothings are getting, even more, weirder what type of monster is it by the smell of it it's an Ogler oh that's normal those things are pretty good a cast and illusions

and destructive spells OK take me there it's time to

get our reward 5 minutes later we arrived at the entrance of the cave everyone, not including Diamond stay and guard the entrance make sure no one enters me and Diamond will take care of it

And we do just that we are entered the cave but it leads to nothing but a dead end I was sure this was another illusion so I just walked through it but it wasn't I felt it this can be a high-level Ogler

Diamond takes a bite of my leg I don't snap back to reality where there was no wall thanks Diamond

make sure to wake me up if I'm ever caught any illusion he then barks at me I'm not sure if he can see you through the illusions but I'll need to take a skill to combat things I can't hurt after more walking I start to realize this is another illusion I look at Diamond and he looks at me and then closes his eyes and started to walk I just followed and I then hit something it was a wall

Illusions after illusions we finally come across an injured Ogler I wasn't stupid to charge in this was definitely a trap but then again what am I gonna do I look at Diamond and he just charges towards it I tried to stop him but there wasn't a trap he just molded it into pieces he shredded it like a piece of paper my God she was so goddamn vicious but as an overlord, I must act like one… Diamond you have

done well as expected have my pet Diamond looks at me and he barks happily fame has increased by +100 I need to keep acting like an overlord not only for myself but for my supporter's sake would you like to sell Ogler on the black market menu yes

Poisonous blood +1000 points eyes of illusions and eyes of distractions +10,000 points Ogler organs +20,000 points what is the black market is where you can do the opposite of the Shop function you can earn by selling basically

anything that is not given from the shop menu

Open black-market this stuff is interesting you can buy anything such as dark artifacts mercenary's and some evil stuff this is going to be pretty useful if I ever need to get rid of someone entirely I can just sell them here and make a profit what an amazing function… that's when I heard footsteps I turned around and it

was the same guy my age with the white dojo outfit and the red demon mask I look at him and he looks at me he doesn't say anything so I decided to start your name is white isn't it? He nods do you need- (no no I'm an overlord no I must act like one even one meeting someone new even if it pisses them off) I am Isaac. State what you want if not and then get out of my way… Eve can you tell me what is behind his mask. he isn't wearing a mask that is

his face. Well it does make sense since he is a shapeshifter Diamond isn't reacting to any hostile intentions what does he not have any social skills?

He continues to walk towards me I can see that his intention wasn't on me but Diamond what does he want to pet diamond? I mean he is cute but not when you're his enemy… do you want to pet him which grabs his attention from Diamond to me he nods his head well that's an easy request I can grande you but you have to tell me who are you and where do you come from… he starts talking in another language I have never

heard before Eve what is he saying? He is saying that his name is white and he comes from a place called green heaven it's an experiment site. He managed to escape and is now in here. Eve, do you know where green heaven is? It's in The jungle of giants I never heard of it. Of course, you wouldn't have heard of it it's from another planet called cosmos… it's time to put on the overlord act not only that but I will be able to make an ally with a powerful ability. eve translate what I am saying into

his language. So you're from Green heaven planet

cosmos that's a pretty far place from our Homeworld Bakura. Yes, I managed to sneak in a spaceship that was heading here. Do you have anyone a friend of family anything? No. he's not lying. Then how about you become my friend? white how did you get in here I told them to go to his place what happened. Oh, they just let me in. The agents can detect one someone is bad or good it's like a fortune Teller so they let him in wow I need to be more specific next time Mission has

been updated kill Ogler completed you have gained

20 billion marks… I introduced white to my mother but before that, I told white to transform into a guy she wasn't going to except a weirdo in her house transform into a guy who looks friendly and the same age as me we had an extra room that he could sleep in New mission recruit 100 people into your army the next day was going to be a day full of work so I must get some rest… (check out factory Inc. it's a really good story)