Chapter 15 Prisoners

both lily and david are at the prison but as prisoners what's awaits them nis a fate far worse then death it's self

the warden makes his appearance and walks slowly to the prisoners

prison warden : these prisoners new?

imperial soldier : yes

imperial soldier : the captain requested that man won't be executed

prison warden : hmmmp in prison

the warden looks at them eye contact

David : ......

lily ...!!

prison warden : okay separate those two and have them change their

clothes once they changed I'd like to introduce them to the other prisoners

imperial soldier : yes

the imperial soldiers walked David and lily to the prison once they have walked

imperial prison guards : you take off you clothes

David : scew off you dumbass

the imperial prison guard hits had 4 times

David : guraaah!

imperial prison guard : you want to try again ...put take off your clothes

David takes off his clothes the other imperial guards splashed water of bucket

imperial prison guard : put that on

David puts the prison clothes on ad he did the prison guard tells him to follow the line where the prisoners are line up to recieved their prison numbers

imperial prison guard : your number 135 !! number 136 , number 137

Accused prisoner : I didn't do it ! .... I didn't do it !

prisoner : shut doesn't matter what we say they won't believe us

David. : .....

David (thinking) : that guy infront of me accused ?

the prison guard kept giving other prisoners numbers until it was David turn to get his number

imperial prison guard : alright your number 154

As David had gotten his number he was sent to the large corridor with prison cells with the other prisoners in the cells david sits down on the floor

David sees the prisoners face with no hope of getting out

David stomach grumbled

David : tch I'm already hungry

the imperial prison guard came by and toasted loft wheat breads

imperial prison guard : everyone lunch time eat the bread

the prisoners rush to the cells only to pick up a few bread but wasn't enough

imperial prison guard : goddamn pigs its almost sad

David still sits down without eating anything

imperial prison guard : hmmp! ...Your lost... your gonna have work

As the imperial guard left David used status and went to the food shop and buys a cheese burger and takes it out from his inventory and eats it

David num

David : this is good

the prisoners looks back and sees david eating a cheeseburger

Prisoner : is that food ....real food!

Prisoner : pl...please give us food ...please!!

David : okay okay calm

David goes back to the the food shop on his status and buys 15 burgers and 10 plastic bottles of coke for 25 coins and takes it out from his inventory

prisoner : what are do- ?

David : here eat all of you and drink

Prisoner : thank you ! thank you !

the prisoners quickly grabbed a burger and ripped the bag wrapped around the burger and begins to eat it

prisoner : num num

David opens a bottle of coke and hands it over to the prisoners

David : here drink it

prisoner: gulp gulp gulp puhaaaww pant...,pant...pant t.....thank you

David : keep eating everyone you need strength

the prisoners across them shout to david and asked him for food

prisoner : hey you !

prisoner : please help us

David : I know don't worry

David buys more food and drinks for 100 coins 65/35 food and drinks he toasted a beg with 10 burgers and five bottles of coke

David : everyone eat okay and drink

David : you pass the four othe bags to the others by your side of the cells

David tossed one bag at a time the prisoner infront of him passed the two bags to his right and left cell and david did the same thing

The prisoner in his cell asked why should he help a bunch of prisoners he never met

Prisoner : why would help someone like us ?

David : I did this because it's the right choice

the old man from his cell spoke

old prisoner : you what I'd your name young man

David : David

old prisoner : David what a strange name ...foreigner?

David : yes

old prisoner.......,.

at that moment the old man looks at david eye to eye the old prisoner know the look of a man that was a soldier

old prisoner : your eyes resemble of a brave soldier I use to know

Takashi : my name is Takahashi I was once a soldier back then before I ended up inside the prison

David : you were a soldier

Takashi : so are the others inside this wretched prison

David : all of them were soldiers?

Takashi : many them that in the prison we are in right now were the soldier of the empire many of them disobeyed orders from they're high rank officials that have ordered to slaughter those that had sided with the revolutionary army

Takashi : they defected many of the people within the empire believes in these so called what's neccessary for the good of the people but it's the benefit for the empire, for the minister

the tone of Takashis voice became angry when he mention the prime minister

David : may I what anger do you have against the minister

Takashi explains the story how he met the prime minister ten years ago

Takashi : My father was an author he'd always written about the life about being a country how we survived during the bitter winter of the country side

Takashi : the story he'd told me when it was bed time the story always inspired me to be brave to my country man it was symbol of hope and bravery

Takashi : to the corrupt nobles it was a symbol of defiance even now his death still haunts me the nobles paid people to kill my father that day

Takashi : calaberating with any corrupt noble and conspiring within the empire if a betrayal , a betrayal against all of peace and prosperity

Takashi : the prime minister were not trouble by such matters he looked only to advance his agenda

end next chapter