Chapter 37 Night training part 2

The first group leader Ken had failed at his first night training will be running back to the barracks with his "as for group two they went further down to simulation training ground

(Thud , thud , thud , thud )

David : you are within enemy territory be on high alert never let your guard down !




As the night been lit up again for the training for the new recruits multiple Mannikins dress with imperial outfits every by tree line and David begins to fire some paintballs

(Pop , pop , pop , pop , pop)

(Bang , bang)

David : all of you are under attack what do you do!?

Jun : move to cover in the sides to the trees and rocks !

David : enemy got swords what about them !?

Jun : keep firing while getting cover !

Jun : move ! Move !

David had smile that Jun herself is taking command of the training for the first time


Rebel base

(Step , step , step , step , step , step)

Female rebel soldier 1 : hmm ?

As she notice Ken and the others walking together on foot

Female rebel soldier 1 : it's those people

She begins to ask Ken and others that are walking towards the gate

Female rebel soldier 1 : is it just you all ?!

Ken answers

Ken : Yeah!

Female rebel soldier 1 : what happened I thought all of you were training together!

Shimon : we failed and this is our punishment for not being cautious or alert !

Female rebel soldier 1 : oh

The gate opens as they went inside they walk to the barracks minute later they clean they're guns with required tools and cleaning products provided by David

(Spray , spray )

And there are some assembling they're rifles after cleaning the ak74

(Click , clack , Tink)


Rin : this is bull crap we've have the training we should kicking some ass out their

Erika : you said it

Ken : …..

Didn't talk as he already feels down letting down his own unit on the first time in night training

Haruto : we can use these weapons better then those guys it's simple !

Ken looks at haruto for a minute annoyed by there confidence and unself awareness

Ken : simple huh ?

Ken : simple ?

He feels aggravated and begins to tell haruto off that it's not always simple

Ken : you think that digging dirt , setting up traps was simple !

Ken : since David arrived there was actually a win win for us !

Ken : it was hard staying up at night we barely had food and water in our stomach!!

Rin : hey , hey guys come on

Ken : you think everything we are doing is that simple huh ? …What fuck gave that confidence to say that out loud ?!

Ken : right now I'm got everyone punished because of that pride !

Shimon : …..

Ken had let out his frustrations on shimon he felt exhausted from it

Moments later

Simulation training

(Gun crackle)

David fires a Soviet era Pkm mounted on a tripod as for Juns unit they are Crawling underneath barb wires

Under live fire training

Jun units that are crawling with they're ak74 cross arms


(Gun crackling)

David initiates a dummy bomb


David : training will help get all that fear out of you keep moving !

David : keep moving !

(Gun crackle)



David : keep moving!

Jun : hff hff

Haruki : hfff hfff

Some were scared but knowing that there's a machine gun firing above them it would be stupid to get up all they could do is keep crawling

In the end many of juns unit made it

David : ok next for you to walk through the river on foot with your gear

(Splash , splash , splash , splash)

David : come on people you all still got they energy in ya keep going

David : come on ! come on !

David : under that log have you rifle on rope of the with one hand and another

(Splash , splash)

David : that's it you know what you doing good job !

David : you are almost there

Everyone that's been on the river kept running nonstop tired , as soon they see land they're ran like no tomorrow


(Step , step , step , step , step)


Everyone : hff ,hff ,hff

David : everyone get to changing now

Arisa : finally

Everyone was relieved and they begin to they're wet clothes into new clothes

David (thinking) : this is a great progress let's see if they can stay up at night

David : alright people listen up you guys will resting for a bit

David : and as for you two haruki and Erika you will be on watch for any enemy

As minutes later two of them were 35feet apart from each keeping watch as the others ready for a bit

Harurki : clear !

Erika (distance voice) : clear

Every second they need to stay clear knowing someone is up

But haruki his own eyes slowly blinks

Haruki : …..z….(sniff)

Erika (distance voice) : clear!

Haruki (murmur) : …..z … clear

His eyes slowly closed as he falls asleep slump back at the tree but suddenly someone sneaks up


Unknown assailant grabs his rifle

Haruki : huh?!

And puts a black bag over his enter head rendering him blind


(Step! , step! , step! , step!)


Haruki : offf


The unknown assailant was non other then David

As everyone is looking haruki he is surrounded

Haruki : haaa haa haa haaa

Haruki felt relieved that it was just them…but what he didn't get at all is that what disappointed David the most

David looks at haruki with disappointment

Haruki : I was just fell asleep (chuckled)

Haruki : I thought I got kidnapped but its just you guys

David : funny right

Haruki : yeah (chuckle)

David : yeah

Haruki : yeah-


Haruki : aagh!

David hit Him so hard his lip had blood

David : you never fall asleep during nighttime not until your shift ends !


David : you got Everyone killed because fell asleep ! And you lack of self awareness!

(Smack , smack)

Haruki : naagh!


David : next time you think about sleeping in training , i will knock you fucking teeth out


David : pick him we're going home now

As it was the end of night training for everyone altough many people will have to learn they are not always safe among every place they go

End next chapter