I clean my eyes as I hear a soft knock on the door. "Come in." I begin to sob uncontrollably, as I see Aunt Ruth. "Aunt."

"My love," Aunt Ruth hugs me in a bid to console me.

"My mother says I have to marry that man, but I love Rocky, aunt."

"I know, darling. It's just, your mother already signed the document."

Natalie frowns, "She forged my signatu— My mother enters. She speaks, "And that document was legal binding, meaning that if you do not act accordingly to what is written in that document, not only you, but myself and your sick father will be sued for breach of contract. Also, may I remind you that we are broke already and cannot avoid getting hit with a lawsuit."

"I don't know if hatred would be understatement of how I feel about you right now, mother. "

Ruth adds, "Judith when did you become so vicious? I don't understand. This is your daughter who's barely a woman and you're trying to force her into something so barbaric?"

"There's nothing barbaric about her getting married. She can make babies already I'm sure you know that because you two are fine keeping secrets." She looks at Natalie, "I know you slept with that boy from your school. I saw you."

I get up and look at her, surprised and embarrassed, "You watched me have sex with Rocky?" I can't help but chuckle in disgust, "You're the sick one!"

Judith says, "I'm not here to exchange words with you, young lady and you better learn to respect me. You have until midnight to pack your bags."


I enter y father's study, and just as I'm about to sit, Lea rushes into the study, "Madam, well. . ." I begin to panic, as the first thing that I can think of is my father collapsing again.

"Lea, are you okay? What happened? Tell me."

Lea replies, "Well, the hospital just called and Mrs. Judith has left for the hospital. I think something happened to your father. . ." She responds in her thick Russian accent.

"No," I whisper as I break down. I get up, and think of what to do. I rush out to find my way to the hospital.


"I'm looking for my father, Francis Richardson." I ask the hospital receptionist.

"Straight down to your left, miss." A nurse replies. I rush there as fast as I can. My mother is seated there.

"Mother, what happened?"

Judith gets up, "You're concerned now?"

"Don't you make me feel guilty. This is not my doing. Where is my father?" I inquire, mid tears.

"How dare you even step in here when you have done nothing to save his life? Your father as you so fondly call him just had a cardiac arrest and I had to beg these people like my life depended on it before they would even consider helping him."

"Your life does depend on it. He is your husband and I don't see what you're doing to prevent any of this." I retort.

"That is why you have to do as Carrington says!"

I sigh, "Where's my father? Please."

"Your father isn't stable yet and he will die the moment something wrong happens again. Natalie, you have no other option." She warns me.

Her words hurt me, and I stand there, defeated. "I'll do whatever it takes to save him, but does it have to be this?"

"It has to be done, Princess." My mother says, holding me. I have no strength to push her away. "Don't touch me, please," I jerk my hands off. "You're not a mother. You scare me." I clean my tears, "I can never forgive you for this. I will never."

"Go, get ready. Forget about Rocky, and think ahead, Princess. It's a win-win situation, Natalie. You're saving us all."

I clean my tears. "I'm not going through with it."

"You're a smart girl, Natalie. I'll let you decide. Assist your family or watch your father die. The choice is yours." I continue sobbing as I fall to the floor, defeated. How could I possibly tell Rocky such devastating news?


My eyes are red and puffy from crying. I'm dressed in a grey dress, ready to be sold off like a piece of furniture. My life had take a wicked turn in a split second. I walk to the balcony as soon as I hear a car arrive. I look down from the balcony. It had to be him, Carrington. As though he can feel my eyes on him, he looks up. Our eyes meet. I look away and retreat.


"I'm glad you made the right decision." Judith says, barging into my room. I look at her, anger and pure disgust in my eyes.

"Shall we? We mustn't keep him waiting."

"Where is my father? Does he know what you've done?"

"Your husband to be is waiting, Princess."


As I arrive downstairs, the first person I see is a tall, well built man. He looked like he was in his late twenties. He had blue eyes, and was blonde, just like me. He has a blank expression on his face. He must be Carrington.

"Shall we?" The man accompanying Carrington asks.

"We shall." Judith responds, leading everyone into the study. I feel betrayed. I want to cry, but I control myself.

"Going straight to the matter of the day, I'm of the opinion that both parties are aware and approve of this union?"

Carrington nods. I can't bring myself to respond. I'm shaking, and I can feel the tears spilling out of my eyes. Judith rushes to my side. "Say yes, what are you doing?" She chuckles, "She's just nervous."

"Yes." I finally respond.

"Mr. Carrington, do you accept Ms. Richardson here, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The man asks.

"I do." He responds, and I look at him, annoyed. I look away. It was so easy for him, getting married to someone he barely knew.

"Ms. Richardson, do you accept Mr. Carrington to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I don't respond. I run my hand through my hair, frustrated.

"Ms. Richardson?" The lawyer calls. I look at him. I turn to look at Judith, who's glaring angrily at me. I close my eyes, remembering Rocky's touch, his lips on mine— how could I possibly betray him in such a huge manner? I think back to seeing my father, his pale eyes and facial expressions. He was really sick, and this was the only way out.

"I thought you said she was ready, Mrs. Richardson?" I hear Carrington ask.

"I do." I respond.

"She is!" Judith answers.

"Please, if both parties can sign this." Carrington signs. I sign.

"With the power vested in me, by the state, I pronounce you husband and wife."


"I have a meeting in two hours. It would be best if you take whatever you want to so that we may leave."

I turn around, disgusted. "I refuse to go anywhere with a wicked man like you. You may leave if you wish." I say, as I walk off. He grabs my arm. He chuckles softly. "I beg your pardon? We are married, and I don't intend on living apart from my wife. You are mine."

"Let me go." I demand. "I am not yours. Do you think I'm a piece of furniture that you own? Have you no decency?"

"You're mine. I bought you, incase you were wondering."

"I know. You left me no choice, you bastard!" I say, as I slap him. He lets go of my arm. He touches his cheek as he looks at me.

"Don't let me punish your family for your misdeeds." He says, and his words send shivers down my spine. He continues, "Get your things, and let us leave."