1. Birthday

A red car was traveling at an unusual speed. There were 3 people in the car, the driver and two passengers who were secretly talking to each other. The only sound was the radio playing in the car. Not without reason the two passengers did not communicate. They were both awkward to talk to. Even breathing feels awkward.

The weather was cloudy, indicating that people were preparing tools to protect themselves from the wetness that would come down.

The red car increased its speed before the view of the road would be obstructed by the myriads of falling water. Because the road is quite quiet, the car easily turned and even broke into traffic.

A girl looking out the car window. It's still quite a long way to get to the destination. She sighed then closed her eyes again.

Her father who sat on the right side occasionally glanced at her. Several times he wanted to talk and often wanted to smile at his daughter. But he undo so that the atmosphere is not more awkward.

Yeah, the atmosphere managed to make the driver confused with them. The two passengers were one of his regulars and they usually talked about casual things. Even the father was friends with him. Seeing today not a single word was said from the two people, the driver was silent even though he wanted to ask the teenager many things about her feelings moving to a boarding school in her last year of high school.

The teenager opened her backpack and took out a bottle of drink that was still cold. She gulped down to nothing, eliminating all past thoughts that had accompanied her since her departure. Then she took a deep breath and leaned against the car window.

The long journey ended. The driver stopped the car in front of the school gate and the teenager rushed to get her things with the help of her father.

"Do not rush." said her father. "Make sure you don't mind bringing your things."

The girl didn't respond, instead accelerating her movements.

The car door opened, the girl stepped wide to get away.

The father held back. "Don't think too much while you're here. Focus on your studies. I'll correct my mistakes."

Again without responding, the girl let go of her father's hand. Her father held back again.

"Alice!" call her father.

Alice held back her patience. This time she turned but looked down. "It's going to rain."

Her father who understood what she meant could only smile sadly. As Alice slowly lifted her head, he changed his expression to a happy smile.

His fingers grabbed Alice's bangs. Even though he had doubts, he was brave.

"Happy Birthday!"

All the burdens that were in his head seemed to disappear as soon as he said those words. Like surviving a natural disaster, the father's breath sounded very relieved. His hands were free to caress his daughter's head.

Alice's eyes that met her father's could not move when she heard those words. It was Alice's turn to catch her breath. Her smile really wanted to appear but she tried hard to hide it.

Seeing the Alice not responding anymore, the unfriendly atmosphere came back. Dad's laughter became discordant even though he wanted to comfort Alice.

"Come in before you get wet." tell dad who didn't really mean to say that.

He stepped back while waving. "Take care of yourself. Call dad if you have time, okay?" said him with a big smile.

"Call me once in a while!" said the driver from inside the car.

Alice struggled to keep the tears from falling from her eyes. Actually she wanted to hug her father before entering the new school. There are many things that she is not ready to do without her father because all this time she has depended on him the most.

Many thoughts had been running through her since deciding to transfer to this boarding school. Several times she wanted to cancel but there were things that convinced her to move.

Dispelling the awkwardness and anger, Alice braved herself.

"Dad!" Her scream succeeded in surprising and encouraging father and driver.

Her dad quickly turned around. Of course with a beaming face. The driver opens the car window again. Witnessing more clearly the separation of father and daughter.

At that moment Alice was nervous again. Her lips wanted to be tightly shut but her heart rebelled. Her thoughts supported her heart so that her lips parted and screamed loudly over the shocking sound of the rain that had just fallen.



Unable to suppress a smile, Alice's father smiled with great emotion. Alice's scream seemed to lift his spirits. He was no longer worried that Alice would live in the dormitory.

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Alice dashed into the school gate which was wide open. Dragging her suitcase and carrying her bag, she burst into tears without caring about the few people who had witnessed her separation from her father. Honestly, she was embarrassed because she had not shown her affection for her father in a long time, especially if it was witnessed by several strangers.

The corners of her lips lifted, the tightness in her chest had turned to ashes and disappeared.


Alice stomped her feet vigorously. She stood still looking ahead. Suddenly she became restless again. She braced herself by tightening her grip on the suitcase, but her uneasiness didn't go away.

"Dad!" Alice turned around, running leaving the bags and suitcases that could get in the way.

Alice put all her strength into her legs to quickly return to the front of the school. Breaking through heavy rain and strong winds without thinking about anything else.


To late. The red car had already sped up and disappeared in a few seconds. Alice's breath hitched. Regret arose because of the prestige of hugging her father. Her legs went limp and she cried even more. She wanted to scream, but she didn't have the energy to do it until she was satisfied. Besides, she won't be satisfied if she just screams incoherently.

Alice took her cell phone from her jacket pocket and searched for dad's contacts.

"Kid, come on in. We have to close the gate." said a security guard from behind her, carrying an umbrella with a female janitor.

"Your father doesn't want you to get wet. Come on in." added the janitor gently.

Alice shook her head. Her hands trembled pressing on the screen of her cell phone which was starting to become blurry because of the rain.

"Go inside and calm yourself down. Come on!" persuaded the janitor, crouched down.

The security guard covered Alice and the janitor from the rain.

Alice's hand stopped. Her mind digested the janitor's persuasion.

"You are not a child, you can definitely control yourself."

Alice didn't know what to do. Even though she just presses the option to call if she wants to call her father.

Slowly, the janitor hugged Alice to help her up. The security guard accompanied Alice all the way inside too. There were several students staring at Alice in that state and the security guard told them not to gossip. Luckily there were no female students there, which was more reassuring that gossip would exist.

When they arrived at the main door, the janitor led Alice to sit on the existing chair. Meanwhile the security guard ran to take care of the gate.


"Thank You." said Alice, smiling at the principal. She had just spoken to the principal about her transfer which was warmly welcomed.

The pincipal smiled, walking ahead of Alice. "Let me show you the way. You can ask your roommate for directions if you want to go around. You share the same room as the leader of the girls' dormitory."

"Alright, thanks a lot for the help, Ma'am."

Alice looked left and right carefully. Trying to remember the road that is being passed so as not to bother people too much later. The school and dormitory were very large, with many forked streets that it wasn't easy for new students like Alice to remember them right away.

The principal only accompanied her to the main door of the school. Next Alice is accompanied by a history teacher who happens to be passing by and the principal asks for his help.

The dormitory building is to the left of the school building, while to the right of the school building, there are buildings for doing extracurricular indoor activities that were specially built.

At that time many students were in the main field. Today is a holiday and they are free to play in the school environment. Alice watched the students she passed. Maybe someone recognized. Among those passing by, not a few were smiling at Alice and the history teacher. By bringing a suitcase and several bags, they can know that Alice is a new student in that school.

"Even though it's wide and branched, it's actually not that hard to remember because it's been laid out well. If you're confused, it's not uncommon to find road signs as well." The history teacher explained. "Look over there! There are plenty of arrows pointing the way. Just follow."

Like arrows in traffic signs, the boarding school also provides them to help anyone who is confused about the direction of the road there. This is the characteristic of that boarding school.

Upon entering the girls' dormitory area, Alice was amazed by its contents. The placement of the bedrooms and other rooms in the dormitory are neatly and orderly arranged and seem attractive to her.

"This is your room. There are three people living in it. They must be pleased with you." said the history teacher as they reached the door of the room Alice was going to be in.

"Please come in and enjoy your time. I will be leaving now."

"Thank you so much, Sir. You really helped me." Alice smiled and half bowed.

The history teacher chuckled and walked away.

Doubt arose in Alice's heart as she was about to knock on the bedroom door.

Alice sighed and clenched her hand. Before actually knocking on the door, she steeled herself to be able to adapt to a new friend. She is classified as an introvert especially in a new environment.

Alice started knocking.

No answer.

There was a voice from inside since earlier, even very noisy. Alice knocked louder on the door so the occupants inside could hear. But that never happened.

"Excuse me,"

Alice called many times but still no one opened the door. The voice inside got even louder. They laughing and joking while shouting. Alice gave up, deciding to slowly open the door.



Alice's eyes met with a cute girl with a red ribbon with natural makeup. The girl happened to be about to come out of the room. Their heights didn't differ much so the two of them were both surprised by the stares they received.

"OH! NEW STUDENT?!" shouted the girl after glancing at Alice's suitcase.

Alice hastily replied, "Ah, yes. I am Alice Glinmour who was stationed in this room."

"Woah, nice to meet you, friend! I'm also a resident of this room." The girl's hand shook Alice happily. "Hey you guys! The new student is here!" She shouted to the 4 people in there.

"Wow, are you serious?"

"I'm curious!"

"What? There's a new student in your room guys?"

The four of them walked to the bedroom door. Alice tried to be calm. Seeing their appearance, she suddenly remembered the past where she also often dressed up and enjoyed elegant appearance.

One person who stood out among them, came forward to Alice. With tall body and short hair that looks tomboyish, the girl introduces herself.

"I'm Britney Harvey, female dormitory leader. You can let me know if you have any complaints."

Alice smiled happily. "Thank you very much. Please help, my name is Alice Glinmour."

"Good name." someone chirps behind Britney. A row of white and neat teeth succeeded in making Alice envious. "I'm Christie."

"Continue inside!" asked Britney to which the five there obeyed.

Alice was surprised by the whole room messy to the corner of the room. Even though there is the leader of the female dormitory here, why is it falling apart like this?

"This is your bed, okay?" said the girl with the ribbon, pointing to an empty bed.

There are 4 beds in this room which means it can be occupied by 4 people. Alice stared in confusion at the number of people in this room but she remained silent.

"Pack things up, guys. I have a bad feeling." said Britney as she removed her make-up.

Christie laughed. "Haha! Alice must be surprised right? Don't worry, we can take responsibility."

Alice could only respond with a nod and a smile. She is quite relieved to be welcomed well but remains wary because anything can happen in a friendship.

Britney moved closer to Alice's bed. "It's almost time to eat. Arrange your things and we go to the canteen."

"Okay, Clarence and I went back to our room now. See you again in the canteen. Bye guys." Christie grabbed Clarence's hand and left the room.

The remaining 4 original occupants of the room.

"You haven't spoken to Alice. Get acquainted!" shouted the girl in the ribbon again, to one of her friends who had not yet had a chance to communicate with Alice.

"Stop yelling, Hoover! Your voice can be heard all over the bedroom." Britney teased.

The Hoover prepared to hit Britney. The action stopped when someone spoke.

"I think Alice knows me."

Alice looked up, staring at the person for a long time.

"Really? But I'm not sure." Alice answered.

No wonder she just stared at Alice without speaking ever since she saw Alice.

"I'm Jessy Loren. We were in the same grade in elementary school. Don't you remember?"

Alice's eyes widened, remembering that in her last year of elementary school something heartbreaking had happened.
