Problem solved

The morning sun shone brightly through the open front door of my house. My dad eyed the detective suspiciously as he invited himself inside. The detective walked to our dining table and sat there.

"My name is Adam Li. " It was awkwardly silent all of a sudden, he didn't seem to notice. "As I said, I need your help finding the Farrels. They have been doing this for years, hurting other families like you all over the world."

Everyone calmed down. My parents, Matia and I sat down next to him.

"We need to set a trap," he continued. "Right now, we don't have enough evidence to make a case against them.

I nodded. I had thought about this before too. I got my notebook out and showed Adam what I had written down.

He moved a bit closer to see the writing, "So you are okay with us using all of you as bait?"

"That is basically the idea." I said. "Then you will capture them and end all of this."

Adam nodded.

"When should we start?" I looked at Matia and my parents, they seemed restless, I turned to Adam.

"Let's get them back over here," he said. "And get this done."

We all got up and headed different ways. Adam set up the recorders and other equipment while we went to Syllia's.

Knock! The door opened and Sylia came out. "Why haven't you been arrested yet?'

"Can you just come back over so we can talk?" I asked calmly.

"I'm not going anywhere."

We had to think fast. We weren't going to get Sylia back to my house and the Farrels still needed dealing with.

"We just wanted to ask some questions," Matia said.

"Sure." Syllia shrugged. "You'll be in jail anyways."

I pressed the record button on the phone in my pocket."Why did you lie to my parents about everything?"

Syllia rolled her eyes and sighed. "Of course, you still haven't figured it out?"

I forced a surprised look on my face, and asked another question. "How long have you been planning this day?"

"Ten years." Her mom said, coming up behind Syllia. "It took the longest to trap you. But, if you pay us $10,000 a month, we'll stay quiet."

I couldn't listen to this anymore, we already bought enough time for the police. I took out my phone and showed it to the Farrels. "I was recording you the whole time. We know what you have done."

Right after I said that, police charged the house, headed for the Farrels.

Blood drained from Syllia's face. I watched as the police handcuffed her and her parents and took them to the car.

Adam came over to us, "Thank you for helping us capture them."

"They got what they deserved. I hope everyone else can get their lives back too now."

My parents rushed up. My dad wrapped a blanket around me. "Leslie, you have to come with us."

"What is it?"

"Just come."

We all got in a taxi together and I couldn't believe it when we stopped in front of the veterinary hospital. There, in the arms of our vet, was Maylin cooing with her eyes bright.

I rushed up and took her in my arms. Syllia was behind bars. My Sunlark was with me again. I smiled.