"Hahahaha...…,clever one the man glanced at him "ok, then I'll take you back to your sister. she must have landed in a different branch. the man seemed to have dozed off back to what just happened before he laughed hysterically As a clanging sound caught Athel's attention

The sound was coming from the man's swords, his swords hung on his back, they were omega cleavers with a one sided blade but the swords were firm in place it was the chains at the handles that clashed and shook which caused the sound to ring out

"No!, I will train here and get stronger then I'll go and protect her" Athel announced bravely

"Hahaha…, you protect who!? your so weak that if I were to flick your forehead you would explode!" the man exclaimed as his middle finger touched his thumb which created a flicking motion