Prislla stared at him and then walked closer. "It is not as easy as you think—please don't let us go over pains in this family again. It was Doctor Mattis and now I don't know what Pastor Mandolin Trump will do—"

"He is only a Pastor and not a doctor—I see the contraceptive pill is making you mad, right? But God can change that perhaps soon." Eric Travis interrupted seeing she was getting upset already. "A solution will come—"

"I am not coming with you to that church, never. Pastor Joshua remains our Pastor and nobody else!"

Silence eventually crawled in and hung over them. When Eric Travis later spoke, he was already on his way to the bedroom.

"There is nothing wrong being a Pastor and if I become one tomorrow there is absolutely no way you won't come with me—in the meantime. I will think about it."

Before she could say a word, she watched him walked past the door. As she turned, her eyes meant Dralex.

Has she heard all that they said? Of course, she has ears, she pondered. She closed her eyes angrily and sank back into her chair.

The doorbell rang again. The first died within the sitting room. But the second passed the kitchen door and pierced the eardrums of Prislla.

She stirred the soup one more time and then put off her apron. Pushing the kitchen door open, she walked fast and then doubled her steps. And as she did, her eyes walked around the sitting room.

Where is Dralex?

Is she out playing with Daniel and Ruth next door?

Her eyes caught the wall clock.

It is noonday already and it is the weekend.

Who is behind the door?

And as she made to open the door, the doorbell rang again. This time, it got her mad. "I am here already, who are—"

She stopped talking and pushed the door wide open. "It is you—Roselin, what a pleasant surprise—come right in." She held her hands to her chest in shock after closing the door.

"You are the last person I will think will ever ring my doorbell." She pointed to a seat and watched Roselin sit down.

"Quite an age!" she exclaimed further as she stared into the lovely eyes of Roselin. "Where have you been all these years? Eric will be glad to see you. I guess you won't even recognize Dralex if you see her." Prislla took her seat beside Roselin and gazed at her.

"I am happy to see you too and you aren't looking bad at all—what smells? I guess something is burning." Roselin began.

Prislla jumped out of her seat and dashed for the kitchen. Roselin watched in amazement. And if there was anything she noticed, was that Prislla had added weight.

Has she gotten her third yet?

Dralex should have a sibling by now or—

Her thought slipped when Prislla walked back hurriedly. "Don't mind me—the soup on the fire almost—but it did not. I see your nostril is still magical like when we were in the catering school."

"As always Prislla—as always," Roselin responded with a smile.

Roselin sat up and then narrowed her eyes on Prislla. "No resting place in the city, Prislla. It is work all day and no chance to call in. Hmm, where is Dralex? And where are the others, yes, the others?"

Roselin's eyes moved around before settling it on Prislla, who she noticed was nervous suddenly.

"How do you mean?" Prislla asked.

Roselin glared at her and then whispered. "Haven't you got other kids apart from Dralex?"

Prislla broke down emotionally as she told Roselin all that happened.

Roselin nodded her head in sympathy. "You shouldn't have used it. Contraceptives aren't the answer for child spacing—the billing method is one safe method I stick to and am sure it works. It has no side effects and of course, natural—a lot of women have suffered so much from other forms of birth control. In the billing method both partners must be disciplined—by the way, how is Eric taking this? Hope he hasn't gone—"

"Oh no Roselin, don't even start. He is not that type." Prislla interrupted.

"What is even taking more of our conversation at the home front now is his talk about being a pastor. He said that a friend wants him to assist him and that has been the bone of contention in this house."

"A Pastor—" Roselin repeated in shock.

"Yes, a Pastor. I reacted the same way you did just now when he started telling me about it." Prislla muttered.

Roselin thought for a while as silence feasted above them for minutes.

How can Eric becoming a pastor be contention in the house?

If he wasn't chasing after women to perhaps give him another child then being a pastor won't be a bad idea.

Pastors are rich, godly, they command respect and besides, people trust them.

She stood up and backed Prislla.

"Are you leaving already?" Prislla asked.

Roselin wheeled around. "Not at all," she stared at Prislla and ventured. "Where is he, I mean Eric. I thought I will meet him at home and—"

"He is out and I doubt if he will be home on time." Prislla didn't let her finish.

She adjusted her buttock on the chair she sat again still staring at Roselin. "Anything the matter and why do you ask?"

Roselin looked away and then returned her eyes to Prislla. "I will rather say you are lucky, Prislla my friend. Pastors are godly people and if Eric wants to follow that path. I dare say you are lucky. I mean, your marital life will be blissful and you won't have him cheat on you as most men out there do to their wives."

Prislla gave her a thoughtful look. "You know I have not thought about that yet—"

"No, you haven't, Prislla. The world we live in is not as nice as you think. If your man becomes a Pastor, I am sure he won't think the way most men think and act, because he is now committed to God and not to the flesh." Her eyes caught her wristwatch.

She spoke for a while and then stood up and whispered. "I want to run along now. I will call you when I get to the city."

Prislla stood up slowly. Her thought was on the highway now. If Roselin's words should be taken seriously, then Eric Travis should be encouraged