"I pay my tithe, Pastor." He argued with his eyes picking up a shock.

Pastor Mandolin Trump lifted both hands. "That's enough; perhaps I couldn't keep the records straight. I thought you were one of those—never mind. Hmm, there is no problem. Look over there, you can pick one of those anointing oil over there. It has been anointed already and let my secretary have the money for that. Put a drop on your water before you have your bath and a drop also in your food as you eat, that illness will get lost." He smiled as he watched Phillip picked a bottle of the anointing oil and hurried out of his office.

As soon as he left, the bell rang again and this time, it was a pleasant surprise. His eyeballs seemed to withdraw into its sockets. He sat up straight and pushed his chair back and stood up. This was the first time, he was seeing her.

But what is she doing here?

She had never accompanied her husband to this church and now—

His thought changed when he saw her took a seat without accepting his handshake. He wasn't bothered either but this was the first time he was seeing such a beautiful married woman that looks so charming. He was well dressed and her shape, astonishing. And when he finally heard her voice, he felt his body shivered.

He sat down quickly to listen and suddenly, he knew Pastor Eric Travis had told him about it.

But his thought dropped when he heard her spoke once more. "That's why I came or—I shouldn't."

"Eric—I mean Pastor Eric, your husband told me about your partial barrenness. It's alright, God is able—but I must pray with you."

Prislla eyed him and then admired him. He was putting on an expensive suit and a nice pair of shoe, definitely from one of the best boutique in the city.

His eyes shifted to her lovely eyes. This time, their eyes meant and everything—just everything looked different.

Immediately, Pastor Mandolin heard a voice within. "Lay your hands on her and release the spirit of lust on her. I see you like her, do it now and she will be yours."

And suddenly power crawled into him and as he placed his hands on her, he felt some power left him and penetrated her body. Prislla jerked and immediately her eyes rolled and her lips took a romantic curve.

"Go and believe barrenness is a thing of the past, for there shall be no barrenness in the city."

He watched Prislla stood up and quickly added. "I do have a private session for special brethren if you don't mind. Okay, let's have a date, three days from today by 4 pm in Green Trust Hotel. Here is my card, you can find your way easily, is that okay." He watched her took the card and nod her head.

He wondered how everything worked so fast, it was difficult to understand.

The moment she walked out of his office. He knew Pastor Eric Travis had lost his wife and there is no way she won't share his bed with him. He licked his lips as he forced himself to remember Prislla romantic appearance a while ago.

The more he thought about this, the more he felt they are meant for each other.

"Next—" he shouted.

He refused to wait for the table bell to ring now having caught a glimpse of the wall clock.

Suddenly, the office door was flung wide open and he watched a beautiful lady walked in with an amazing body curve, well form buttocks and pointed breasts as if inviting him to caress it.

Her dress was too sexy on her, it revealed her nipples, and he could see everything. And that got his eyes feasting.

He watched his secretary closed the door behind her.

Moments later, he looked away and whispered. "This world is indeed women's world." And as he watched her sit down, he knew he got another work in hand now.

"What do you seek?" He asked.

"Nothing much is just that my husband can't satisfy me in bed and I want more, more you know." She smiled.

"And you think prayer can do that? I don't think so." He stood up and walked up to her and caressed her breasts.

She screamed in a way that tells him she liked it.

He held her up and placed his lips on hers and sucked it softly. She responded immediately and soon her underwear dropped on her feet and then she held onto his table and shot her buttocks up. Pastor Mandolin quickly unzipped and penetrated.

She closed her eyes in ecstasy as she felt him stroke her gently but couldn't help but screamed his name all through, "Pastor, Pastor, and oh, oh pastor, go deep inside. I love it, I love you Pastor, Pastor—"

Twenty minutes later, he was done. He watched her lift her pant to her waist.

"Is there anything else?" He asked.

"Nope, you just did it. I mean I just felt like a woman for the first time since I got married. Can I come back here tomorrow, Pastor?"

Pastor Mandolin stared at her and then at her protruded breasts, which have their nipples still erected. "Yes, but we could do this elsewhere, at Green Trust—"

"I like it there." She smiled as she stood up to finish dressing.

"What did you say your name was?" He asked still admiring her,

"My name is Roomy, Roomy Castrol." She put on a smile.

He smiled. "Nice to meet you—"

She smiled as she forced her feet into her high heel shoes. "It is my pleasure, Pastor!"

"Here is my card. Call me anytime you have the urge, okay."

She nods at Pastor Mandolin and took the card, smiling.

Moments later, he watched her walked out of his office. As the door slammed, he zipped his trouser and shouted.
