Damsel shows no mercy to girls like this, he thought, refusing to start his engine, and when he finally did, he quickly spoke a word that got Dralex in deep thought and made her have her first chill through her spine. "Damsel hotel is not girls friendly, I suggest you don't pass the night there and your stay, let it be short. Thanks for the cash, pretty." His engine roared, and he drove away at such a speed that got Dralex wondering if he was under a chase. She looked away and then started for the huge gate.

She walked inside the large compound bravely but her mind never stopped wandering why Max insisted it must be at Damsel, and not in her parent's new home.

The moment she stepped into the hallway she saw all eyes on her, and some young boys started whistling and others shouting. "Come over here bitch. Let's whip your ass all night long. You gonna like it," another nasty comment came forth but she just kept on walking until she got to a door a tiny walkway where Max told her to find him.

She kept on looking back whether anyone was following. Her body was nervous and her eyeballs allowed fears to crawl in a circle within it.

Certain nobody was following, she quickly took the turn as Max said. This time, she sweats on her face and she tastes also.

Suddenly, she came to door number 56. She tapped on the door with her trembling right hand and almost immediately the door was thrown wide open before her eyes, "You made it. You are simply amazing. I thought you won't, brilliant—come right in and have some rest. I know your legs aches by now, long journey up here, right?" Max smiled and on his right hand, he held a bottle of beer.

Dralex nodded and walked right inside waiting for Max to shut the door.

She looked around for a few seconds. The bedroom was not bad looking; it was nice except that the bedspread looked old. There is a reading table at the far right corner of the room with a lamp stand on it. On the ceiling, a tiny fan was rolling and the curtain wasn't exactly her taste. The floor got a good finishing and the wall was painted blue. There is a door at the other end of the room, and she knew, it would be the toilet and bathroom combined.

She sat down quietly and refuses to say a word even though Max was wearing her out with his words. "Drink beer or I give you something light. I mean soft." His almost perfect smile caught the attention of Dralex.

His smile is always inviting and lovely, she thought. She nodded and decided to break her silence, "Soft will do—"

"I know you always love everything soft." He licked his lips.

He opened the refrigerator and drew out a soft drink, and handed it over to Dralex, who was more than eager to satisfy her taste. She opened it and hurriedly sipped out of it, closing her eyes to enjoy. Its coldness made her love the drink. It was so refreshing, it rushed right down into her system, and she felt the instant coldness. "I love this drink—" she eventually reacted.

"You need another?" Max cut in quickly. His eyes have been on Dralex ever since she walked in and sat down on a chair near the bed.

"Why did you ask us to meet here, Max?"

Max knew she would ask, and he had long prepared for this question. Staring into her lovely eyes, he motioned with one of his hands, "I just wanted us to be alone—at home, there are other distractions, but here, we can be free to talk, kiss, and do whatever we want—"

"Kiss, I don't understand what you're talking about, are you planning this whole thing, and I never knew it, Max?" Dralex glare at him as she sipped the last drop of her cold drink.

Her tone was lovely, Max thought, but knew he has to keep going to get her in the mood, he wanted her. He gave her another round of stare and this time, his eyes were on the sensitive part of her body. Her lips took his first view, and then her breasts came second with her firm nipples, followed by her curvy hips. "You are so beautiful, Dralex and I am lost for words to describe—"

"You said what, Max?" she blushed and looked away. "I am not going to spend all day here. You said you wanted to talk about what? My body—come on Max—"

"I love you, Dralex, and I hope you let me be your boyfriend. We've indeed known each other for quite a while now, but we need to cement that up. I mean make it stronger and—"

"How do you hope to do that, Max?" She sighed and looked around the little bedroom assuring herself they are all alone in the room, but the moment her eyes fell on the bed, she shivered and looked away.

Max stood up from the chair he sat opposite her and walked closer to her. He drew his face closer to Dralex's face, "Can I kiss you Dralex or do you want something to eat before I do that?"

She bleak her eyes as though forcing herself to understand what he meant. "I am starving; I thought you would never ask. I want something to eat—"

"In that case, I will call room service immediately." He started dialing the room service number and then spoke over the phone for a few seconds. Soon, the meal was served, and Dralex started eating, "it's quite a while I ate such a sumptuous meal—"

"Not even at home? Come on are you flattering me." Max looked at her in unbelief.

Dralex laughed and Max was pleased she did, at least she had started easing up.

"So nice to see your lovely white teeth—"

"Now you are flattering me. My belly is full and I don't want to—"

"Yes, I want to." Max interrupted without hearing her out first.

Dralex eyes sank into his. She saw what she can't possibly explain in words. She straightened up on the bed edge she sat and then struggled to look away, but Max's lips find hers, and before she could say a word, he lowered her to the bed. Her eyes were fixed on Max, but the moment she felt his hands around her naked thigh, she screamed softly, "I don't want to do this, Max—"

"Yes, you want to. Your body needs it, even though your sweet lips say something different." He walked his right hand closer to her genital.

Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind. She is only seventeen and Max, eighteen, are we ready for this or—

Her thought dropped when she felt Max's busy hand fumbling her genital. She forced her way up, but Max pulled her down to the bed and instantly forced a kiss on her wet lips.

He sucked her lips for a while until she responded and before she knew what was happening she was already undressed.

Max climbed her and used one of his legs to spread her legs apart slowly, and suddenly she felt him inside of her. She moans in pleasure.

Max never stopped, he kept on going deep until Dralex moaning became louder, and then she started crying at the same time.

"I know you love it, should I stop?" He looked into the eyes of Dralex that have been narrowed into slits by sex and when he saw her nod and whisper," no," he continued.

Max's buttock kept on moving up and down once more as he kept on penetrating and sucking Dralex's moaning lips.

A few minutes later, he fell on his back to the bed, panting. He knew he had enjoyed himself and hoped Dralex did too.

The moment Dralex stared at him and smiled, he knew she did. As they smiled looking into the eyes of each other, sleep crawled in and they slept for minutes.

Dralex was the first to wake up, she stood up from the bed and quickly dressed up and then tapped on Max, "I am afraid the time is far spent. I have to go home."

"What, it is late already," Max sat on the bed edge yawning. "It is 9 pm already and besides—"

"My parent will be mad at me Max. I should arrive home late than going home tomorrow morning. Where will I tell them I've been all night?"

"Come on Dralex, you can tell them anything—"