"I wanted to surprise you Jane and besides, it has gone past the day of my expected return, so I don't want to call and give excuses—sometimes you don't predict the work of God." He sat back on his chair looking tired.

He unbuttons his shirt and then drank out of his cup, this time swallowing a large quantity. Jane ignored and looked away for a while and then forced herself up from the chair she sat, "let me get you something to eat, I guess you must be—"

"I have eaten already and all I need right now is a warm bath and then we see what next."

She watched him stand up and started for their bedroom upstairs. Halfway through the staircase, he spun around and smiled at Jane, "I bought a lot of things, I know you would love—"

"Really," she reacted.

"Yeah, they are all in the car—we check them later. Where is Max? Not seen him yet—"

"Max is out with a friend, he said home alone is boring, and I agree. What is a home without you, darling."