Teni could see the calmness in the home at the arrival of her parent, Rashford and Ann. She never hesitated to tell her parent about Felix's misconduct during their absence for she knows that's the only way Felix can be disciplined.

Now, in the sitting room, Rashford had been ruminating over what Teni had told him a day ago after their return from his trip with Ann.

Suddenly, like a man drunk with new wine, he shouted, "Teni and Felix come over here. I want to talk with both of you." 

Felix hurried into the sitting room, closely followed by Teni.

"Sit, the both of you. I heard a lot has happened at home during my absence and I am beginning to think if the both of you can't take charge of this house if your mum and I are away." He pulsed and drank out of his cup of water placed on a stool near him.