Ruth thought for a while and then glanced at her wristwatch, "It is almost 8 pm already and we have no place to go. We either go to the cave to have some rest or we go elsewhere to find shelter until dawn."

Julie looked away and brought out her touch light. She put it on and walked closer to the cave. She was tired already and then sat down on a flat stone not so far from the entrance door to the cave. 

Suddenly, the stone moved and Julie jumped up.

"What is it," Ruth walked closer.

"The stone, it moved when I sat on it, and I wonder why. Is it trying to tell us something or meant something we don' know about?" 

"Tell us something?" Ruth looked surprised.

Julie pointed her touch light to the stone for a long time, and suddenly the cave was lighted, they withdrew in shock. 

She removed the touch light from the stone, and inside the cave was darkness. She saw it through the cave's window.