"I heard you talking to someone on the phone," Prislla began, "You said I love you too—Dralex, are you hiding something from me? Sex is not for the unmarried. This love thing, I heard you say to your caller, is sex involved?"

Dralex got frozen to a spot at the voice of her mother, Prislla. She turned around finally. She looked at her angry eyes, "Mother it is not what you think. I am innocent, and I can't keep secrets of this magnitude from you, because I have already let you into it in the past—Pero Magasigan called me. He told me he was at the house of Teni but didn't meet her and met Felix instead, who told him we are engaged, and that he should get lost—" 

"What! Unbelievable—is that what he said? Why should he say a thing like that? And lied against you that he was engaged with you—" 

"Felix, Felix is something else. He wants to force himself on me to be his girlfriend and he disrespects my friends especially when the person is a male friend—"