He looked at Ruth, and also gave her an assurance, she crave, "We must stop now, but know that my heart is full of love for you—our marriage will not be long, Ruth. So, please get prepared. I will get you a wedding planner so you work with them. You have waited for too long for me, and now I am ready, and I want the next step to be easy, quick, and stressless—I love you, Ruth." He walked forward and embraced her, and she laid her hands on his broad chest. She knew she had finally found true love. True love that will never be lost. When her eyes meant Pastor Dave once more, and then at the wall clock, she knew, he would not let her go home, not when all these had happened to her. She heard him clear his throat, and what followed next greatly please her.

"Come on, it is getting late already. Let me show you your room, you have to pass the night here. You won't be going home tonight."