Chapter 28-Banquet

The United States and Europe are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, and New York is an important commercial port for commercial trade between North America and Europe.

  The three of Constantine sat in a carriage and drove on a straight and wide road. There were rows of shops on both sides of the street. Through the glass windows of the shops, you could see a dazzling array of goods, neatly displayed, and on the sidewalks on both sides of the road. Pedestrians come and go in an endless stream.

  In the morning, it is the busiest time in a city, especially in a commercial city like New York.

  The carriage stopped in front of a three-story detached building near New York's Central Park. This was Sanford's residence in New York.

  After receiving the news that the three of Constantine were about to arrive, the old man with his left eye wearing a monocle connected by a golden chain waited in front of the apartment.

  It is Sanford, the US ambassador to Greece.

  "Sanford, long time no see," Constantine gave Sanford a hug.

  "It's nice to see you again, Lord Duke," Sanford greeted.

  After the greeting, several people entered Sanford's residence.

  "The location of this house is really good, Mr. Sanford, right next to New York's Central Park. The appreciation can be expected." Constantine came to the back window, with green grass and verdant trees, and the beautiful view of the park. From the bottom of my eyes, fresh air rushed to my face.

  "Haha, since the construction of Central Park was completed 10 years ago, I have been very optimistic about the properties nearby. I bought two houses next to the park, and they have appreciated rapidly recently." Sanford heard Constantine praised his good vision. The old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

  Central Park in New York is the first city Central Park in the United States.

  After the American Civil War, the rapid development of the economy resulted in a large number of people congregating in cities, and the increasingly narrow public green spaces and crowded buildings exposed more and more drawbacks.

  The citizens' demand for fresh air, sunshine, and public green space is becoming more and more urgent.

  This is the reason why Central Park appeared.

  "Then you are going to make a fortune, by the way, Sanford, what happened to the things entrusted to you before?" Constantine asked.

  After the establishment of the Congolese Committee, Sanford has been working hard, just to get in touch with the American power class through his network of relations in the United States.

  "When I returned to Washington to report on duty two years ago, I met the president and asked about his attitude regarding the Congo River Basin issue," Sanford said.

  "How did it turn out?" Constantine asked eagerly.

  "His attitude is not important anymore," Sanford replied with a weird face.

  "Why is his attitude unimportant?" Constantine was confused about Sanford's answer.

  "Because he was dead, on July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was assassinated, and Chester Allen Arthur, the lucky one, became president." Sanford praised, for President Chester His luck is very envious.

  It turned out to be so, Constantine continued to ask: "So what is the attitude of the new president?"

  "I haven't met President Chester in person, but there will be a banquet in New York these two days. I heard that Mr. President will also be attending then. I can introduce you to him. As for his attitude, I don't want to. Okay, but I have already leaked the matter with a few members. According to my judgment, the problem is not big," said Sanford.

  On the evening of October 24, Constantine, who was neatly dressed, took a carriage with Benning and Sanford to a manor in Upstate New York.

  The host of today's banquet is the famous oil king-Rockefeller.

  At about six o'clock, the three got out of the carriage and came to today's banquet hall.

  The hall was full of guests, either sitting at the table enjoying food, or huddling together with champagne. On the intricately patterned carpet in the middle of the hall, men and women danced to the rhythm of the music.

  In the corner is a band: pianists, saxophonists, etc. are playing classic European music on the blue Danube.

  Mr. Rockefeller, dressed in an exquisite suit, stood in the most conspicuous position and saw the arrival of the three of Constantine and stepped forward to greet him.

  "Welcome to my banquet, Mr. Sanford." Of the three, he only knew Sanford.

  "Thank you for your invitation. These two are Constantine and Mr. Banning." Sanford introduced Constantine and Banning to Rockefeller.

  Constantine said; "Congratulations, Mr. Rockefeller, you have established an oil empire."

  "Strictly speaking, I am just a shareholder of Standard Oil," Rockefeller said humbly.

  After the greeting, Constantine found a corner, looked around, and asked Sanford; "Which is Mr. President?"

  Although Rockefeller was the world's first super rich man with assets exceeding one billion US dollars, Constantine did not come to him today.

  "I just asked, Mr. President hasn't arrived yet. Wait a moment. You can enjoy today's banquet. Those who are attending the banquet today are all rich and noble people, Your Excellency," Sanford replied. .

  Constantine sat in a high-back chair with a lack of interest. Whatever it was whether it was rich or expensive, they could not solve their own problems.

  I didn't want Sanford's answer but it was heard by a well-dressed middle-aged lady nearby.

He stepped forward and asked respectfully: "Your Excellency the Duke? Are you a noble gentleman from Europe?"

  Seeing the woman who came to interject rashly, Constantine stunned, stood up and said, "Uh, I'm probably the nobleman in your mouth."

  Constantine couldn't figure out the mind of the man, so he could only deal with it.

  Hearing Constantine's answer, the lady circled Constantine twice, nodding her head while looking, said something in her mouth: "It's really a bit different."

  Constantine was shocked. If it were in Europe, according to etiquette, this lady should bow down and salute.

  But then I thought, this is in the United States, where does the noble etiquette come from.

  "Then which nobleman are you from? Britain? Or Germany?" the lady continued to ask.

  "Constantine from Greece, it's nice to meet you, madam," Constantine said helplessly, looking at the woman like a curious baby.

  "I'm Chrissy Josh." Hearing Constantine's introduction, Chris realized that he hadn't introduced himself yet and hurriedly replied.

  "Greece, is it a European country? Where is her position", Chris continued to ask, frowning.

  Obviously, the answer from Greece made her unsatisfied.

  Constantine felt very embarrassed and awkward, hey, the strength of the Greek country is weak, and it is not ranked in Europe. It is really not well-known in the world!

  I heard that Americans have poor geographical knowledge, so the rumors seem to be true.

  "Greece is at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula in Europe." Constantine could only answer patiently. Although he felt that this person was inexplicable, but offending a lady in a public place such as a banquet, he would appear to be very ungentleman.

  In the heart of Ms. Chris, the status of nobles in different countries is also different.

  For a European power like Britain and Germany, the nobility is probably more noble.

  I only heard Chris whispering in a low voice: "I'm also a Duke anyway, so it should be fine."

  Constantine had no choice but to look at Sanford, hoping that the local snake would come to his rescue.

  Unexpectedly, Sanford winked at Constantine, without any intention of helping.