Now It's Personal

"I'm not going down like a bitch, you fire crotch fuck!" I shouted as I ported to my court summons with Sirzechs Lucifer.

I held six power axes - that's right, six - two in my hands and four more in the robot arms I built onto the back of my power armor. I also mounted up four more Gandr Guns on the arms, cause if 1400 Gandr curses per minute don't get the job done, maybe 4200 would. After all, if the enemy ain't dying, bring more dakka.

My Fifteen woman Peerage teleported in behind me in lesser suits of power armor that had more in common with the Spartan III's Semi Powered Infiltration armor than the Space Marine's Terminator Armor, but I don't really care about them and no amount of power armor is making up the difference in between their middle class strength and the roster of Ultimate Class bad asses Sirzechs' fields.

They were mostly here because I am indeed petty enough to bring them with me to a battle I expect to die in and the absorption fields their armors put out synergize with my own, meaning that as long as we stand together we can absorb a metric shit ton of power, possibly buying us precious seconds for me to fuck someone's day up.

Sirzechs looked amused at the sight of us as he stood next to his sister, and laughed. The fucker laughed.

"What exactly do you think is going on here, Diodora?" he asked after he stifled his giggles.

I didn't lower my power axes or turn off the annihilation fields coating them, "This is the part where you reveal that you are secretly the ultimate bad guy and that we all exist in the world at your pleasure and that I have displeased you and must now die."

"Fucking finally!" he declared and raised his fists into the air, "I keep telling people that I would make for a thrilling antagonist, but Ajuka and Falbium keep laughing at me. Not even my wife believes I could be a proper sinister bad guy. Thank you, Diodora! Finally the respect I so crave!"

His lame outburst might have taken the wind from my sails, but I am too wily to buy into the goofy persona he puts on. There is no way a guy that bad ass is that lame. The whole siscon thing and his totally whipped relationship with his wife. It smells of deception.

"I see you have a fondness for the grim dark future." he smiled, "Come with me. I believe I have something that will put your heart at ease."

I followed the strongest devil through his luxurious house until he turned halfway down a corridor and opened a closet. I stepped up behind him and knew my folly.

"You play ork." I stated after seeing a collected army of greenskin figurines awaiting their chance for WAAAAHHHH.

"Indeed I do." Zirzechs nodded then closed the closet.

"Dude." I sighed, "I totally maligned you, and I am sorry."

"How exactly does my brother's doll collection mean anything?" Rias asked looking very confused.

"They're figurines!" Sirzechs and I both knee jerk responded and he looked into the eye ports of my helmet and we shared a moment of longsuffering.

"To play ork is to give up any notion of control and to wage WAH at the mercy of the dice." I told the girl carrying my baby.

"A mean spirited ork player is an oxymoron, for to play ork one must not care for winning or losing, but only to have a good time." Sirzechs continued the explanation.

"Ork players carry the true spirit of tabletop gaming!" I raised a fist clenched around my axe and powered the weapons down.

"Indeed." agreed Sirzechs, "Can you imagine someone trying to 'win' Dungeons and Dragons? What a sad way to play a game meant to be enjoyed between friends."

"Munchkinery is for real life, not recreational games." I concluded.

Rias looked at the two of us and the disappointment read easily off her open book face.

"You were supposed to be a bad boy, Dio." she stated before turning to walk off to Sirzechs' office.

"I must say, I was very disappointed to discover all that had transpired between you two." Sirzechs stated while looking at his fleeing sister, "But after this meeting I couldn't be more thrilled to welcome you to the family. It is so wonderful to see Rias-tan's love for me play out in her finding a man so like me for her husband, and soon there will be a little Rias-tan running around for us all to fall in love with all over again! Have you seen Rias's baby pictures! They are beyond adorable."

The strongest Devil ran off after his sister, leaving me with a major feeling of battle blue balls and a fair bit of relief.

Looks like today isn't the day I die after all.


Sirzechs had been kind enough to bring me a stool so we could all sit as we waited for the Phenex representative to show up for this debacle. Color me surprised when Riser Phenex showed up.

I figured the family would send someone with more brain cells and charisma to manage the situation, but I guess these were also the people that thought their wildly arrogant and hedonistic son was a good choice for a political marriage. The same willful blindness likely played into their choice now.

"Is that a Warhammer cosplay?" Riser asked with a derisive tone.

"Yeah." I told him.

"You would leave Riser for some nerd?" the loser in a tacky suit spat, "How shameful. You should have stayed in your mother's basement painting your silly statues, Astaroth, for now you will face the flames of the Phoenix for the humiliation you have subjected Riser to."

"So the Phenex Family has chosen to challenge for Rias's hand." Sirzechs translated the retard's unique pattern of speech for us.

"Indeed. The virgin nerd shall burn in the fires of the Chad Phoenix for his crimes." Riser stated then left.

We were silent for a bit until the sound of Sirzechs' clenching his fist rumbled like thunder in the room.

"Dio…" he growled, "Crush that asshole. Make it hurt. Make it… humiliating."

"Why did he call you a virgin?" Rias asked once more in confusion, "Didn't anyone tell him I am having your baby?"

"Some people are too stupid to live." I told her, "But society is structured in such a way that they are insulated from all the shit that should have killed them and spared the rest of us the sound of their voice."

"Indeed." Sirzechs agreed, "Peace is a beautiful thing, but when you meet people like him you can't help but miss war."


I left the meeting with a summons for a high stakes Rating Game to be held in three days. Three days in which I needed to come up with a strategy that both left Riser humiliated, defeated, and showed once and for all who the strongest of the young Devil's is. This couldn't be some complicated strategy or some well fought battle. It needed to be a single glorious curb stomp with a side order of shooting a duce on the fucker's head.

I needed a spell. One insane spell that carried both unstoppable power and utter humiliation, and in this utterly perverted world in which we live in, only one subject carried the true essence of both those things.

I felt dirty even considering it, and hated it from its inception in Japanese ink drawings to modern day. Nothing about it brought me pleasure, and creating the spell churned my stomach, but I gritted my teeth and finished the abomination with more than enough time to recover before my match.

Riser and in fact the whole world would rue the day that up jumped peacock made fun of me and of Warhammer 40K. Vengeance will be mine, and Slaanesh approves.