Killing Shinji

"We've been on this stake out for hours already!" Rin complained as I kept my OP Archer eyes fixed on the Matou Estate.

"We started this Holy Grail war in the best possible way." I grinned while maintaining focus on the prize, "Now we just gotta keep that momentum going by ticking off all the other great things we can do one by one."

"And how is watching the Matou Estate supposed to measure up to making love with me?" Rin growled and raised her fist in my periphery.

"Because we are going to kill Shinji." I answered.

"I am about to attack you." Rin gritted her teeth and her magic crest on her forearm glowed.

"He's been raping your sister for years." I headed that shit off.

"WHAT!" she shrieked and then pulled me up from my squatting position to look at her.

"What did you just say?" she demanded with her face as close to mine as she could get it at our full heights.

"For the last four years, Shinji has been nonconing your sister on the reg." I laid it down bluntly.

Rin face pinched and I'll have to get her a mouth guard before that teeth grinding got any worse, or investigate dental magic.

"FUCK!" She shouted while looking down at the bland rooftop.

"Oh sweet." I sounded when I spotted Shinji leaving to go feed Rider on some unsuspecting townsfolk that pissed him off, "Take all that anger and get ready to throw it at the enemy because I am going to need your help taking down Rider even with her starved for mana."

"What's the plan?" Rin asked while I carried the two of us into an unused back street alley on the route Shinji was taking.

"Call out to him when he passes." I told her while hiding behind a trash enclosure and pulling out my DragonBone GreatBow, "When he enters the alley, put up a Bounded Field and start firing off full power Gandr curses at him as fast as you can. His Servant will move to block the curses, then I will take them both out." I grinned as I knocked a spear sized arrow to my heavy string.

Rin nodded and when Shinji appeared at the mouth of the alley she shouted, "Hey Matou, come over here, I need to show you something."

The dumb fuck smiled that super wide 'I'm gonna rape this bitch' creepy smile and sauntered down the alley with the coordination of a man a three quarts deep. His protector appeared in her lite BDSM outfit the moment the Bounded Field went up, but didn't move until Rin started blasting out Gandr Curses like a machine gun. Medusa defended Shinji faster than Rin could attack and would have been able to block her shots and advance for a kill if not for me popping out of cover bow fully drawn and releasing my arrow with the thunderous clap of the sound barrier breaking.

Medusa had to block the shot on line with slaying her master, but failed to divert the massive arrow as it moved too fast for her diminished abilities to handle. The arrow tore through her belly, her servant constitution keeping her from being completely torn apart, but the man behind her had no such protection as the impact of the shaft moving through him exploded his torso, and I dispersed the arrow as soon as it cleared its scum bag target.

"That's what you get!" Rin shrieked as she saw her sister's rapist get wrecked.

Damn she is just a pleasure to work with if you aren't a total spurg obsessed with killing your past self.

I jogged up to the downed Servant who was applying pressure to the gaping hole in her stomach. A Heroic Spirit with a higher endurance rating could survive that shot, but even in top condition her endurance is only D tier.

"Sorry about this, my love." I stated as I put a hand on hers, "You may not be my Medusa, but it still hurts to see you like this."

"It's not so bad." Medusa faintly smiled, "At least I don't have to keep fighting off that scumbag's advances."

"We take the wins were we find them." I chuckled, "Any last requests?" I asked as I pulled my Skyforge Steel Dagger out to end her.

"You say you love me?" she grinned, "Show me."

Much to her surprise I pulled her blindfold up, the Atronach helped me resist the petrification far more than my Magic Resistance, and kissed her.

"What the hell are you doing!" Rin shouted as she saw the kiss.

"She was my lover in another time and place." I answered and rammed my dagger in Medusa's chest, carving apart her ribs and pulling out her heart which I dug into with great relish.

My time in DxD hadn't afforded me any chances for satisfying my more… primal hungers, and though far from the fine dining experience she deserved, Medusa's heart satisfied my darker urges and filled me with power.

With the act accomplished, Medusa dematerialized and entered the Grail as the first servant nixed in this war.

"So what did you get?" Rin demanded, rather unsympathetic to my current distress.

"Worse than I hoped for, better than I feared."

My strength and agility advanced to B and C tier respectively, and my mana stabilized in E tier. I'd completely scrubbed out on her Noble Phantasms and only picked up B rank Magic Resistance and B rank Monstrous Strength, the latter being the true treasure of the affair.

I looked down at the nameless daggers in my hand and the long chains attached to them. With firm a grip I wrapped the chains over my forearms. It was a slow process as the chains were long.

Standing up, I let out a sigh and then grinned, whipping out the chain daggers in quick succession and reeling them back in with as much slick skill as Medusa and Kratos.

"So what's next in your grand plan?" Rin demanded, still in a humph over my kiss with the enemy.

"We are going to go smack around the voice of a generation and force him to summon: SAIBA!" I yelled the last bit startling the girl.

Not as good as mother fucking vengeance, but small acts of retaliation are still sweet.

Servant: Dio (Archer)


Strength: C+ (38) —>B+ (42)

Endurance: A++ (50 —>52 Surpassed Grail War Imposed Cap)

Agility: D (25) —>C (30)

Mana: E- (10 Unstable) —>E(14)

Luck: B (42—>44)

Noble Phantasm: EX


Magic Resistance: C—>B

Independent Action: A

Aim: A

Battle Continuation: EX

Charisma: A

>Monstrous Strength: B<

Thick Skin: C (Nullifies Strike and Projectile Damage C rank and Below)

Blood Rage: A (Upon Entering Battle can temporarily +Strength and ++Endurance, becoming incapable of feeling pain and regenerating rapidly at the cost of massively increased mana consumption)

Noble Phantasms

Cannibal King: EX (Servants do not dematerialize upon death, allowing Dio to consume them to pilfer 10% of their stats and possible take Skills and Noble Phantasms. Upon Master kill, the servant quickly loses energy until left as a normal human stat wise)

The Atronach: A (50% of incoming magic attacks are converted to usable energy)

Dragon Piercing Shot: A (Anti Fortress, launch one Energy Beam style attack)