Important Notice....

Sorry everyone but i have made some mistakes in this story, so i have stopped updating it. Thanks for spending your valuable time reading this.

Also i have decided to start a new Pokemon fic, so i will really appreciate if you give me a suggestion regarding the new story.

These are the following Pokemon i wanted to give my mc, so please vote one of them. The Pokemon with highest vote will be our Mc's ace Pokemon.

a) Ho-Oh

b) Lugia

c) Reshiram

d) Zekrom

e) Kyurem

Frankly my all time favorite is actually Shiny Rayquaza, but due to its massive size i can't use him.

If you want you can also suggest your favorite Pokemon and the reason you like him.

I want all of you to choose one and i promise to keep writing this new one without stopping in midway.

That's all for now, I'm waiting for your response.